The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

i find it very hard to believe that paterno would risk ruining his legacy by being involved in this cover up if he knew exactly what was going on. something this sick is gonna come out eventually and thats something i think he would have thought about. im not saying hes not at fault but im gonna wait until i hear more details to completely throw him under the bus. i have a feeling there is a lot more to this case than we know.
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

People who rally for things like that should have those "things" done to them and see how they like it. Disgusting.

they are not rallying for the 'THINGS' that were done. they are rallying in support of someone that built the entire town and school into what it is and is being accused of not doing anything and is getting ran out. people are assuming the worst of Joe and if you know anything about they guy, you know what he stands for.... and he definitely wouldn't stand for this

Because you know him personally, right? A man is judged by his inaction in times of turmoil more than his action in times of prosperity. I truly believe that at some point in time, all of us, will be defined by one event. That event will test the strength of our values and principles and what we stand for as human beings.  In Paterno's case, in his waking moment, he showed his true colors. And for that, he needs to go.

As a fan of college football, I am absolutely heartbroken by this being the defining moment of Paterno's career and superseding all the years of glory and good that he achieved. Nonetheless, it is not refutable that his inaction and conscious turning of a blind eye to this individual's lifestyle contributed to the inevitable mental anguish to be perpetually suffered by the defenseless victims. Paterno reports up to Paterno. That is it. His inaction is absolutely deplorable and speaks volumes louder than any good he has done for the sport and his university. It hurts to admit that because I've always been a fan of JoePa and before this weekend firmly believed that he should be allowed to exit when he desired. I no longer hold him in such regard, and as an avid fan of college football, that sucks.

I truly hope one of the father's of those kids beats the crap out of that coward of an assistant coach.
We aren't best buds but I have met him on a handful of occasions and some of my best friends have played for him. 'He showed his true colors' There are two people that know exactly what was said about the locker room incident... Joe and Mike McQueary. So people saying he should have known this or done that, they have no idea what actually went on. That is what frustrates me. People can say what they 'think' they would do in a situation, but you don't actually know unless you were there.

Everyone should see how it plays out and not jump to conclusions, but that will never happen. People need to focus on Sandusky cause he is the sick SOB that did this stuff.
Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

People who rally for things like that should have those "things" done to them and see how they like it. Disgusting.

they are not rallying for the 'THINGS' that were done. they are rallying in support of someone that built the entire town and school into what it is and is being accused of not doing anything and is getting ran out. people are assuming the worst of Joe and if you know anything about they guy, you know what he stands for.... and he definitely wouldn't stand for this
Thank You! People are so dumb, do you really think hundreds of kids would rally to support child molestation? They're rallying for a man who they believe is innocent and did nothing to contribute to the coverup. 
Yes Paterno should have called the police but I believe there is so much more to that story. It may seem cliche to say this but there are two sides to every story. And I believe that at the very least, he deserves to speak his mind. 

Now Spanier, don't get me started on him. I guarantee you there is something fishy about him. I feel there is a whole conspiracy of cover ups and he is the man behind it. 
I don't know if it's worth it to post it in this thread or the College Football thread but this situation shows, to some extent, the power that college football and some of these coaches have. For some public universities, the head football coach is by far the highest paid state employee. Of course Paterno's stature is rare because of how much turnover there is nowadays in coaching but the well-being of a lot of other people is often staked to the head coach.

It's a different situation but you see UNC fans that to this day will adamantly defend Butch Davis because he wore their logo and looked to be improving their program, swearing he could do no wrong but that he just innocently trusted the wrong person in John Blake...and then you see people chanting Joe Paterno's name as if there's no way he had any part in this whole situation and it's amazing how blinded people can be by the position these guys hold. Meanwhile if it were their rivals' coach, their feelings would be that they need to be fired immediately and the whole athletic department needs to be imploded.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by kix4kix

The most bizarre aspect of this story thus far

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.
Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Originally Posted by DaG311

they are not rallying for the 'THINGS' that were done. they are rallying in support of someone that built the entire town and school into what it is and is being accused of not doing anything and is getting ran out. people are assuming the worst of Joe and if you know anything about they guy, you know what he stands for.... and he definitely wouldn't stand for this

Because you know him personally, right? A man is judged by his inaction in times of turmoil more than his action in times of prosperity. I truly believe that at some point in time, all of us, will be defined by one event. That event will test the strength of our values and principles and what we stand for as human beings.  In Paterno's case, in his waking moment, he showed his true colors. And for that, he needs to go.

As a fan of college football, I am absolutely heartbroken by this being the defining moment of Paterno's career and superseding all the years of glory and good that he achieved. Nonetheless, it is not refutable that his inaction and conscious turning of a blind eye to this individual's lifestyle contributed to the inevitable mental anguish to be perpetually suffered by the defenseless victims. Paterno reports up to Paterno. That is it. His inaction is absolutely deplorable and speaks volumes louder than any good he has done for the sport and his university. It hurts to admit that because I've always been a fan of JoePa and before this weekend firmly believed that he should be allowed to exit when he desired. I no longer hold him in such regard, and as an avid fan of college football, that sucks.

