THE WALKING DEAD -- vaya con dios

Originally Posted by Mister916

Poor Carl. He inherited the stupidity gene from his mother.

Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by three6mafia

how the hell can you have a zombie tv show and only have ONE zombie through out the entire show.

My thoughts exactly, just started trying to get into this show but I've seen a few episodes and fell asleep during all of them. I'll give it another shot.
Well, the show has focused more on the people living in this new zombie world instead of them just constantly running from zombies.  I understand where you're coming from though.  The show should be more exciting than it is.  The makers of the show have said that "The Walking Dead" title is actually referring to the living human characters and not the zombies.  I think we're all sick of them making this farm their home and want them to venture out again.  A lot of us Lost fans see Randal being a poor man's Ben Linus.  He was listening in on Shane and Andrea talking about kicking Rick and Herschel from power.  He'll probably use it to play Rick or Lori.  In the preview it shows that he escaped and if he's able to get to his group then they might finally have to get the hell off that farm.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by three6mafia

how the hell can you have a zombie tv show and only have ONE zombie through out the entire show.

My thoughts exactly, just started trying to get into this show but I've seen a few episodes and fell asleep during all of them. I'll give it another shot.
Well, the show has focused more on the people living in this new zombie world instead of them just constantly running from zombies.  I understand where you're coming from though.  The show should be more exciting than it is.  The makers of the show have said that "The Walking Dead" title is actually referring to the living human characters and not the zombies.  I think we're all sick of them making this farm their home and want them to venture out again.  A lot of us Lost fans see Randal being a poor man's Ben Linus.  He was listening in on Shane and Andrea talking about kicking Rick and Herschel from power.  He'll probably use it to play Rick or Lori.  In the preview it shows that he escaped and if he's able to get to his group then they might finally have to get the hell off that farm.
Originally Posted by TrueBlue Magic

On "The Talking Dead," Scott Ian mentions that he feels that Randall is comparable to the Ben Linus character on Lost. It will be interesting if that turns out to be true and see how the story pans out.

too much LOST going on with this show now...
Originally Posted by TrueBlue Magic

On "The Talking Dead," Scott Ian mentions that he feels that Randall is comparable to the Ben Linus character on Lost. It will be interesting if that turns out to be true and see how the story pans out.

too much LOST going on with this show now...
I bet darryl's bro is rollin with the crew of the hostage and somehow some way it's all going to come to be in the last 2 episodes.
I bet darryl's bro is rollin with the crew of the hostage and somehow some way it's all going to come to be in the last 2 episodes.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Sam Witwer (the actor who played The Walker in the Tank -- I had no idea it was him) talks about the planned season 2 opening before AMC scrapped it, fired him, and took the show away from him.� Sounds kind of like an awesomeeeeeee idea.� They talk about the grenade and zombie from the series premier.� Ridiculous that he planned out the series so many seasons ahead.� Then AMC cut the budget 35%.

I don't know why this @!+$ wont embed...

that made me want to be finished with this show. characters as unlikable on the screen as signing the checks.

Everyone asking about the Morgan and Duane (the father and son) and Meryl (Darryl's brother) should watch that vid because honestly, chances are those story lines are NOT gonna be resolved

Those were Frank Darabont's ideas and in the video they talk about how everything they shot in the first season was done as an episode for the rest of the series.  The zombie in the tank, that Rick has to shoot to get the grenade that saves his life, was supposed to come back in season 2 with an origins story sort of a Black Hawk Down in zombieland situation but AMC cut the budget on the show and wrote out/killed off a lot of the characters. It's also the reason T-Dog and Carroll and Darryl don't DO anything. Almost all of those plotlines established early on aren't being followed anymore. Doesn't mean they won't be resolved, but whereas we were going to get episodes dedicated to every character, now we just get a farm in Georgia. Because it's cheaper to shoot the telenovela there. They cut back on how much they spend on makeup by just including one-three zombies per episode and no one's even really noticed enough to complain yet
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Sam Witwer (the actor who played The Walker in the Tank -- I had no idea it was him) talks about the planned season 2 opening before AMC scrapped it, fired him, and took the show away from him.� Sounds kind of like an awesomeeeeeee idea.� They talk about the grenade and zombie from the series premier.� Ridiculous that he planned out the series so many seasons ahead.� Then AMC cut the budget 35%.

I don't know why this @!+$ wont embed...

that made me want to be finished with this show. characters as unlikable on the screen as signing the checks.

Everyone asking about the Morgan and Duane (the father and son) and Meryl (Darryl's brother) should watch that vid because honestly, chances are those story lines are NOT gonna be resolved

Those were Frank Darabont's ideas and in the video they talk about how everything they shot in the first season was done as an episode for the rest of the series.  The zombie in the tank, that Rick has to shoot to get the grenade that saves his life, was supposed to come back in season 2 with an origins story sort of a Black Hawk Down in zombieland situation but AMC cut the budget on the show and wrote out/killed off a lot of the characters. It's also the reason T-Dog and Carroll and Darryl don't DO anything. Almost all of those plotlines established early on aren't being followed anymore. Doesn't mean they won't be resolved, but whereas we were going to get episodes dedicated to every character, now we just get a farm in Georgia. Because it's cheaper to shoot the telenovela there. They cut back on how much they spend on makeup by just including one-three zombies per episode and no one's even really noticed enough to complain yet
It boggles my mind why AMC got so cheap with this series when they saw the buzz it had
It boggles my mind why AMC got so cheap with this series when they saw the buzz it had
Originally Posted by TrueBlue Magic

On "The Talking Dead," Scott Ian mentions that he feels that Randall is comparable to the Ben Linus character on Lost. It will be interesting if that turns out to be true and see how the story pans out.
Get the eff outta here. They must be crazy. It's cool to think about but that'd only work if Randall was the Governor
I mean that means before they came out the bar Randall told his ppl to leave him behind so he could get info on them and then he screwed himself once his leg got caught after falling off that roof.

