The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

How's everyone doing? It's been a long time.
Haven't played a game since Max Payne 3 & I stopped at the second level...:lol:
It's a great game, I just didn't want to play games anymore...Can't explain it...

Anyways, anything exciting releasing soon?

How could 360 have better sp? Less bugs?

Better picture quality, better effects, and runs smoother. Check the link for some comparison vids


TOYS-R-US SALE 9/2-9/7
They are going to have a 2 for $60 sale, including two brand new games.
Amazing Spiderman
Arkham City
Battlefield 3
Darksiders 2
Mass Effect 3
Max Payne 3
Modern Warfare 3
NCAA Football 13
Prototype 2
Sleeping Dogs 
new metal gear solid was demonstrated at a private show, no footage

apparently an open world game, and current gen systems

also theres an actual movie coming
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that new metal gear better be a ps3 exclusive. tired of games getting dumbed down to 360
that new metal gear better be a ps3 exclusive. tired of games getting dumbed down to 360

PS3 exclusives by non Sony developers are DEAD. You simply cannot make money putting out a single platform game and Sony is not putting up enough cash incentive to make publishers sign exclusivity agreements.
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PS3 exclusives by non Sony developers are DEAD. You simply cannot make money putting out a single platform game and Sony is not putting up enough cash incentive to make publishers sign exclusivity agreements.
i know, its just sad not many games push the PS3's potential.  

On other news, I wanna finally cop my ps3 for my new place in time for FIFA 13.  I was told to just wait for the newer model, but it was never showcased at the Euro game thing.  Any news on a new ps3?
anybody got any games they wanna trade or sell cheap?  mainly lookin for different games like cathrine or something im pretty open.  i got deadspace2, rdr, portal2 for trade.
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[COLOR=#red]Skyrim DLC on PlayStation 3 May Never Happen[/COLOR]
“This is not a problem we’re positive we can solve…”
by Colin Moriarty AUGUST 30, 2012

While gamers on Xbox 360 and PC are going to be able to experience all of the DLC Bethesda has planned for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, it appears PlayStation 3 gamers may indeed be left out in the cold. After noting that the DLC hadn’t necessarily even been announced for PlayStation 3 and admitting that Dawnguard’s performance on PS3 is unsatisfactory, Bethesda’s Global Community Lead posted on the Bethesda forums with some ominous news.

Here’s the post, in full:

“Earlier in the month, we provided an update on Dawnguard's status for PS3.

“It's been a few weeks, and we wanted to make sure everyone knows where we're at with Dawnguard. Skyrim is a massive and dynamic game that requires a lot of resources, and things get much more complex when you're talking about sizable content like Dawnguard. We have tried a number of things, but none of them solve the issue enough to make Dawnguard good for everyone. The PS3 is a powerful system, and we're working hard to deliver the content you guys want. Dawnguard is obviously not the only DLC we’ve been working on either, so the issues of adding content get even more complicated. This is not a problem we’re positive we can solve, but we are working together with Sony to try to bring you this content.

“We wish we had a more definitive answer right now. We understand the frustration when the same content is not available on all platforms. When we have an update, we will certainly let you know. We deeply appreciate all the time and support you have given us, and we’ll keep doing our best to return that.”

Bethesda’s seeming inability to get its game to work on PlayStation 3 means that, according to them, the content may never come out at all. “This is not a problem we’re positive we can solve,” they admit, “but we are working together with Sony to try to bring you this content.” And the fact that more and more additions to the game are making the problem even more complicated, as explained in the post, means that things are looking exceptionally dire.

We’ll keep our fingers crossed that Skyrim’s DLC does indeed make its way to Sony’s console, but in the meantime, it’s not looking too good.
How are the games that were originally for the PSP? I never got around to playing them...but I'll try to pick it up tomorrow. 

Haven't got around to them yet. I'm playing them in this order: 1, CoO, GoS, 2, and 3. They don't come on the disc tho but instead a code on a voucher .
Anyone pick up the Ratchet & Clank HD Collection today?
Copped this and the Jak and Daxter collection when I was in the States this week.

Looking forward to playing the OG R&C games, never got a chance to play them when they originally released.

Never played any of the Jak and Daxter games either, but heard good things about them.

I want to finish Ratchet and Clank: ACIT before I play the collection but these Crank Great Clock Time puzzles are infuriating.
Not feeling another Big Boss game. Seriously, Kojima needs to find something new.
Snake's story has already been told. What more is there to do?

As far as the new MGS being on the 360 as well, how many discs will it have?
[h1]Spec Ops Dev: Game's Multiplayer "Should Not Exist"[/h1][h2]"It sheds a negative light on all of the meaningful things we did in the single-player experience"[/h2]

by Daniel Krupa

August 29, 2012

Spec Ops: The Line lead designer Cory Davis has spoken candidly about the game's multiplayer component.

He reveals that team at Yager adamantly did not want the game to have multiplayer but ultimately it wasn't their decision to make. “The publisher was determined to have it anyway," said Davis in an interview with Polygon. "It was literally a check box that the financial predictions said we needed, and 2K was relentless in making sure that it happened – even at the detriment of the overall project and the perception of the game".

Development of the game's multiplayer was outsourced to Darkside Studios. Davis describes the experience as a "low-quality Call of Duty clone in third-person" and criticised since it "tossed out the creative pillars of the product".

it's another game rammed onto the disk like a cancerous growth, threatening to destroy the best things about the experience

Ultimately, Davis seems to be smarting from the way in which the game's multiplayer detracted from the single-player experience Yager crafted. "It sheds a negative light on all of the meaningful things we did in the single-player experience," said Davis. "The multiplayer game's tone is entirely different, the game mechanics were raped to make it happen, and it was a waste of money. No one is playing it, and I don't even feel like it's part of the overall package — it's another game rammed onto the disk like a cancerous growth, threatening to destroy the best things about the experience that the team at Yager put their heart and souls into creating".

He's not entirely down on 2K, however. He praised the publisher for backing a risky project that "other publishers would not have had the balls to take". Davis said. "I'm proud of what we were able to achieve, and it was not easy". He just sympathises with developers who are forced to create what he calls "tacked-on multiplayer". He remains unambiguous that Spec Ops: The Line's multiplayer is "bulls**t, should not exist... there's no doubt that it's an overall failure".
Did not know things liked this happened. The multiplayer was unanimously the weakest point of the game.
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