Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Not to sound like a hater, but this album is trash.

It sounds like a bunch of disgruntled rappers with no sense of how to make an actual "song" trying to one-up each other on every verse. I'd expect this from a new rapper still going through artist development, not dudes that have been in the game for 10 years already. I guess that explains why none of them have had successful careers...

Seriously, how do you have a hot/creative beat like "****oo" and come up with such a corny concept?

And how come "Woodstock" isn't on the album? That was the only song that I actually liked from them.

I agree to an extent. But they are Mc's who try to show their lyrical prowless so they want to have the best verses and hip hop is created on competition so if you are not trying to 1 up each other or have the best verse get off the track, and while a good/catchy hook would make the song better, they probably feel it would take away severely from the verses and with these kind of MC's, I agree 100%.

Hearing a rapper talk about how nice they are on EVERY SINGLE SONG on an album is corny. That s___ died with Canibus' career.

There's more to showing your "lyrical prowess" than just spitting punchline verses back to back-to back.
Like what, talkin bout how much money u got, how many bricks u move? Sayin that ur the explicit word for feces and usin a metaphor w/ that? Or rappin about a dance that u do and usin the name of the dance in ya verse 2+ times. Or how about how many broads u plucked, and even usin the same ad lib every 3 secons. Or singin when u supposed to be a rapper? Which one of the described rappin styles is also corny to u sir?

The concept of the album is showin that they wasn't gon let the others !!*+ on em, its competition in album form w/ no beef.

But considerin u only like 1 song from em, ur opinion really holds no weight regardin the group.

Lol, your ASSumption is foolish and ignorant.

You're obviously a fan and fans are known to overindulge themselves in their own jaded reasoning.

I like all four rappers individually, but as a whole, they all have the same issue... They box themselves in with no room for growth artistically (the irony ofthem being boxed in on their album cover is hilarious, lol). It's apparent they all know how to "spit", but when it comes to making actual musicas a collective unit, they all suck. You can tell by the concepts of their songs on this album. They all attack the tracks head on like wild barbarians insteadof coming at it from a different "more artistic" angle.

You make the argument that they're
showin that they wasn't gon let the others !!*+ on em, its competition in album form w/ no beef.

But let's keep it real... Wu-Tang pretty much made that same type of album 16 years ago with 36 Chambers, but with way more artistry, creativity,personality, introspection, and WAY more replay value.

With as much talent Slaughterhouse has individually, there's no reason why they couldn't have accomplished the same thing as a collective.

Regardless, if you're a fan of hearing 4 dudes going hard at each other for 45 minutes straight (no Busy P af1, pun intended), more power to you. That wasfun in highschool, but that stuff gets boring real fast. And this is coming from a diehard lyrical head. In all honesty I'd rather listen to a Cam'ronalbum because even though he's doesn't talk about s___, I can at least appreciate the creativity he puts into his craft way more than I can with thisthese dudes on this album.
Regardless, if you're a fan of hearing 4 dudes going hard at each other for 45 minutes straight (no Busy P af1, pun intended), more power to you. That was fun in highschool, but that stuff gets boring real fast. And this is coming from a diehard lyrical head. In all honesty I'd rather listen to a Cam'ron album because even though he's doesn't talk about s___, I can at least appreciate the creativity he puts into his craft way more than I can with this these dudes on this album.

I agree with this.

I checked this just for Royce and MAYBE Joel.

Royce came correct, that Alc beat is
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

As baffling as it is disappointing, the crew decides to bring in Pharoahe Monch on "Salute," - only to sing a hook - which is like hiring Dr. Dre not to produce, but merely to rap.
ok so I wasn't the only one like "where this _ Pharoahe Monch verse?!!

hey, not saying i love the song, but word to "The Life" by Stylez P and that track is

Is it possible for an album to have no skippable tracks, but zero replay value?
i dont know what the ***% you talking about... But "The One," "Not Tonight," and "Sound off" have been on nonstoprepeat for weeks... songs like "Onslaught 2" and "Cut You loose" amongst a few others have been getting nice play from me as well.

