The Simple Things

Being in the south, I'm gone die here

Just being alive

Waking up in the morning on Saturday to my dad oldies ( that's how I know I'm in the hood LOL)

Cracking a smile during rough times
Summer cookouts and Fish Fries with the family.

Reminds me all the time family is the most important thing in life.
So many...

  • Going out of town for the weekend with my wife
  • Riding my bike
  • Going for walks in the woods
  • Playing my guitar
  • Long drives to visit someone - I'm driving 5 hours to the Region next week and it will be great. Lots of time to chill and let my mind wander.
  • Singing along to songs on the radio
  • Cooking in my smoker in the summer, drinking beer with my neighbor
  • Sleeping with the windows open in Spring - it smells so good when everything is blooming
  • Really good cheeseburgers
  • New shoe smell
  • Freshly ground and brewed coffee
  • Dark beer
  • Playing catch (baseball)
  • Watching the sun set from the beach in Indiana with the Chicago skyline in the distance
  • Drinking beers and telling stories with my buddies
playing handball in the summer, eatin those icee's from the carts, walkin everywhere in a tee/wifebeater, gettina tan on the beach, sleepin by the windowin the summer, gettin those really good laughs
this thread is great

- sudoko puzzles
-burning incenses while drifting in thought
-kisses from my fiancee
-a good laugh
-riding the train and admiring all of the graffiti art thats on the freight carts
- walking down Michigan ave (downtown chicago)
-making love
-sitting in the shade smoking a gold n mild
-dunks and vandals
-going to the movies solo
-driving and listening to old soul and funk music
-having no worries and enjoying each moment
-having good karma
making music
Being appreciated (as a son, brother, rapper, BF, or anything else)
snow/rain/thunderstorms while I sit in my car and let the rain cover the window
+ TheBlueprint + Weed
hot tea
counting my ammo
Cream Black n Milds when I haven't had one in a few days
The complete randomness of my GF mind and thought process
Her Nicktoon ways...

talking to my GF on the phone, especially when one of us is sleepy

My GF's laugh and smile

smoking weed from my Lay-Z-boy and watching TiVo'd episodes of Important Things on my flat screen 50+ inch TV at 3AM
NT, honestly
Facebook statuses about me from girls I used to want
Falling in love with a new beat, every time

Being me...
It being super hot when you get home from playing a long session of basketball and then taking a nice shower...alternating between cold to warmer to hot backto a little bit cool. Putting on a white t and bball shorts and laying on my bed with a playlist on low, window open with the breeze coming through, and a goodbball game on tv.
walking outside and feeling that sun hit my face
nothing better
reading a good book to fall asleep
coffee in the morning (if I'm awake enough to enjoy it)
playing basketball, the feeling I get when I walk on the court on a spring day is unsurpassed...
finding a new song I really like

-LONG Showers/Baths
-Cannabis Sativa/Indica
-Summer Concerts
-Smirking cause I know it's all good
-Hearty home cooked meals
-Tons of family around me
-Making people laugh
-Enjoying a lovers smile and company
-Hot showers when it's freezing cold
-The herb
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