The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Can Ballsack Sports get a blue check? And no I'm not making a blue balls joke, I'm genuinely curious if these types of accounts are eligible to become verified :lol:
Bro this is INSANE to me. No disrespect to Kyrie Irving because he is a human being first and foremost but the fact that the mayor of New York City is "struggling" what to do about a mandate that will only affect a single NBA player is negligent as a leader. The firings you mentioned is an example of the reason why
That guy is a doofus. Every time he opens his mouth, it’s something ridiculous.

Question: can someone smarter than me explain why they can impose the mandate on visiting players since they’re still playing in the city?


Out of pocket :lol: :smh:
Seems like dude is a clown and that Kyrie should have been allowed to play without the shot

Both can be true

Or he could just get the shot. Wiggins did it. It's about sacrifices and not saying Myrie is wrong not to do it. But actions have consequences. It's not something that's not within his control to change. All his other teammates got it. All the Knicks players got it same with the Warriors, Lakers, and Raptors. Advocating for one player is just idiotic especially given the optics of those city workers just getting laid off for not getting vaccinated. That was a consequence of their actions.
Or he could just get the shot. Wiggins did it. It's about sacrifices and not saying Myrie is wrong not to do it. But actions have consequences. It's not something that's not within his control to change. All his other teammates got it. All the Knicks players got it same with the Warriors, Lakers, and Raptors. Advocating for one player is just idiotic especially given the optics of those city workers just getting laid off for not getting vaccinated. That was a consequence of their actions.
Of course it was a consequence of his inaction that’s not up for debate

The rule itself was illogical to begin with and the dude now in office seems like a clown

Again both can be true
We also just have to keep it a buck about Myrie. Dude is mercurial at best, you even take out the vaccine related stuff. Mans has taken PTO for a myriad of reasons over the last few years. He's one of the best talents to ever lace em up, but dude seemingly only wants to do things on his terms, team dynamics and whatever else be damned. This just another instance of that. He's lucky Brooklyn brass don't have enough nuts to sit him for the entire season.
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