THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

so everyone looking over the fact shanes stealing ammo? he got a trunk load in the hyundai 

also dale was the guy who kept the what 

also you think the zombies will learn to shoot like in that movie (forgot the name) 
I wanna know what happened with past characters as well: Like the father and son Rick met in the first episode. and Merle.

They seem like good characters to have, but the show had them for such a short amount of time yet they have a character like Carol and Lori... SMH.....
I wanna know what happened with past characters as well: Like the father and son Rick met in the first episode. and Merle.

They seem like good characters to have, but the show had them for such a short amount of time yet they have a character like Carol and Lori... SMH.....
Originally Posted by big1236

^ yeah! I was more worried about Carl losing the gun instead of his own safety. LOL

I've read that past 3 pages or so and this hasn't been asked: In an open field, how can Dale NOT see the walker roaming around? I mean, it's an OPEN FIELD!!! Yeah it was dark but damn, once he saw that mutilated carcass wouldn't he have done a quick 180 to see if something was still there? And how did he not hear the walker?!?!

I'm just saying....

To all my folks who read the comics:
Spoiler [+]
Do you think the group of 30 people or so that Randall was with is the camp of the governor?
that walker was a spazz. it can very easily be explained a way with something like "the walker stumbled and fell flat somewhere. then got up when dale approached."

we always see walkers lying on the ground or standing still somewhere and not moving at all and in pitch black night u can miss stuff sneaking up.

what didn't make sense was how the walker crept up on him dead silent like a ninja.  they're zombies... they don't use stealth and strategy.
Originally Posted by big1236

^ yeah! I was more worried about Carl losing the gun instead of his own safety. LOL

I've read that past 3 pages or so and this hasn't been asked: In an open field, how can Dale NOT see the walker roaming around? I mean, it's an OPEN FIELD!!! Yeah it was dark but damn, once he saw that mutilated carcass wouldn't he have done a quick 180 to see if something was still there? And how did he not hear the walker?!?!

I'm just saying....

To all my folks who read the comics:
Spoiler [+]
Do you think the group of 30 people or so that Randall was with is the camp of the governor?
that walker was a spazz. it can very easily be explained a way with something like "the walker stumbled and fell flat somewhere. then got up when dale approached."

we always see walkers lying on the ground or standing still somewhere and not moving at all and in pitch black night u can miss stuff sneaking up.

what didn't make sense was how the walker crept up on him dead silent like a ninja.  they're zombies... they don't use stealth and strategy.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

so everyone looking over the fact shanes stealing ammo? he got a trunk load in the hyundai 

also dale was the guy who kept the what 

also you think the zombies will learn to shoot like in that movie (forgot the name) 
No, I don't think that the zombies will learn how to shoot guns. 
@big1236- Morgan and Duane were the father and son. I do hope the show writes in a part where Rick checks up on them. That would be good closure for that storyline.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

so everyone looking over the fact shanes stealing ammo? he got a trunk load in the hyundai 

also dale was the guy who kept the what 

also you think the zombies will learn to shoot like in that movie (forgot the name) 
No, I don't think that the zombies will learn how to shoot guns. 
@big1236- Morgan and Duane were the father and son. I do hope the show writes in a part where Rick checks up on them. That would be good closure for that storyline.
Originally Posted by three6mafia

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Anyone think that dumb $#% Carl is going to cause Darryl to die later on? He took his pistol and hasn't said anything to anyone....I can already picture Darryl trying to reach his saddle when he's in deep $*% and find nothing there...

They brought that up on the talking dead. Apparently its Meril's, muril.. I dunno how to spell his name. Daryls brother's gun. They said Daryl dosent even know its there.. hence why he always uses a cross bow and knifes. Lol

He uses the knife and corssbow because they are silent, not because he doesnt know the gun is there
Originally Posted by three6mafia

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Anyone think that dumb $#% Carl is going to cause Darryl to die later on? He took his pistol and hasn't said anything to anyone....I can already picture Darryl trying to reach his saddle when he's in deep $*% and find nothing there...

They brought that up on the talking dead. Apparently its Meril's, muril.. I dunno how to spell his name. Daryls brother's gun. They said Daryl dosent even know its there.. hence why he always uses a cross bow and knifes. Lol

He uses the knife and corssbow because they are silent, not because he doesnt know the gun is there
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Sam Witwer (the actor who played The Walker in the Tank -- I had no idea it was him) talks about the planned season 2 opening before AMC scrapped it, fired him, and took the show away from him.� Sounds kind of like an awesomeeeeeee idea.� They talk about the grenade and zombie from the series premier.� Ridiculous that he planned out the series so many seasons ahead.� Then AMC cut the budget 35%.

I don't know why this @!+$ wont embed...

that made me want to be finished with this show. characters as unlikable on the screen as signing the checks.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Sam Witwer (the actor who played The Walker in the Tank -- I had no idea it was him) talks about the planned season 2 opening before AMC scrapped it, fired him, and took the show away from him.� Sounds kind of like an awesomeeeeeee idea.� They talk about the grenade and zombie from the series premier.� Ridiculous that he planned out the series so many seasons ahead.� Then AMC cut the budget 35%.

I don't know why this @!+$ wont embed...

that made me want to be finished with this show. characters as unlikable on the screen as signing the checks.
Originally Posted by three6mafia

how the hell can you have a zombie tv show and only have ONE zombie through out the entire show.

My thoughts exactly, just started trying to get into this show but I've seen a few episodes and fell asleep during all of them. I'll give it another shot.
Originally Posted by three6mafia

how the hell can you have a zombie tv show and only have ONE zombie through out the entire show.

My thoughts exactly, just started trying to get into this show but I've seen a few episodes and fell asleep during all of them. I'll give it another shot.
On "The Talking Dead," Scott Ian mentions that he feels that Randall is comparable to the Ben Linus character on Lost. It will be interesting if that turns out to be true and see how the story pans out.
On "The Talking Dead," Scott Ian mentions that he feels that Randall is comparable to the Ben Linus character on Lost. It will be interesting if that turns out to be true and see how the story pans out.
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