The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I have no problem with name calling. But if you won't say it to dude's face I don't think you should say it period.

This is a good rule of thumb. And I'm not trying to nitpick but does that apply to NT and the nicknames we use for players on here? Like I am not fond of Russ (or Rust as I like to say) but if I were to ever see him in person and have a conversation, his play wouldn't be a topic of conversation so there wouldn't be an opportunity for me to say "Westbrick", "Rust" or anything negative since by all accounts he's a great human being. What's the guideline there?

Kyrie is another good example. He gets a lot of slander on social media, mainstream media and even NT but I don't think his vaccine status or beliefs about the shape of the earth would come up if they crossed paths with him. Does that make someone a hypocrite?
:rofl: @ "Rust"

Out of respect I didn't want to call the "Death Threats" bogus but I just want to know what was said.
This is a good rule of thumb. And I'm not trying to nitpick but does that apply to NT and the nicknames we use for players on here? Like I am not fond of Russ (or Rust as I like to say) but if I were to ever see him in person and have a conversation, his play wouldn't be a topic of conversation so there wouldn't be an opportunity for me to say "Westbrick", "Rust" or anything negative since by all accounts he's a great human being. What's the guideline there?

Kyrie is another good example. He gets a lot of slander on social media, mainstream media and even NT but I don't think his vaccine status or beliefs about the shape of the earth would come up if they crossed paths with him. Does that make someone a hypocrite?

I'd say NT is different than social media because those players don't have accounts here or at least I think they do not. It's a big difference between making jokes here and sending direct messages to someone's social media account.
Definitely having a full blown convo if I see Keyon Dooling or Will Bynum out here.
Outside of a head nod, why even speak to an athlete?

Ive run into a few athletes while at Barneys. Dapped up PJ Tucker just said good luck with the season, same with Randle. Dudes hand was so big I dapped him and swear his fingers touched my forearm. Seen Becky Hammon and told her tell Chuck chill with the churro big ol women jokes.

Yeah I still dunno why I said that of all things to Becky but hey.
Depends on the situation. At a game, yea it’s annoying

Casual setting, I’m getting my Drake on and being a groupie lol

Have some dignity

Definitely having a full blown convo if I see Keyon Dooling or Will Bynum out here.
Yeah they aren’t stars and are probably likely to chat.

I met Draymond the year before they won 73. It was at a gym. I congratulated him and talked about the adjustments he made when the doubles came to Steph. Like that was it.

If I saw him at the mall no way am I trying to chop it up with him.
I think a lot of fans are just looking for Russ to be accountable for his poor play and decisions making like Magic said on Countdown. Dude doesn’t help himself with his piss poor attitude to the media and his “no expectations” when he’s playing for a championship org. Fans are always gonna take it to far tho. Social media has only shed more light on the foolishness/racism
RE: Russ

Never cool when folks are going at people's families. Especially since none of those fools would say ANY of those things face to face.

But Russ also has to know that getting into shouting matches with folks on the sidelines for their words will do nothing but make people do it even more. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

BUt we are human, so I can't REALLY say what he should/shouldn't do.

But I would like to see a fan get knocked out and held accountable for their actions.
Just have you and your fam leave it alone or play better and talk yo **** is the only way to handle these type of things with the fans …Going back and forth with em while you suck just makes it worse for everybody
Damn, I thought there was only 1 kind of death threat & now picasso swerve picasso swerve threw up a curveball.


Idk what difference it makes, trolling or not, I’m going to be very defensive about that because that threat is certainly beyond basketball. Like, trolling or not, how ugly of a person you must be to type/write & send that to another person?

I’m handling everyone of those threats like it’s legit cuz none of these losers taking my job too seriously is gonna catch me slipping.
Westbrook has been horrendous all year. But 99.9% of the people talking crazy to dude and his wife wouldn't do it in public.

He's 6'3 200 lb and would be Alvin Kamara at the Pro Bowl all over again.
I would never ever make death threats to ANYONE, even if I am joking. But I think it's time for Wes to get traded or to retire. He just ain't hittin and he's bringing down the Lakers
Damn, I thought there was only 1 kind of death threat & now picasso swerve picasso swerve threw up a curveball.


Idk what difference it makes, trolling or not, I’m going to be very defensive about that because that threat is certainly beyond basketball. Like, trolling or not, how ugly of a person you must be to type/write & send that to another person?

I’m handling everyone of those threats like it’s legit cuz none of these losers taking my job too seriously is gonna catch me slipping.

I did? Explain only 1 kind of death threat you mean sir.

these "fans" have a history of violence
also, said this in the past, they always attack the athletes they think are "soft"
i just recall desean jackson, snoop, and som rappers going at danny, but would never say it to his face if they sat front row
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