The Official PlayStation 3 | ViTA Thread Vol. Plenty of Life Left

God Of War IV Appears On Composer's Resume

Composer Timothy Williams updated his resume recently, and appears to have added that he has done some work on a new, not yet announced God of War game.

Doing music for a new God of War would certainly fall in line with Williams' other work. He has done music for many films including 300, Conan the Barbarian and Shark Night 3D, as well as video games like Rise of the Argonauts.



Hybrid do you know if Sony is waiting to officially announce the game at E3 this year?

As huge as a game franchise GOW is Sony better not make the same mistake like they did with Resistance 3 last year where there were so many PS3 exclusives that they had no time to market the game and the game suffered and had horrible sales #'s.

Got to remember next fall Bioshock Infinite, Call Of Duty yearly rehash & money grab
, GTA V will likely be released during that time. Also can't forget about Naughty Dog's: The Last Of Us.

So maybe they can release it in the summer or might have to wait until Spring 2013?
Originally Posted by MR J 858

God Of War IV Appears On Composer's Resume

Composer Timothy Williams updated his resume recently, and appears to have added that he has done some work on a new, not yet announced God of War game.

Doing music for a new God of War would certainly fall in line with Williams' other work. He has done music for many films including 300, Conan the Barbarian and Shark Night 3D, as well as video games like Rise of the Argonauts.



Hybrid do you know if Sony is waiting to officially announce the game at E3 this year?

As huge as a game franchise GOW is Sony better not make the same mistake like they did with Resistance 3 last year where there were so many PS3 exclusives that they had no time to market the game and the game suffered and had horrible sales #'s.

Got to remember next fall Bioshock Infinite, Call Of Duty yearly rehash & money grab
, GTA V will likely be released during that time. Also can't forget about Naughty Dog's: The Last Of Us.

So maybe they can release it in the summer or might have to wait until Spring 2013?

I hope GOW4 comes out this year. I LOVE this franchise. GOW3 was AMAZING to me.

I'm not sure if it will debut at E3, but IGN has confirmed the PS4/Xbox 720 will, so we shall see.

Originally Posted by PO2345

Originally Posted by MR J 858

God Of War IV Appears On Composer's Resume

Composer Timothy Williams updated his resume recently, and appears to have added that he has done some work on a new, not yet announced God of War game.

Doing music for a new God of War would certainly fall in line with Williams' other work. He has done music for many films including 300, Conan the Barbarian and Shark Night 3D, as well as video games like Rise of the Argonauts.



Hybrid do you know if Sony is waiting to officially announce the game at E3 this year?

As huge as a game franchise GOW is Sony better not make the same mistake like they did with Resistance 3 last year where there were so many PS3 exclusives that they had no time to market the game and the game suffered and had horrible sales #'s.

Got to remember next fall Bioshock Infinite, Call Of Duty yearly rehash & money grab
, GTA V will likely be released during that time. Also can't forget about Naughty Dog's: The Last Of Us.

So maybe they can release it in the summer or might have to wait until Spring 2013?

I hope GOW4 comes out this year. I LOVE this franchise. GOW3 was AMAZING to me.

I'm not sure if it will debut at E3, but IGN has confirmed the PS4/Xbox 720 will, so we shall see.

Still rumors at this point from some supposed major source somewhere in Europe.
Only reason why I can see Sony doing it is because they are forced by Microsoft and don't want them to get a 1 year head start for the next console generation.

I would be seriously PISSED though if it pushes the GTA V release to 2013.
Man this post has been quiet lately. I hope it's just that there is either a lack of news or people being away on vacation.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Man this post has been quiet lately. I hope it's just that there is either a lack of news or people being away on vacation.
Every year it's like this. CES next week, it'll pick back up.
Can't wait to hear what's in store for the PS4. I'd love to see the PS4 integrate Chrome and Itunes. Why not work with Microsoft's enemies?
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Can't wait to hear what's in store for the PS4. I'd love to see the PS4 integrate Chrome and Itunes. Why not work with Microsoft's enemies?

because sony makes its own software just like those companies, dont forget what happened with palm-pre and itunes
, apple let em know who da Boss was

i guess the reason sony doesnt have browsers like chrome and firefox is because of security reasons, browsers like that are huge security holes with all the plugins and whatnot that people expect
, im sure every plugin would have to go through some sony certification process in order to make sure it doesnt #+%! with the system, pretty much making them inferior to what people are used to

and dont expect a music purchasing service ala itunes from sony, 12 years since the ipod/itunes took their souls and these fools still havent figured it out
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Can't wait to hear what's in store for the PS4. I'd love to see the PS4 integrate Chrome and Itunes. Why not work with Microsoft's enemies?

