The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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So we going to eliminate Kobe from this conversation too? Durant as well?


Idk that I'd say either are the most skilled OFFENSIVE players. Scorers yes. But playing without the ball and playmaking are skills. Kobe and Kevin both outproduce Kyrie pretty much in every offensive category there is. Kobe is the best facilitator out of the 3...which should really give some insight into how insane it is to call Kyrie the most skilled offensive player lol
Idk that I'd say either are the most skilled OFFENSIVE players. Scorers yes. But playing without the ball and playmaking are skills. Kobe and Kevin both outproduce Kyrie pretty much in every offensive category there is. Kobe is the best facilitator out of the 3...which should really give some insight into how insane it is to call Kyrie the most skilled offensive player lol

Yeah I’m going to have to disagree with Kobe being a better facilitator because neither of those dudes want to pass.

Again most skilled doesn’t mean better player. At 6-6 and 7-1 id expect them to out produce the smaller guy

It’s not insane to me
Other dude just did.
Yeah I’m going to have to disagree with Kobe being a better facilitator because neither of those dudes want to pass.

Again most skilled doesn’t mean better player. At 6-6 and 7-1 id expect them to out produce the smaller guy

It’s not insane to me

None of them do honestly, I'll just say Kobe and Kyrie are going to give you about the same level of playmaking but one is giving you far more scoring output. Kyrie is not more skilled solely because he can score pretty. It's why I asked what makes him more skilled than Steve Nash? The willingness to shoot instead of passing? Every offensive discussion with him begins and ends with his scoring prowess, and he's nowhere near elite(historically) to even come to this type of conclusion. Production is part of evaluating your skill set, unless someone wants to come in here claiming Sheed and DC are the most skilled 4's ever
None of them do honestly, I'll just say Kobe and Kyrie are going to give you about the same level of playmaking but one is giving you far more scoring output. Kyrie is not more skilled solely because he can score pretty. It's why I asked what makes him more skilled than Steve Nash? The willingness to shoot instead of passing? Every offensive discussion with him begins and ends with his scoring prowess, and he's nowhere near elite(historically) to even come to this type of conclusion. Production is part of evaluating your skill set, unless someone wants to come in here claiming Sheed and DC are the most skilled 4's ever

So who is more skilled than Kyrie? Should we change to to most offensively skilled guard ever?
None of them do honestly, I'll just say Kobe and Kyrie are going to give you about the same level of playmaking but one is giving you far more scoring output. Kyrie is not more skilled solely because he can score pretty. It's why I asked what makes him more skilled than Steve Nash? The willingness to shoot instead of passing? Every offensive discussion with him begins and ends with his scoring prowess, and he's nowhere near elite(historically) to even come to this type of conclusion

I’m not enamored with how it looks. and I've calling Myrie a 2 on here for at least 10 years.

you going to make them boys come for me but its a 1.5 ppg difference between bean and myrie. playoffs or regular season. take a guess at who is more efficient too. AGAIN, bean is the better player. that's not the argument.

Nash is cleary the better passer. that's it. Nash didn't play off the ball unless he was spotting up. and again myrie can do that too. elite catch and shoot guy. myries unwillingness to pass hurts as much as Nash's unwillingness to be more aggressive

every facet of offense, myrie is great. but he will shoot you out of a game. he will have tunnel vision. he is different dude but these aren't a skill thing, that's a personality issue.
Michael Jordan is a guard. I've now asked you twice what makes Kyrie more skilled than Nash

This is a silly question mate. Nash is not the offensive player Kyrie is. Better facilitator sure, but getting to basket, creating your own shot,
finishing at the basket. Cmon man. :lol:
I’m not enamored with how it looks. and I've calling Myrie a 2 on here for at least 10 years.

you going to make them boys come for me but its a 1.5 ppg difference between bean and myrie. playoffs or regular season. take a guess at who is more efficient too. AGAIN, bean is the better player. that's not the argument.

