the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by imthekang

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Yo, I just a huge moment of realization.
It was a what the $@#% am I doing with my life moments.

I'm horribly out of shape, I'm broke, I'm socially awkward, and I'm overall just not a good person.

I'm not happy with myself guys.

I've been sitting here for an hour and I've devised a plan of action, my procrastination dies tonight, Monday, March 19, 2012.

-I'm going to manage my money better.

No more eating out, no more unnecessary spending.


I've been slacking hard on this subject, this changes today.

-I'm going to be more social.

No more being a sloth

I know this seems like a long shot, but right now, I'm done.

I'm in full attack mode right now, my life changes today.

good to hear erick.....currently going through a similar transformation.....

I am your neighborhood friendly NT and i support anyone stepping on tough times to open a door for a new/better life.....

p.s. i dont say YOLO because im not the man to call what happens after this life(another story/thread)........but im forsure going to make it a great one to remember...destiny is ours....

i didn't know if i had to go to work or not,but just found out that i do.
chances are i'll get to leave early but still.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

i think i've shed a tear every day for the past 2 or so months. Depression and lonliness sucks. Having 0 friends is even worse. It sucks when u feel a certain way about someone and they don't.. I refuse to put myself through that again. Granted, 90% of it was my fault or whatever. 
"Told myself you were right for me, but felt so lonely in your company." �Real +@+@. �Then you got the girls part. �That crappy feeling when you realize she knows that you're hung up on "someone you used to know" even though you really want to love her more than you do, and that you're going to #$## up something real because you can't let go of something fake. �She is now you, and the cycle continues.

Some real talk here i know that feel bro.
She wants to get back together and i do too, to a certain extent.  But there is a strange feeling when we hang out that we both are holding back.  I don't know what it is but it sucks.  Stuck in this strange relationship limbo neither really willing to make the leap....
never knew i was such a !%!+*$$ {()} until today.
I saw the baddest, & i mean baddest woman i have ever, and I mean ever seen today on the train, i mean badder than 99.5% of the girls in the cute girls thread and the moist pink {()} between my legs prevented me from saying anything to her. Granted she probably would of just brushed me off as some young kid out of his league but my goodness
perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect body, delicious lips

that feeling when your the only one with short selves on and you still manage to start sweating

just gonna finish this damn paper and sleep

at least the time has been fixed on NT
I am never mixing moonshine, vodka and beer again. I was still so intoxicated when I woke up this morning that I left for work an hour too early thinking that it was dark out because I'm still not used to the time change. I feel like death.
Was waiting for the opportunity to smash this chick for over a year, had the chance last night. I was ready, my body was not

Just found out that I got a promotion today... didn't expect it at all. Its the type of company that gives 
0 feedback so when my boss told me that I have been doing a great job and deserved to take a step

up it was super encouraging. I just graduated from Pitt last May and just started working for this 

company in the middle of December. I was by no means a great student (2.8 gpa overall) and I barely

was able to graduate (thanks to my adviser who really helped me out my last semester).

#$@$ everyone that told me that English Writing was a bad field to go into & %$@$ everyone at my

last job that told me I should just stay there when I got the job offer (I was only making $8 an hour).

I've been busting my *** here these last 3 months and I'm just glad that they noticed. Keep up hope 

everyone, with just a little luck and some hard work (and being on time) the supervisor/boss will notice. 

Thanks to everyone in general for the encouragement these last few months. 

My newphew was sleep in my bed and he attacked my chi chi's, he is three and doesnt get breast fed anymore.

So I asked my mom when does the woman stop producing milk she said never any woman can breast feed even if they never had a kid 

How did I miss this in my health class 

Weather is beautiful in Jersey today. High of 79 on Thursday, let's get it! Almost short skirt season, fellas. 
Originally Posted by imthekang

Originally Posted by FuzzyRobot

I want to ask for a credit line increase. Right now i've got a 500 dollar limit, i owe about 110 bucks on it now. I always pay on time.
Am i likely to get approved, how much should i ask for? should i pay it off completely before i ask for it, or get into more "debt" on it?

Whats the best thing to do here?
Im just trying to establish some good credit.

  so have you seen a increase in your credit score since you started the first loan......?
To be honest I have no idea what my score is 

I'm assuming its good as this 500 dollar card is pretty much all I'm working with. I make pretty good money each month, and finished paying off my car. Never had any late payments or anything.

I just want to be able to make a bigger purchase with my current card.
So I broke my arm over spring break while visiting this girl that im really into. The whole ordeal kind of put a damper on my vacation, I still got it in but I wasnt really able to do much since i couldnt move my arm. plus NT didnt want to show me around new york so i ended up staying in boston for the whole week
The button above the zipper on the jeans that I'm wearing is missing due to a girl trying to tear my pants off for the D while I was in her bed.

I almost looked down at them right now but changed my mind. I don't want anyone walking past my cube and wonder why I'm staring at my crotch
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


My newphew was sleep in my bed and he attacked my chi chi's, he is three and doesnt get breast fed anymore.

So I asked my mom when does the woman stop producing milk she said never any woman can breast feed even if they never had a kid 

How did I miss this in my health class 

no they cant
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


My newphew was sleep in my bed and he attacked my chi chi's, he is three and doesnt get breast fed anymore.

So I asked my mom when does the woman stop producing milk she said never any woman can breast feed even if they never had a kid 

How did I miss this in my health class 

no they cant
yes they can
I launched a clothing website with a friend of mine yesterday at Midnight, and the responses have been great so far.
It feels amazing to finally take charge of my life and attempt something I normally wouldn't have the courage or dedication to commit to and
complete. Success or Failure, I tried and I'm proud of that
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