The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

typical MGS reveal....
"hey guys, here's the first 10 minutes of new gameplay!"
Only has one minute of actual gameplay....
still love the series though, and I'm glad to see that they are making a sequel to Peace Walker. That game was awesome. :pimp:
Yea, I really don't know what to say about that MGS: Ground Zeroes trailer...


That ten minute clip just **** on the entirety of cut scenes released since MGS4. I am serious.

I'm very hyped for this. If this is the future of metal gear titles then sign me up.

I hope Kojima makes MGS games for the rest of his life.

Great use of motion blur, lighting and motion capture effects. This game is gonna be AMAZING.

Here a link to IGN extended cut (14mins):
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he's starting to look more like he did in mgs 4 now. cool. :pimp:
and also, was that chico in the cage?

MGS: Ground Zeroes
Bioshock Infinite
The Last Guardian (hopefully)
God of War Ascension
The Last of Us
Beyond: Two Souls

13 was always planned to be at least a trilogy. Chris knows this.
The sequels were to have been called "FF 13- Second Season, and FF13- Third Season" This whole concept of time passage and a "living world" was supposed to be instituted back in the first game but they didn't know what they were doing. Now here we are on sequel # 3 and they still don't know what they're doing...
Did any of you watch the presentation videos, particularly Toryiyama's? If not, take a look. The audacity to claim that your idea is so original "it can't even be found on the internet" is disgusting. Has he not played Majora's mask? The entire concept in a bottle was done back on the N64. :smh:
I've already wrote up a long criticism e-mail from a Western perspective I'll be sending out when I return from vacation.

There's no way in hell I'll get that email, huh?

MGS: Ground Zeroes, God of War: Ascension and Watch Dogs have all ensured I'll still be playing video games after 30, and I'm ok with that lol
havent posted in here in a while.
metal gear is one of my fav franchises
is there a ps3 vice city version out there?
do u guys have playstation +? is it worth it?
any free game downloads for ps3 out there?
Who is Paz? Is this big boss or snake? I don't have a psp so I can't play peace walker damnit. You think they will make a ps3 version of peace walker? Damn so many questions.
^ MGS HD collection. MGS 2,3, and peace walker in hd on one disc. I think you can purchase each individually from the PS store now as well.
havent posted in here in a while.
metal gear is one of my fav franchises
is there a ps3 vice city version out there?
do u guys have playstation +? is it worth it?
any free game downloads for ps3 out there?

1. No Vice City HD versions out there. If you have one of the first PS3s, you can just play the PS2 versions.

2. I have PS+ and I love it. You get more than what you pay for, especially now that they're giving free PS3 games(I guess that answers your third question lol).
My own concern with MGS: GZ being multiplatform is will the PS3 get the short end of the stick graphically and sonically like other MP games.
Hybrid warned us... but I still can't believe the audacity of these idiots.
SE are trolling the world.
JESUS CHRIST! How many XIII's have they put out / going to put out before Versus gets a release date :smh:


13 was always planned to be at least a trilogy. Chris knows this.

My audacity comment was more toward the fact that Versus and to an extent, XIV are still unreleased.

Ill defend XIII-2 as an improvement on XIII, but I want something new.
^ MGS HD collection. MGS 2,3, and peace walker in hd on one disc. I think you can purchase each individually from the PS store now as well.

Oh wow I had no idea peace walker was on it. I was mad that MGS 1 wasn't on there so I didn't buy it. Probably gonna pull the trigger on it. I didn't finish the third one and it's always bothered me so I'm prob gonna get it.

Now all I need is the Nintendo remakes. :nerd:

And where's my vr missions? That game was good
Btw my biggest complaint about mgs4 (prob my only complaint) is that the boss characters were very lacking except for ocelot. Hope that gets fixed
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