The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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The Jordan Peele Get Out x NBA collab
OKC could have kept CP3 and improve on the margins and they’d be a top 3 seed. Instead they decided to tank so they can be a 7 seed in 2028
Good for voters to finally stop rewarding a dude just for being tall. It’s a perimeter oriented game and Marcus defends 1-4 out there pretty much as well as you could possibly ask. Constantly blows up plays. Opposing offenses NEVER scheme for him to be in the action. Mikal Bridges also would’ve been a good choice.
Good for voters to finally stop rewarding a dude just for being tall. It’s a perimeter oriented game and Marcus defends 1-4 out there pretty much as well as you could possibly ask. Constantly blows up plays. Opposing offenses NEVER scheme for him to be in the action. Mikal Bridges also would’ve been a good choice.
Dawg all the smoke was given out yesterday in the playoff thread, I was waiting for y’all Boston fans to respond. The rudy love came outta nowhere lmao
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