***% some of yall haters this $%++ is far and away album of the year imo, Slaughterhouse is too *@+%#%! dope

On a side note though, imagine if you took the best songs from this album like the first 3 i mentioned, and combined that $%++ with like "Woodstock HoodHop," "Move On," "Wack MCs," "Warriors," and all their other old $%++... that album would be too dope to even imagine
I aint makin an #%! out of myself homie. I'm just goin off what they said the album would be based on when they first announced the group. They said theywanted to be like goin at eachother as in competition w/ no beef.

I agree that they could've done better collectively, never would doubt that but in this day of rap when u hear a $%!$ load of nonsense, this album is abreath of fresh air. Now we can either agree about it bein better than most music out today or agree to disagree

Btw I like Cam also (sidebar)
If anybody got/knows where to get a zip/rar file of all the Slaughterhouse songs that aint on the album, my inbox is open....
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Its pretty good...
Some of the hooks are corny...
They spiting though and the beats are cool...
Is it me or Joel doesn't have the presence the others have...u forget about him a lot of the times...
But overall on this album... Royce > Joey > Crooked > Joel...

On another...does anyone know who else used that sample on Onslaught 2...I'm asking again because its killing me

havent had a true chance to really LISTEN but i feel the same way.

needs more listens tho. and Royce is officially the Leader, NOt Joey.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Now we can either agree about it bein better than most music out today or agree to disagree

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree... to an extent. I'll just say this album has more talent than most of what is out today. But the music?... Notat all. Hell I think J. Cole's mixtape is better than this album.

You like what you like, I respect what you like... but dislike it.
Originally Posted by illfrozn

Went to BBuy to cop and they didn't have any copies. Looks like I'll have to try another store tomorrow ...

Same here.

Either they didn't order enough copies or this s*** is gonna be number 1 on the charts.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

As baffling as it is disappointing, the crew decides to bring in Pharoahe Monch on "Salute," - only to sing a hook - which is like hiring Dr. Dre not to produce, but merely to rap.
ok so I wasn't the only one like "where this _ Pharoahe Monch verse?!!
hey, not saying i love the song, but word to "The Life" by Stylez P and that track is

Is it possible for an album to have no skippable tracks, but zero replay value?
i dont know what the ***% you talking about... But "The One," "Not Tonight," and "Sound off" have been on nonstop repeat for weeks... songs like "Onslaught 2" and "Cut You loose" amongst a few others have been getting nice play from me as well.

***% some of yall haters this $%++ is far and away album of the year imo, Slaughterhouse is too *@+%#%! dope

On a side note though, imagine if you took the best songs from this album like the first 3 i mentioned, and combined that $%++ with like "Woodstock Hood Hop," "Move On," "Wack MCs," "Warriors," and all their other old $%++... that album would be too dope to even imagine

@ you getting offended because I didn't like the album....I'm a fan of Royce and Joell, but honestly I gavethis album a listen based off of the opinions of the folks here on NT. I never said it was a bad album, but just it isn't something that I see myselflistening to over and over.
DoubleJs07 you might wanna check out that Boss of All Bosses mixtape if you need that replay

imma check this album after lunch
Originally Posted by Al Audi

DoubleJs07 you might wanna check out that Boss of All Bosses mixtape if you need that replay

imma check this album after lunch

Good looks on that....I'll get that mixtape before I head out in a little bit...
very dope album

after putting in the cd and hearing sound off for the first time
i knew it was a done deal
Aight The Game I acknowlege that ur a man that knows good music and respect that.

But, uh on another note. The Cam GG dropped?
I been waitn for that. Off to find an internet collection. SH on the back burner already.
gon ride tocampus bumpin Fab then d/l Cam and chill w/ that
Anybody else feel insulted on how Joey finished Sound Off? It was completely weak imo. Threw the whole song off.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Anybody else feel insulted on how Joey finished Sound Off? It was completely weak imo. Threw the whole song off.

I've been thinking this as well. Can he not switch up to the fast flow or was he trying to stick out by flowing differtent?
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