The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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The Pistons were just top-to-bottom better than the version of the Lakers team that was in the Finals.

Shaq and Wade’s Heat team losing to the Pistons in the ECF the following season was more of a choke.
Wade was dominating that series. He did what Kobe failed to do against the same team.

Kobe got ridiculously jumpshot happy. As he was known to do. Which was particularly stupid in those Finals considering Tayshaun Prince was guarding him, which was a foolish move given his extreme length, so he could contest every shot. It was also the first finals where Kobe was making it abundantly and selfishly clear he finally wanted to earn a Finals MVP, finally.

Whereas Wade, destroyed Tayshaun and RIP off the dribble getting to the rim, destroying and compromising that amazing defense from the inside out. If Flash didn’t get hurt that series, Miami would’ve won. As they did the next season.

2005 playoffs was where D-Wade clearly took the reigns from Shaq as the teams best player too.

The 2004 Lakers were an older team, but talent wise? They still had more talent. They literally had FOUR Hall of Famer starters.

That Pistons team has maybe three? Possibly four if you count RIP Hamilton, but I don’t think he will be a Hall of Famer. Just Billups, Ben Wallace, and Rasheed. They had a better bench, yes. But the first five players on both teams, they were pretty equal, even with the advanced ages of Gary Payton and Karl Malone.

But the Lakers had higher top end talent. The two absolute best players in the series were Shaq and Kobe (both top 5) and then Billups and then Rasheed. Karl Malone was injured that series, if he wasn’t, I think it could’ve changed the entire complexity of the series.
Nah. Zo better than Yao and Dikembe and got a ring. Zo was the Dwight prototype. Undersized C who were super athletic. Zo was better on offense though.

Zo was 20-10 and 3 blocks per in his prime

Zo played like 10 MPG during that Finals, man :lol: . And again I am going to leave who is the better player, eras, etc. out of it. If I was looking at blind resumes, then I think Dikembe gets the nod.

Zo was the far superior offensive player and as good as he was on defense, Dikembe still has more 4 more All-Defense, 2 more DPOY, 1 more All-NBA and 1 more AS appearance.
Ray > Reggie
100% and I love Reggie Miller.

Ray proved he could be an elite over 25 point per game scorer and creator off the dribble. A franchise center piece. Reggie never did that.

They’re both clutch as ****.

They both can play off the ball.

Ray revamped his game joining the Celtics, making the big three work, because it wasn’t three ball dominant guys. He moved without the ball just as well as and kind of became a modern Reggie. An incredibly high motor and stamina and insane catch and shoot player.

And in my personal opinion, shooters that move without the ball are way more difficult to guard that somebody who just wants to dribble right in front of you.
Reggie Miller is a fraud man. Wild that he's up there with these people. Like CJ McCollum is way better at BASKETBALL than Reggie Miller is.
Bruh. Stop.

I like CJ, but you’re being confused with fancy modern ball handling exclusively as means to justify who the better player is …

Reggie 18/3/3 - 18 seasons
McCollum 19/3/3 - 9 seasons

Reggie was 20/3/3 his first 9 seasons.

Those career averages will dip once he enters his twilight seasons. Come back in 9 seasons and let’s re-evaluate.

Don’t confuse the aesthetics to their game being different, let alone different playing style of the era to account for CJ being a better ball player. Their production as it stands is roughly the same. Albeit Reggie played double the amount of time CJ has logged so far.

Reggie’s era is way more physical. And referees were a lot more strict on what you were allowed to do in terms of dribbling.
Reggie Miller is a fraud man. Wild that he's up there with these people. Like CJ McCollum is way better at BASKETBALL than Reggie Miller is.

Big Eddie House

I've been rocking with people turning the volume up on the Reggie and TMac slander campaigns over the past week but these two takes right here are something else :lol:
Bruh. Stop.

I like CJ, but you’re being confused with fancy modern ball handling exclusively as means to justify who the better player is …

Reggie 18/3/3 - 18 seasons
McCollum 19/3/3 - 9 seasons

Reggie was 20/3/3 his first 9 seasons.

Those career averages will dip once he enters his twilight seasons. Come back in 9 seasons and let’s re-evaluate.

Don’t confuse the aesthetics to their game being different, let alone different playing style of the era to account for CJ being a better ball player. Their production as it stands is roughly the same. Albeit Reggie played double the amount of time CJ has logged so far.

Reggie’s era is way more physical. And referees were a lot more strict on what you were allowed to do in terms of dribbling.
true enough. defense back then was air tight that you can barely breathe. I watched so many games where Reggie ran into multiple screens just to get away from his defender. also, the infamous Jordan shove in that Bulls-Pacers series. don't let that lanky frame fool you. Reggie is a damn competitor.


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Just like WR and QB statistics have gotten out of control due to the new NFL rules…..

Same as NBA. Dudes can’t even be leaned on these days without a foul…

Can’t dismiss the 90s when the game was played and officiated much differently
Reggie just light skint Micheal Finley without hops. Fitting his name because associated with unsatisfactory weed that doesn't get you where you need to go

Everybody can’t smoke gas or high grade. Some people still need zone…

Or colombian gold
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