The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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We conduct a league wide, data driven coaching search and land on Steve Clifford as a top three candidate.

BIG yikes.


Hello Ant Jr. I saw your ad/request and thought I may be able to help. Since CAMP ANT is starting soon and YOU are looking for a tug-o-war partner or 2, me and my closest friends may be able to assist YOU, al song as it is ok with your Pops of course.

I have 8 dogs at my house and a huge back yard, interested so far young man ??? ...... They are comprised of 2 pit bulls, 2 labradors, 1 Boston Terrier ( dont worry he is not from boston ) 1 Americal Bulldog, andd 2 French Bulldogs. I am sure my 2 Pits Magic and Kareem would LOVE LOVE LOVE to play tug and anyting else your amazing heart desires all dai and all night, as after so much time together they tire of each other quickly and look to get into trouble which none of us need, so YOU would be helping me as much as we may be able to help you sir. Also in case you are wondering my wife aside from her regular job is heavily involved with a dog rescue so she wont be around too much to yell at us and tell us to be quiet and such, if that sorta thing bother YOU.

When your Pops gets a free minute or 2 run the idea by HIM, IF you are BOTH interested just get at me and we CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN. I am sending this to YOU because I know Pops is busy becoming the Most Dangerous Man On The Planet, please let Him know I did not want to disrespect Him at all, just dont want to be more of a bother than I already may be being.

TBH I enjoy the company of canines more than anyone else, they dont lie, cheat, steal or manipulate in any way, and what is GOD spelled backwards Good Sir ? :D

We are available at any time and everybody gets along very very very well so YOU would be a warmly welcomed part of this well oiled machine.

Eagerly Awaiting Y'alls Response,

Jack Of Diamonds, MD
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