because sony makes its own software just like those companies, dont forget what happened with palm-pre and itunes
, apple let em know who da Boss was

i guess the reason sony doesnt have browsers like chrome and firefox is because of security reasons, browsers like that are huge security holes with all the plugins and whatnot that people expect
, im sure every plugin would have to go through some sony certification process in order to make sure it doesnt #+%! with the system, pretty much making them inferior to what people are used to

and dont expect a music purchasing service ala itunes from sony, 12 years since the ipod/itunes took their souls and these fools still havent figured it out
Sony is a company that repeatedly has to learn things the hard way. In the game of technology, if you can't beat em you join em. Word to MS buying up most PS exclusives. You'd think Sony would wise up lol. You can bet Microsoft will integrate Windows 8 and "the cloud" into their next gen console. Sony is going to have to bring a lot to the table as far as psn software goes. There's already the overwhelming perception that PSN is inferior. Regardless of what Sony puts out they may not be able to shake that...unless they collab with the big boys i.e. Apple/Google. The name alone would shake the game up. The best part about it is Microsoft would not be able to follow suit.
If they're smart, which we all hope they are, then they're already looking into topping Microsoft and/or XBL. Even if there is a premium PSN and a regular one, they need to do something to step their game up.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I bought the PS3 because of backward compatibility and Blu-Ray.... I love Sony, but at this point in time if everything is gonna come out on both systems and Sony's system doesn't wow me, I'm not gonna buy it again...
^^^ but it still sucks in comparison to XBL. I'm talking better servers, better chat, better web browsing, better video service, etc. If you're paying for something, you'd want more than just a few free decent games... Wallpapers and premium emblems or whatever those things are called... what the $@+% am I gonna do with that?
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

If they're smart, which we all hope they are, then they're already looking into topping Microsoft and/or XBL. Even if there is a premium PSN and a regular one, they need to do something to step their game up.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I bought the PS3 because of backward compatibility and Blu-Ray.... I love Sony, but at this point in time if everything is gonna come out on both systems and Sony's system doesn't wow me, I'm not gonna buy it again...
I stayed with Sony because for the most part they had/have the games I play. I've always been big on Tekken, DMC, Final Fantasy (and other *** RPG's), MGS, etc. M$ has bought up a bunch of the games that I went to Sony for. Next gen I'm still leaning towards Sony but I'm not opposed to a change simply because most games will be on both systems. If anything I'll probably end up with both systems. But if Sony proves that they can provide an all around experience superior to XBox what need will I have for one? I don't particularly like any of their exclusives. Sony can't sit back. They gotta get in the driver seat. Otherwise they will find themselves in last place again simply cause of the perception of the masses that XBL is superior.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Can't wait to hear what's in store for the PS4. I'd love to see the PS4 integrate Chrome and Itunes. Why not work with Microsoft's enemies?

because sony makes its own software just like those companies, dont forget what happened with palm-pre and itunes
, apple let em know who da Boss was

i guess the reason sony doesnt have browsers like chrome and firefox is because of security reasons, browsers like that are huge security holes with all the plugins and whatnot that people expect
, im sure every plugin would have to go through some sony certification process in order to make sure it doesnt #+%! with the system, pretty much making them inferior to what people are used to

and dont expect a music purchasing service ala itunes from sony, 12 years since the ipod/itunes took their souls and these fools still havent figured it out
Sony is a company that repeatedly has to learn things the hard way. In the game of technology, if you can't beat em you join em. Word to MS buying up most PS exclusives. You'd think Sony would wise up lol. You can bet Microsoft will integrate Windows 8 and "the cloud" into their next gen console. Sony is going to have to bring a lot to the table as far as psn software goes. There's already the overwhelming perception that PSN is inferior. Regardless of what Sony puts out they may not be able to shake that...unless they collab with the big boys i.e. Apple/Google. The name alone would shake the game up. The best part about it is Microsoft would not be able to follow suit.

