The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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That’s the same level of racism brothers throw at white players all the time.

Like when Dennis Robman said Larry Bird, a Mt Rushmore Player would be just another player if he was black.

Or the constant low-key sneak dis guys like Luka Doncick, Dirk Nowitzki, hell even forgotten guys like Mark Price or Steve Nash get.

White dudes that literally dog walked the vast majority of superior black athletes throughout the league.

I experienced it coming up in basketball whether it was BCI or AAU, or even if I jumped in random pick up games on the west side of Chicago, just to get some healthy challenge. Always underrated, until you’re out there busting their ***.

I love Kyrie Irving, yet he said it’s racist that Jerry West is the logo. I’m like why? Why is there no accusations of racism for that? In basketball the white dude is the minority.

In terms of shooting guards, Jerry is the fourth best ever, if you have him as a point guard, he’s like the fifth best ever.

And unlike a contemporary loser like say Oscar Robertson, Jerry West was a better teammate, leader, clutch player, and defender. If anything you would want a white guy to be the logo, because it appeals to white viewers who wouldn’t necessarily be as invested because they don’t see themselves represented in the league full of predominantly black players.

If anything, it’s usually basketball racism is hating on white guys. Let’s not get it twisted

What the f*** is this s*** and why is it on my screen.
Reggie Miller was overrated man. I was saying that on ezboard before y'all lump me in. NBA was desperate for a new mega star once MJ dipped and they were grasping. Penny was on the come up, but they needed a new Mr. Right now. Reggie benefitted from that.

He'd average 25+ in today's league easily.

No doubt though.
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Truth hurts. Scroll past. Not difficult.

You seem to be really new here…but you aren’t telling anybody anything they don’t already know or understand about basketball stereotypes, and white/black/foreign relations to it. We have these convos all the time…and most of it is understood, it’s actually really simple.

But the fact you ended your diatribe with “basketball racism is hating on white guys”….let’s all of us know what time you’re on.

You’d have to ignore the entire history and the system of pro ball (and America frankly) to come to that conclusion. And it’s very, very telling that you did that.

I’m sure you’re silent on mark Cubans comments, the dress code, ownership, the color barrier, white fans abandoning basketball post bird/MJ, the dog whistles, the calling nba players privileged thugs. The dynamic between ownership and players. The ncaa system. The SCHOOLING system. The commodification of black talent from underserved neighborhoods at the level to feed private schools talents and $$$. And this is just like a small portion of the actual racism in basketball/sports. And only the recent ****

For you to confuse basketball stereotypes with actual racism as you come in hot, like you’re telling anybody anything is hilariously sad.

But keep going tho.
No one with a brain disrespects Luka or Dirk either.


Lamelo > Luka
That’s the same level of racism brothers throw at white players all the time.

Like when Dennis Robman said Larry Bird, a Mt Rushmore Player would be just another player if he was black.

Or the constant low-key sneak dis guys like Luka Doncick, Dirk Nowitzki, hell even forgotten guys like Mark Price or Steve Nash get.

White dudes that literally dog walked the vast majority of superior black athletes throughout the league.

I experienced it coming up in basketball whether it was BCI or AAU, or even if I jumped in random pick up games on the west side of Chicago, just to get some healthy challenge. Always underrated, until you’re out there busting their ***.

I love Kyrie Irving, yet he said it’s racist that Jerry West is the logo. I’m like why? Why is there no accusations of racism for that? In basketball the white dude is the minority.

In terms of shooting guards, Jerry is the fourth best ever, if you have him as a point guard, he’s like the fifth best ever.

And unlike a contemporary loser like say Oscar Robertson, Jerry West was a better teammate, leader, clutch player, and defender. If anything you would want a white guy to be the logo, because it appeals to white viewers who wouldn’t necessarily be as invested because they don’t see themselves represented in the league full of predominantly black players.

If anything, it’s usually basketball racism is hating on white guys. Let’s not get it twisted

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