The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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We definitely not doing this. :lol: Philly fans are league wide considered the worst for a reason.

also, if you want to discuss worst fans I would suggest starting with those who felt it necessary to defend a blatantly racist team name and/or team logos

Then I’d move on to any team fan base that has thousands of white people doing the ‘chop‘ on a weekly basis after they massacred those people, stole their land and demonized them as the ‘bad guys’ for entertainment purposes

majority of fans are bottom of the barrel…
Cowboys fan here, some of us are pretty chill, we spend most of our time making fun of the team with other fans. I remember back in the day when I first joined NT someone posted a funny *** video of a Cowboys fan and Giants fan getting into it in front of the Cowboys fan’s Ol Lady. The Giants fan hit dude so hard that his pants fell all the way down. The funniest thing I’ve ever seen on here. Since then, I just don’t take any of it that seriously
RE: Russ

Never cool when folks are going at people's families. Especially since none of those fools would say ANY of those things face to face.

But Russ also has to know that getting into shouting matches with folks on the sidelines for their words will do nothing but make people do it even more. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

BUt we are human, so I can't REALLY say what he should/shouldn't do.

But I would like to see a fan get knocked out and held accountable for their actions.
He should ask himself what made him and his a family a target in the first place. I know there are lot's of crazies out there but what drove these people to the extreme. I believe if he was more of a pacifist, people would less likely react to such behavior.
He should ask himself what made him and his a family a target in the first place. I know there are lot's of crazies out there but what drove these people to the extreme. I believe if he was more of a pacifist, people would less likely react to such behavior.
Russ keep using that 'bigger than basketball' and family talk as an easy out... big baby *** ***** just butthurt on getting called out for being trash stop with the deflection :lol:
bigger than basketball? then what the hell is he still doing in the NBA? just retire already.
This is why I never really had a problem with Artest jumping in the stands.

If you want to take it to that level, beyond just boos and chants.....okay we can do that

Only mistake he made was going at the wrong dude :lol:
the one with Artest I couldn't support. he instigated it.
Cowboys fan here, some of us are pretty chill, we spend most of our time making fun of the team with other fans. I remember back in the day when I first joined NT someone posted a funny *** video of a Cowboys fan and Giants fan getting into it in front of the Cowboys fan’s Ol Lady. The Giants fan hit dude so hard that his pants fell all the way down. The funniest thing I’ve ever seen on here. Since then, I just don’t take any of it that seriously

not saying all of y’all.. and sadly it ain’t just an American thing either, got numerous examples

just funny to me when I see stuff on Philly fans like their some next level terrible.. we literally watching lakers players go at it with lakers fans and they have a rep of being chill

when I think of bad fans, I don’t think of the fans that boo or are actually invested

i think of the stories of fans who will go and find personal shh on players and chant that shh.. duke fans are known for this dumb shh
He should ask himself what made him and his a family a target in the first place. I know there are lot's of crazies out there but what drove these people to the extreme. I believe if he was more of a pacifist, people would less likely react to such behavior.

Nothing he has said or done should have made his family a target
by all accounts he's a great human being. What's the guideline there?
I couldn't say someone is great unless he has done some "great things" to other people pro-actively other than a husband and a family man. for a man who is making excuses that he is a great human being, it's funny that he shows lack of humility.
If Westbrook simply owned up to his bad gameplay he’d have less heat on him. He’s only making things worse with the constant deflections and topic changing
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