what exactly is this "cloud" youre talking about from microsoft?  i know what the cloud is but id like to know what you think it is other than a marketing term from microsoft, no disrespect but i sorta get the feeling that youre being mislead in regards to a lot of stuff that already exists today

sony has cloud saves, music unlimited, on VITA they have cross play, cross platform transfer, remote play, cross chat... for some reason, i dont understand why people refer to PSN as whats on ps3, last time i checked there was this improved thing called "PSN" on Vita too

are you forgetting that sony is a big boy too?  itunes and chrome on a console arent going to do anything to move units, im not sure i get what youre talking about with partnering other than hyping up non-gaming apps, chrome vs ie isnt going to do anything to move units\

i should probably stop dragging this on, but it just seems like youre talking about partnering up just to hype up apps that arent anything special... as for "psn" - just look to the vita, minus certain specific apps like netflix, ufc, which may come in the future, the vita can do everything the 360 can, and on top of that it can multitask
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

because sony makes its own software just like those companies, dont forget what happened with palm-pre and itunes
, apple let em know who da Boss was

i guess the reason sony doesnt have browsers like chrome and firefox is because of security reasons, browsers like that are huge security holes with all the plugins and whatnot that people expect
, im sure every plugin would have to go through some sony certification process in order to make sure it doesnt #+%! with the system, pretty much making them inferior to what people are used to

and dont expect a music purchasing service ala itunes from sony, 12 years since the ipod/itunes took their souls and these fools still havent figured it out
Sony is a company that repeatedly has to learn things the hard way. In the game of technology, if you can't beat em you join em. Word to MS buying up most PS exclusives. You'd think Sony would wise up lol. You can bet Microsoft will integrate Windows 8 and "the cloud" into their next gen console. Sony is going to have to bring a lot to the table as far as psn software goes. There's already the overwhelming perception that PSN is inferior. Regardless of what Sony puts out they may not be able to shake that...unless they collab with the big boys i.e. Apple/Google. The name alone would shake the game up. The best part about it is Microsoft would not be able to follow suit.

what exactly is this "cloud" youre talking about from microsoft?  i know what the cloud is but id like to know what you think it is other than a marketing term from microsoft, no disrespect but i sorta get the feeling that youre being mislead in regards to a lot of stuff that already exists today

sony has cloud saves, music unlimited, on VITA they have cross play, cross platform transfer, remote play, cross chat... for some reason, i dont understand why people refer to PSN as whats on ps3, last time i checked there was this improved thing called "PSN" on Vita too

are you forgetting that sony is a big boy too?  itunes and chrome on a console arent going to do anything to move units, im not sure i get what youre talking about with partnering other than hyping up non-gaming apps, chrome vs ie isnt going to do anything to move units\

i should probably stop dragging this on, but it just seems like youre talking about partnering up just to hype up apps that arent anything special... as for "psn" - just look to the vita, minus certain specific apps like netflix, ufc, which may come in the future, the vita can do everything the 360 can, and on top of that it can multitask
I'm aware that all of this stuff exists today. However, it has NOT been seamlessly integrated into any video game system. Playstation Plus is just a start. The next generation of gaming is not going to be won by who has the best games. It's going to be won by whoever has the best online experience, moving from pc to video game system to mobile seamlessly. Being able to access everything wherever you have a connection. Sony's focus has always been on providing the best games and as a result they've fallen behind in other departments, to the point where they now have a reputation that may be irreparable. Working with other companies would allow them to focus on games while bolstering their credibility. You're kidding yourself if you think that people will not be swayed by being able to access their Itunes directly through their gaming console. And the psn browser is serviceable but nothing to write home about. The point is that Sony may be a "big boy" but if they want to remain so in the video game department it may be time for a slice of humble pie. Doing everything the 360 can will not be enough. They need to reestablish the Playstation and the preeminent gaming console. As for the Vita it remains to be seen if it will be a factor in the gaming war. Sure it has next gen features but what does it matter if no one buys it?
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Sony is a company that repeatedly has to learn things the hard way. In the game of technology, if you can't beat em you join em. Word to MS buying up most PS exclusives. You'd think Sony would wise up lol. You can bet Microsoft will integrate Windows 8 and "the cloud" into their next gen console. Sony is going to have to bring a lot to the table as far as psn software goes. There's already the overwhelming perception that PSN is inferior. Regardless of what Sony puts out they may not be able to shake that...unless they collab with the big boys i.e. Apple/Google. The name alone would shake the game up. The best part about it is Microsoft would not be able to follow suit.