Nash is cleary the better passer. that's it. Nash didn't play off the ball unless he was spotting up. and again myrie can do that too. elite catch and shoot guy. myries unwillingness to pass hurts as much as Nash's unwillingness to be more aggressive

every facet of offense, myrie is great. but he will shoot you out of a game. he will have tunnel vision. he is different dude but these aren't a skill thing, that's a personality issue.

They gone come for you because you know that's heavily affected by Kobe's injury years lol. I agree with the unwilligness between Nash and Rie, that's kind of the point though. Steve CAN do all of those things to and chose not to. So essentially you're (not you personally) making this assertion based in theory not what he actually does in practice. Because in practice, Steve was the far superior offensive player solely based on the fact that his presence alone made better overall offense than Ky ever did. Ky is fanstatic in isolation, possibly the best little guard we've seen in iso...but that doesn't make you the most skilled on offense overall. That's all
This is a silly question mate. Nash is not the offensive player Kyrie is. Better facilitator sure, but getting to basket, creating your own shot,
finishing at the basket. Cmon man. :lol:

Yeah, you did not watch the Suns obviously. Like I said, the discussion for Kyrie begins and ends with scoring.
They gone come for you because you know that's heavily affected by Kobe's injury years lol. I agree with the unwilligness between Nash and Rie, that's kind of the point though. Steve CAN do all of those things to and chose not to. So essentially you're (not you personally) making this assertion based in theory not what he actually does in practice. Because in practice, Steve was the far superior offensive player solely based on the fact that his presence alone made better overall offense than Ky ever did. Ky is fanstatic in isolation, possibly the best little guard we've seen in iso...but that doesn't make you the most skilled on offense overall. That's all
he's not just fantastic in iso though. he's fantastic off the ball. fantastic at catching and shooting. gratin pick and roll finishing. he can post. his 2 dribble pull up game is on par with anyone not named MJ or Durant. myrie chooses not to pass. that's not a lie but he can make every pass any PG can. I'm saying he has no flaws on offensive. unless you say him not drawing fouls at a high enough rate counts and that's fair

at the end of the day, myrie not passing didn't cost him a title while you can argue Nash not shooting did. and Nash is my guy. been him
Yeah, you did not watch the Suns obviously. Like I said, the discussion for Kyrie begins and ends with scoring.

So Nash is on the same level as Kyrie offensively?

You all over the place man. What are you even trying to say with this Nash and Ky thing. :lol:
he's not just fantastic in iso though. he's fantastic off the ball. fantastic at catching and shooting. gratin pick and roll finishing. he can post. his 2 dribble pull up game is on par with anyone not named MJ or Durant. myrie chooses not to pass. that's not a lie but he can make every pass any PG can. I'm saying he has no flaws on offensive. unless you say him not drawing fouls at a high enough rate counts and that's fair

at the end of the day, myrie not passing didn't cost him a title while you can argue Nash not shooting did. and Nash is my guy. been him

Similarly, you can argue that Ky is never leading a team to the level that Nash is due to his unwillingness to pass while Nash consistently lead the best offenses without shooting.

I agree Kyrie doesn't have a flaw. I'd argue Chris Paul(for example) has no flaw. That doesn't make one the most skilled ever is all I'm saying. We can all agree he's an elite level offensive player without going all the way to best ever.
So Nash is on the same level as Kyrie offensively?

You all over the place man. What are you even trying to say with this Nash and Ky thing. :lol:

He led exponentially better offenses. You can't wrap your head around offense does not only mean individual scoring skills
He led exponentially better offenses. You can't wrap your head around offense does not only mean individual scoring skills

So Nash is on the same level offensively as Kyrie for other things than scoring. Got it. :lol:

Should I change it to individual scoring skill? Jeezus ******* christ. Tf. :lol:
So Nash is on the same level offensively as Kyrie for other things than scoring. Got it. :lol:

Should I change it to individual scoring skill? Jeezus ****ing christ. Tf. :lol:

Uh yeah, because he led better offenses.

I said at the beginning scoring skill but you wanted to put your head in the sand
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