The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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We bout to have a big meat thread (PAUSE) today? Aight boys, it’s that time to ask…how are you getting y’all meat done (PAUSE)? When I was eating meat I was going at least medium rare but if it’s a spot I trusted….give me that rare. If I was SUPER confident in the establishment then I’d get blue rare on deck. YALL will call me a savage for that move but you can’t knock it until you try it
Medium on the usual, and rare once a year. Took a while for me to get on the wave, Jamaican people don't eat this uncooked meat man. But it really is just better.
We bout to have a big meat thread (PAUSE) today? Aight boys, it’s that time to ask…how are you getting y’all meat done (PAUSE)? When I was eating meat I was going at least medium rare but if it’s a spot I trusted….give me that rare. If I was SUPER confident in the establishment then I’d get blue rare on deck. YALL will call me a savage for that move but you can’t knock it until you try it
I love steaks and prefer mine nowadays on the medium on most days and medium-rare on very rare occasions. tried the rare side a couple of times but they just weren't that good to me nor palatable.
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