what exactly is this "cloud" youre talking about from microsoft?  i know what the cloud is but id like to know what you think it is other than a marketing term from microsoft, no disrespect but i sorta get the feeling that youre being mislead in regards to a lot of stuff that already exists today

sony has cloud saves, music unlimited, on VITA they have cross play, cross platform transfer, remote play, cross chat... for some reason, i dont understand why people refer to PSN as whats on ps3, last time i checked there was this improved thing called "PSN" on Vita too

are you forgetting that sony is a big boy too?  itunes and chrome on a console arent going to do anything to move units, im not sure i get what youre talking about with partnering other than hyping up non-gaming apps, chrome vs ie isnt going to do anything to move units\

i should probably stop dragging this on, but it just seems like youre talking about partnering up just to hype up apps that arent anything special... as for "psn" - just look to the vita, minus certain specific apps like netflix, ufc, which may come in the future, the vita can do everything the 360 can, and on top of that it can multitask
I'm aware that all of this stuff exists today. However, it has NOT been seamlessly integrated into any video game system. Playstation Plus is just a start. The next generation of gaming is not going to be won by who has the best games. It's going to be won by whoever has the best online experience, moving from pc to video game system to mobile seamlessly. Being able to access everything wherever you have a connection. Sony's focus has always been on providing the best games and as a result they've fallen behind in other departments, to the point where they now have a reputation that may be irreparable. Working with other companies would allow them to focus on games while bolstering their credibility. You're kidding yourself if you think that people will not be swayed by being able to access their Itunes directly through their gaming console. And the psn browser is serviceable but nothing to write home about. The point is that Sony may be a "big boy" but if they want to remain so in the video game department it may be time for a slice of humble pie. Doing everything the 360 can will not be enough. They need to reestablish the Playstation and the preeminent gaming console. As for the Vita it remains to be seen if it will be a factor in the gaming war. Sure it has next gen features but what does it matter if no one buys it?

isnt this basically what we're talking about though?  the point is it has them, and so will the ps4... isnt that what youre asking for regardless of how much it sells?  and if youve seen vita than you know its pretty much "seamless"

i just feel like people are setting themselves up to be disappointed, expecting so much that they have no idea what theyre actually expecting, basically coming in with an "is that all?" attitude no matter what gets shown, which basically make sony look bad no matter what they show

ill tell you right now man, its not going to have any "itunes" software on it and youll already be disappointed
I'm asking for them to take on MS head on and stop being so arrogant. I won't be upset if there's not Itunes or Chrome. Those were just ideas I threw out there that I personally feel would make some sense. Sony could have all the features in the world but if the PERCEPTION is that they are putting out an inferior product it will be for nothing. In order to beat that perception I personally believe they need to not just think outside the box but step outside of it.

Lemme ask you a question. All things being equal with both next gen consoles who do you think sells more?
Originally Posted by mrkittles20

Just wondering : Why is the Vita such a fail on two fronts? 1.) Why the HORRIBLE battery life and 2.) Why no cell phone support.

On the 1st : I understand with that kind of hardware, battery life isn't gonna be great, but COME ON! They should have been pioneering a new, better battery for this device as much as the hardware itself.

On the 2nd : Yes, the Ngage was a HUGE failure, but if the Vita has 3G support, why not stick a radio in there for cell service. I for one would love to play an actual game instead of Angry Birds all the time. The FPS they have for touch screen phones just doesn't do it for me. The Vita could have been that device that changed the portable gaming/cell phone game.

they should have been pioneering a new battery concept?  theyre trying to make the handheld affordable and that kind of prototyping costs money if its even possible which nobody thinks it is, not to mention there arent any battery breakthroughs coming any time soon , THERE ARE NO MORE BREAKTHROUGHS IN PORTABLE BATTERIES - you either increase your battery size or you wait for a die shrink for more cores so that you can clock the device lower for a better battery life

theyre working on skype which "should" be enough for you

their goal was to give game players the most powerful handheld on the market and they did that
Can anyone explain to me what are the benifits
Of setting up a static ip address for the ps3?
Or port forwarding?

Im trying to get better connection to my ps3
Thru wifi but everytime i play mw3 , its just terrible.
I know it cant be my internet because my xbox works fine.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Can anyone explain to me what are the benifits
Of setting up a static ip address for the ps3?
Or port forwarding?

Im trying to get better connection to my ps3
Thru wifi but everytime i play mw3 , its just terrible.
I know it cant be my internet because my xbox works fine.
static ip stays the same dynamic ip changes every time you turn on the system, with dynamic the ps3 can use a ip that is currently in use on your network causing conflict.
port forwarding allows games or networks to connect to you with out being blocked on your network causing lag or lost packets

opening ports on PSN or Xbox live  will help but using wifi is sort of a no no wired is better.
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