The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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His most accurate posts are also his most extremely sarcastic posts. I gotta give him credit though, he was spot on.

Completely accidentally, but still.





The non-sarcastic ones though... oh boy.






In the beginning of the season I was all on this rumor because Bron has no problem bailing on a bad situation…

But when that report of Dan Gilbert came out, it changed my mind.

I truly believe the Cavs want no part of that right now. They don’t want to deal with Klutch and getting their franchise hijacked with so many young talented players.

They’re trying to do their own thing. Which I don’t blame them.

No need for them to hijack. They have a core in place already. Unlike any other time he's changed teams...there's 3 All Star caliber players already in town (1 on a rookie deal), of which none would need to be moved to make room for him.
No necessity for him to bring some other "superstar" with him this time around.

I wouldn't recommend it if I were the Cavs :lol: But there's a clear basketball fit there.

BTW they're already dealing w/ Klutch with 2 players on the roster currently (SexLand).
Westbrook had a simple task on this Lakers team... Increase your defensive acumen, slash to the basket. Don't prioritize hoisting up bricks.

Simple... And stupid that he couldn't do that.

What do you want him to do, average 35, 15 and 15 or sumn?

Or whatever that bum said in that post game. :lol: Named my corgi after him when I first got him years ago, been calling him Luka now.
What do you want him to do, average 35, 15 and 15 or sumn?
I don't care what he does, I'm not a Lakers fan or a Westbrook fan. In fact, I've hated Westbrook as a player for a while now. But I don't subscribe to the train of thought that a professional basketball player and former MVP can only be effective if he plays the role that suits him best.

Will there be a drop off if a player is asked to do something slightly different? Sure. But Westbrook is perfectly capable of playing average defense, being aggressive and not hoisting up complete jokes of a shot.

If he does those 3 things and rebounds like he's capable of, the Lakers are easily in the playoffs. Imo
I don't care what he does, I'm not a Lakers fan or a Westbrook fan. In fact, I've hated Westbrook as a player for a while now. But I don't subscribe to the train of thought that a professional basketball player and former MVP can only be effective if he plays the role that suits him best.

Will there be a drop off if a player is asked to do something slightly different? Sure. But Westbrook is perfectly capable of playing average defense, being aggressive and not hoisting up complete jokes of a shot.

If he does those 3 things and rebounds like he's capable of, the Lakers are easily in the playoffs. Imo

It was a joke in reference to that post game presser he had. I literally referred to it in my next line.

He said “what you want me to do, do 35, 15 15? I cant do that” something like that and everyone was like “no Russ, youre missing the point, thats NOT what we want you to do”. Shay Shay had a field day with that. :lol:
No need for them to hijack. They have a core in place already. Unlike any other time he's changed teams...there's 3 All Star caliber players already in town (1 on a rookie deal), of which none would need to be moved to make room for him.
No necessity for him to bring some other "superstar" with him this time around.

I wouldn't recommend it if I were the Cavs :lol: But there's a clear basketball fit there.

BTW they're already dealing w/ Klutch with 2 players on the roster currently (SexLand).

Oh the basketball fit is absolutely there. They’d be contenders. Agreed there.

A rational Owner or GM would welcome it…..

But that Dan Gilbert man. He really seems tired of this..
My theory is Russ becoming a family man threw him off his game. He spent more time being a dad and less time mastering his craft. Nothing wrong with it but l think that's why he fell off.
My theory is Russ becoming a family man threw him off his game. He spent more time being a dad and less time mastering his craft. Nothing wrong with it but l think that's why he fell off.

hes just not good, the wizards traded him away. why? they have Beal and they said nah we had enough westbrook, houston? build around westbrook? nah we had enough, lakers? they had enough before the trade deadline, NOBODY wanted him.

its going to be comical when they cant trade him this offseason and lebron requests a trade for zero assets in return to the cavs or whatever team he wants to go to....

who wants westbrook other than his family? the lakers legit have to give up 1-2 firsts to unload him, which lebron will want them to do, will lakers do it? nah they know whats going to happen lebron is going to bounce sooner rather than later. expect AD to follow as well.
Wasted a good individual year from Bron, next year will be worse cause he gotta catch Kareem.

Bron is 1326 pts away from passinf Kareem, by all star break if healthy, he’ll get that

Cavs all hurt by playoffs, we prolly lost both play-in games smh but getting a lotto pick prolly better for the future
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