I truly hope one of the father's of those kids beats the crap out of that coward of an assistant coach.
We aren't best buds but I have met him on a handful of occasions and some of my best friends have played for him. 'He showed his true colors' There are two people that know exactly what was said about the locker room incident... Joe and Mike McQueary. So people saying he should have known this or done that, they have no idea what actually went on. That is what frustrates me. People can say what they 'think' they would do in a situation, but you don't actually know unless you were there.

Everyone should see how it plays out and not jump to conclusions, but that will never happen. People need to focus on Sandusky cause he is the sick SOB that did this stuff.

And there are guys who played under Sandusky who obviously had no clue as to the type of monster he was. The thing is (with people), you never really know what secrets they're hiding. Paterno included.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

People who rally for things like that should have those "things" done to them and see how they like it. Disgusting.

they are not rallying for the 'THINGS' that were done. they are rallying in support of someone that built the entire town and school into what it is and is being accused of not doing anything and is getting ran out. people are assuming the worst of Joe and if you know anything about they guy, you know what he stands for.... and he definitely wouldn't stand for this
Thank You! People are so dumb, do you really think hundreds of kids would rally to support child molestation? They're rallying for a man who they believe is innocent and did nothing to contribute to the coverup. 
Yes Paterno should have called the police but I believe there is so much more to that story. It may seem cliche to say this but there are two sides to every story. And I believe that at the very least, he deserves to speak his mind. 

Now Spanier, don't get me started on him. I guarantee you there is something fishy about him. I feel there is a whole conspiracy of cover ups and he is the man behind it. 
Should have, could have, the truth of the matter is, this man is partly responsible for the molestation of children, rallying around him in my eyes makes him look okay for what he did. Even if he did not commit the crime, or was even involved, obviously he did not take the right measures. How would you feel if your child was one of those affected? Different tune I suppose.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

A rally, really!?
relax; that is a few hundred students out of 45,000 up there and you can just discredit EVERYTHING Joe Paterno has done for millions of people.  Anyone who ever graduated from Penn State owes a little piece of their success to Joe Paterno.  I agree that he should resign but leave the self righteous attitude toward the man until all the facts are presented; it is already too late to selvage his great career.
i'm not trying to be a jerk about the situation, but i need an explanation.

i understand he's an icon on the campus, but if you didn't play for him, what success do you owe him?
isn't this one of the small reasons that messed up stuff like this gets swept under the blanket? again, please correct me if i'm wrong
Penn State wouldn't be what it is today without him. Period. That's what made him a great man is not just success on the field but the work he did off the field. That's what we owe him and people seem to forget ALL the good he did for young men and women. He devoted his life to helping young children. There is a reason there is a shrine outside Beaver Stadium of him. There is a reason the library is named after him. There is a reason "Paternoville" exists. There is a reason, that before this, he was arguably the most beloved man in the history of college football. 
Because of him, Penn State is the major university it is today. With the amount of hard work, time, dedication and money he gave to the school, everyone who has ever step foot through the Old Main lawn or who has walked through Beaver Stadium owes that man something. Period. 

The victims deserved better than what they got.   That cheer was utterly pathetic, Jo and the fans were acting this was a pep rally for the Nebraska game.  
Originally Posted by Ghenges

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by Ghenges

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 
And you have no idea how those children will be affected for the rest of their lives, this scandal will change Penn State forever? How about the families who will deal with this forever. Selfishness.  Step out of your bubble for a second and realize that someone has it worse because of someone associated with your university. You are just as bad as the students rallying. Pathetic excuse.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Good Lord, Former Penn St great OJ mcDuffie says the rumors about Sandusky had been around since 1990

This is sad as hell.

Idiots with "Free Joe Pa" shirts on man I have no words.

This backlash will affect the team as well my friend has a cousin on the team who was a pretty highly touted recruit and is an underclassmen that will likely be transferring out. This sick @++@ isn't going to sit well with people's families at all.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

And there are guys who played under Sandusky who obviously had no clue as to the type of monster he was. The thing is (with people), you never really know what secrets they're hiding. Paterno included.

I agree. I just want to believe that he is truly a good person and everything that he has done for the town/school isn't just an act. That would be tough to do for 60 years, but who knows
I expected the support. By condemning JoePa, we are condemning Happy Valley.
This is what happens when a place doesn't have much to bring to the table expect football. They rally around someone or something that makes them feel better than they actually are. They won't let go of that so easily, if ever.
1998 -- Penn State police and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare investigate an incident in which the mother of an 11-year-old boy reported that Sandusky had showered with her son and may have had inappropriate conduct with him. In a June 1, 1998, interview with investigators from both agencies, Sandusky admits showering naked with the boy, admitting that it was wrong and promising not to do it again, according to the grand jury report. The district attorney advises investigators that no charges will be filed and the university police chief instructs that the case be closed, according to the testimony included in the grand jury report of the police detective who investigated the incident."

