The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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This guy just fired 2k people yesterday, yet is "struggling" over one basketball player

Bro this is INSANE to me. No disrespect to Kyrie Irving because he is a human being first and foremost but the fact that the mayor of New York City is "struggling" what to do about a mandate that will only affect a single NBA player is negligent as a leader. The firings you mentioned is an example of the reason why
Adam Silver spoke out against it as well. Basically, saying the same thing as Kyrie. The rules will probably be changed for him.

Funny thing. Myrie is a visiting player tonight as the Nets visit the Knicks but still ineligible to play cause he's a NYC resident. I just find it hard to have sympathy for a guy who knew the rules coming into the season, chooses not to do what it takes to make himself available and then tries to act like he's a victim and calling people puppeteers when they've done what it takes to maintain their livelihoods or don't and face the consequences. Miss me with that.
Funny thing. Myrie is a visiting player tonight as the Nets visit the Knicks but still ineligible to play cause he's a NYC resident. I just find it hard to have sympathy for a guy who knew the rules coming into the season, chooses not to do what it takes to make himself available and then tries to act like he's a victim and calling people puppeteers when they've done what it takes to maintain their livelihoods or don't and face the consequences. Miss me with that.
Yeah see if anyone has sympathy that’s a different story. That seems like a stretch

But then again seems like some people here had sympathy for Ben being held captive so who knows
Yeah see if anyone has sympathy that’s a different story. That seems like a stretch

But then again seems like some people here had sympathy for Ben being held captive so who knows

However you want to frame it, having Silver saying what he said and that clown *** mayor with all that he's battling right now, it's not a good look.
Should have had the Cudder do the lineups :smh:

Adam Silver spoke out against it as well. Basically, saying the same thing as Kyrie. The rules will probably be changed for him.

EYE don't have a problem with Adam or Kyrie speaking against the rule. I am moreso taken aback that the mayor is speaking on it's application to the NBA, specifically ONE player who exercised his freedom in a way that has impacted his availability. It is a slap in the face of the 2,000 others who lost their jobs as a result of the rule but I'm sure Mayor Adams didn't "struggle" with that.
At least published count the vaccination rate was at 95% so we're talking about a miniscule number of players that are affected by these mandates. That's on those players. Cities shouldn't have to change whatever mandates they have to cater to them b/c they don't want to get on board.
However you want to frame it, having Silver saying what he said and that clown *** mayor with all that he's battling right now, it's not a good look.
There's a big difference between feeling pity or sorrow for Irving rather than saying there's a loophole in the mandate
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