The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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It’s funny that people are still complaining about Poole not winning MIP. Nobody ever gave a damn about that award until it was a Warriors player that got snubbed
Feels like it'll be the Eastern Conference teams (Hawks, Hornets, Raptors) would be more interested in Gobert than Western Conference.
I've been calling for Donovan to Toronto. Let Rudy stay in Utah

Any of FVV, OG, Trent, Precious for Donovan and whomever else
I think Rudy would flourish there, and then get to have his revenge on the Jazz. Either the Mavs, Hawks, or Hornets are ideal fits.
Jesus man

At what cost would it take to actually acquire him?

Would have to gut the Mavs already weak roster

If somehow they could get him and keep all their core, sure. Otherwise you don't ever speak that on us again
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