The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^Damn....where the hell have you been. So after you sell that, are you left with like 10 lenses? Haha. But are you still shooting with the 1D Mark III?
Haha. I'm still around. I just haven't been posting. I just post my work in my Tumblr and my blog. I still shoot with my 5D2 (main) and 1D3 (backup). After selling my 24L and now the 85L II, I'm left with the 15FE, 35L, TS-E 45, 50L, 100 macro and 70-200 2.8 IS. I actually debated whether to sell the 50 or the 85 but I kept the 50 just because I found myself using the 85 far less. I just haven't really had the need to shoot from afar. In fact I could live without all the other lenses except for the 35L. Better believe I'll never give that one up
copped the t2i...cannot frickin wait for it to come in. also built my own light tent this past weekend. will post pics when I get the cam
Originally Posted by Steinbeckballa

Don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I was wondering what's the best camera to buy under $200?

Any Canon point and shoot in that price range. No specific model but I would get a Canon over any other brand.

Also I'd like to note that those stupid touch screen pocket cams like the Nikon one (S80) that Ashton is advertising is the biggest waste of money ever. My sister in-law has that and it takes the worst pictures ever.
photographic cliches

The Fine Art and Documentary photographers take great pride in thinking themselves superior to the other main genres of photography, such as the family snap shooter or the amateur photographer, as personified by camera club imagery. However, after 30/40 years of viewing our work, I have come to the conclusion that we too are fairly predictable in what we photograph.

I include myself in this, and have been very careful to try and think of new territories to explore, but recognise that very often I also indulge in the list outlined below. I am aware of the basic rules, which dominate our work, and want to now attempt to group some of the more dominant strands of contemporary practice.

This core subject matter and approach is also constantly shifting and changing as new photographers arrive and have an impact on our accumulative photographic culture and language. I have a rapacious desire to look at new work and do this through books, magazines, and of course exhibitions. Most of the work I see is generic; in so far I can read the influences. It is when the inspiration and lineage is not clear that my attention is alerted. I used this as a guiding principal for the recent curating of the Brighton Photo Biennial, and made freshness of approach to the subject matter a major criteria for selection.

Let me try and outline the basic genres that can be found.

1. The above ground landscape with people.

This is a relatively recent development with the major influence of Gursky, being the starting point. You take a high vantage and place people within the frame setting them in a larger urban or even rural landscape.

2. The bent lamppost.

You see this a lot in the USA, where they are blessed with many bent lampposts. The scene is urban and generally quite run down. This can be traced back to Stephen Shore amongst others.

3. The personal diary.

Nan Goldin gave this genre a major boost with the famous “ Ballad of Sexual Dependency










I just started out... This was all shot today. This is literally my second week with this camera. C & C are welcome. Thanks in advanced.
Originally Posted by alljayevryjay

bl1nk, your faux-bokeh gives me a headache, especially the one with the Shell station in the back. Just my $.02

yeah...didnt really like how my shots originally turned out that day and was just testing waters. thanks though for your feedback 
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