Anyway, ppl asking about Duane and Morgan who knows if they get used in the show again. I'm not spoiling much by saying they don't show up for a long time in the comics either.

As for that special S2 premiere about the walker in the tank didn't we already talk about that when this season started? Basically AMC cut it out cuz they're cheap.

I think what has made this farm life so boring is that the writers spent more time building up the Shane and Rick controversy which is understandable after all of that where is Sophia nonsense. In comparison to the comics, they've cut out all of the extra exploration they were doing. After getting on the farm they were still out looking for supplies in towns miles away every now and then. They've completely cut that out in the show.
Originally Posted by MMG

It boggles my mind why AMC got so cheap with this series when they saw the buzz it had
They wasted all of their money on that stupid cdc building explosion

I knew I wasn't the only one that noticed something looked off about the walker Carl met in the woods like they were using cgi cuz it didn't even look like it was really there in some scenes.
Originally Posted by Flight8403

I bet darryl's bro is rollin with the crew of the hostage and somehow some way it's all going to come to be in the last 2 episodes.
Yeah I expect Meryl to come back and it'll probably lead to Daryl's death.

Don't click if you haven't read the comics.
Spoiler [+]
When I think about it since Meryl lost his hand just so he can escape I can see when they capture Rick he gets payback and is the one to cut off Rick's hand on some now we're even shh.
Originally Posted by TrueBlue Magic

On "The Talking Dead," Scott Ian mentions that he feels that Randall is comparable to the Ben Linus character on Lost. It will be interesting if that turns out to be true and see how the story pans out.
Get the eff outta here. They must be crazy. It's cool to think about but that'd only work if Randall was the Governor
I mean that means before they came out the bar Randall told his ppl to leave him behind so he could get info on them and then he screwed himself once his leg got caught after falling off that roof.

Anyway, ppl asking about Duane and Morgan who knows if they get used in the show again. I'm not spoiling much by saying they don't show up for a long time in the comics either.

As for that special S2 premiere about the walker in the tank didn't we already talk about that when this season started? Basically AMC cut it out cuz they're cheap.

I think what has made this farm life so boring is that the writers spent more time building up the Shane and Rick controversy which is understandable after all of that where is Sophia nonsense. In comparison to the comics, they've cut out all of the extra exploration they were doing. After getting on the farm they were still out looking for supplies in towns miles away every now and then. They've completely cut that out in the show.
Originally Posted by MMG

It boggles my mind why AMC got so cheap with this series when they saw the buzz it had
They wasted all of their money on that stupid cdc building explosion

I knew I wasn't the only one that noticed something looked off about the walker Carl met in the woods like they were using cgi cuz it didn't even look like it was really there in some scenes.
Originally Posted by Flight8403

I bet darryl's bro is rollin with the crew of the hostage and somehow some way it's all going to come to be in the last 2 episodes.
Yeah I expect Meryl to come back and it'll probably lead to Daryl's death.

Don't click if you haven't read the comics.
Spoiler [+]
When I think about it since Meryl lost his hand just so he can escape I can see when they capture Rick he gets payback and is the one to cut off Rick's hand on some now we're even shh.
Originally Posted by MMG

It boggles my mind why AMC got so cheap with this series when they saw the buzz it had

I said this early, AMC cut the budget for The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad so more money could be poured into Mad Men. That's why this entire season has been shot outdoors and why they've stayed at that damn farm this whole season. %%+* AMC and Mad Men 
Originally Posted by MMG

It boggles my mind why AMC got so cheap with this series when they saw the buzz it had

I said this early, AMC cut the budget for The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad so more money could be poured into Mad Men. That's why this entire season has been shot outdoors and why they've stayed at that damn farm this whole season. %%+* AMC and Mad Men 
Why does mad men need more bread? All the episodes I've seen have been in the same damn office, don't get me wrong I understand that's there money maker but damn, and they gonna cut breaking bad too? AMC right now has the juice to have 3 of the top shows on TV and they messing around, HBO or show time needs to take the walking dead
Why does mad men need more bread? All the episodes I've seen have been in the same damn office, don't get me wrong I understand that's there money maker but damn, and they gonna cut breaking bad too? AMC right now has the juice to have 3 of the top shows on TV and they messing around, HBO or show time needs to take the walking dead
Originally Posted by MMG

Why does mad men need more bread? All the episodes I've seen have been in the same damn office, don't get me wrong I understand that's there money maker but damn, and they gonna cut breaking bad too? AMC right now has the juice to have 3 of the top shows on TV and they messing around, HBO or show time needs to take the walking dead
Just google "AMC Mad Men budget" and prepare to
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