The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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I ain’t reading all that lol

I started to but dude is taking forever to get to the point lol

Anyway, whatever gets more people upset I'm here for.

For example, if Player A played 56 games and scored 1,590 points (28.4 ppg), Player A could still qualify for the league lead if his average (27.4) with that same point total (1,590) over 58 games was higher than any other player.

A past example: Gerald Wallace collected 138 steals in 55 games (2.51 spg) during the 2005-06 season. Wallace would have still led the league in steals because his average with 58 games (2.38 spg) would have been greater than the 2.28 spg of Brevin Knight, the leader among players who met the 58-game qualifier.
I ain’t reading all that lol
:lol: basically if you miss the min games they take your total and divide it over the min games to give you an “adjusted” per game number. If it’s higher than everyone else’s you win.

Example, you finish with 56 games played and got 112 steals, so 2 per game. They take that 112 and divide it over 58 to give you a 1.93 average.

If nobody else beat 1.93 you’re the winner. A very cheap loophole

The odds of Bron doing that are as slim as the Lakers getting in the playoffs so it’s a moot point. Silver should close that loophole tho
Bron's gonna need 50+ if he only plays one more game.

He's chucking on Thursday fa sho
He's been more vocal this season than in years past it feels like, never expected him to walk anything back though :lol:

The discourse was getting crazy though, folks were bringing up his sons rapsheet and what not
The reach of receipt-pulling on social media is truly wild. Like how Zoe Kravitz got called out for being a pedo over shading the Will Smith slap. Everything is fair game it seems.
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