"1999 -- Sandusky retires from Penn State after coaching there for 32 years, but stays on as a volunteer and retains full access to the campus and football facilities"'

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by Ghenges

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 

Unfair scrutiny the university will get??? You're kidding, right? And im sorry that your life is being interrupted by reporters and media...but hey, at least you weren't one of those kids that was abused. Give me a break. I'm tellin yall...the victims in this are being overshadowed by the celebrity and power of those involved. Unbelieveable.
yeah dude it really doesn't matter how the students and alumni are affected or what they're going through. no one gives a %!#* about that and rightfully so

students and alumni are last on the list to be receiving any attention, sympathy or recognition as a result of this scandal. not sure why you're pressing that matter

only ones who really (should) matter are the kids who were affected by this child molester and the subsequent trail of deceit that went on that furthers their experience
Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by DaG311

they are not rallying for the 'THINGS' that were done. they are rallying in support of someone that built the entire town and school into what it is and is being accused of not doing anything and is getting ran out. people are assuming the worst of Joe and if you know anything about they guy, you know what he stands for.... and he definitely wouldn't stand for this
Thank You! People are so dumb, do you really think hundreds of kids would rally to support child molestation? They're rallying for a man who they believe is innocent and did nothing to contribute to the coverup. 
Yes Paterno should have called the police but I believe there is so much more to that story. It may seem cliche to say this but there are two sides to every story. And I believe that at the very least, he deserves to speak his mind. 

Now Spanier, don't get me started on him. I guarantee you there is something fishy about him. I feel there is a whole conspiracy of cover ups and he is the man behind it. 
Should have, could have, the truth of the matter is, this man is partly responsible for the molestation of children, rallying around him in my eyes makes him look okay for what he did. Even if he did not commit the crime, or was even involved, obviously he did not take the right measures. How would you feel if your child was one of those affected? Different tune I suppose.
I'm 19, I'm far from having children. And I'm not going to sit here and tell you what I would do if it was my child because I don't know what it feels like and I believe it is a slap in the face to the parents of those children if I said I knew what it feels like. 
Let's agree to disagree. Yes he didn't take the right measures. Could've been a lapse of judgement? Could have been intentional? We don't know. Only Joe, McQueary, and God knows. He deserves a chance to explain himself and then I will form my complete opinion about the situation. But he was robbed of that press conference because Spanier knew he would speak and say something groundbreaking. He obviously has something very important to say if they are taking steps to make their own presser. 

It seems like there is still foul play even after this has been reported this past weekend. I'm telling you, Spanier is very fishy. I'll be damned if he's still here after this whole situation settles. Penn State needs to clean house and start fresh. 

There is an imminent storm approaching State College and everybody knows it. Believe me, this is just the beginning. THERE WILL be some more SHOCKING news within the days to come. Mark my words.

To the NT mods, would we be able to get a small charity going for child abuse? It sickens me that we can't really do anything but I believe that the NT community as a whole has the power to help make a difference. Those poor kids, smh. 20 victims that we know about. I would not be surprised if this reaches over 100
Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by Ghenges

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 
And you have no idea how those children will be affected for the rest of their lives, this scandal will change Penn State forever? How about the families who will deal with this forever. Selfishness.  Step out of your bubble for a second and realize that someone has it worse because of someone associated with your university. You are just as bad as the students rallying. Pathetic excuse.

Have you read my posts in this thread? I went on a long rant about how these kids are %@!*%$ forever. I had an hour long conversation each with my mother and father about this very fact so please don't call me selfish. The janitor who caught them already has dementia! My gosh. 
I'll be damned if these victims don't commit suicide or become predators themselves. 

Reading is fundamental, that is all. 
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by Ghenges

The seriousness of the crimes committed does not call for a half #+$ late night pep rally. He should have opened the door and told everyone to go home and pray for the victims. Leading that Penn State chant was uncomfortable to watch. This has officially become a circus.

Because the actions of a few individuals represents the entire school right?
 We still have to show pride and our colors for this school. Even when the media and people like you will associate this scandal with the student body and alumni. 
I bet you have no idea what the students and alumni are going through. We have to live with this too. We have to live with the news reporters invading their campus for the next several weeks. We have to deal with the unfair scrutiny the university as a whole will get for this. This scandal will change Penn State forever, for the worst too. And you still have no idea how it will affect the students and alumni who did nothing wrong except attend this university. 

Oh you poor little things.  I will keep you in my thoughts and pray that you make it through those tough, tough times.
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