Things people do that you dont understand

Harvard (I think those are some nerdy smart guys or something) thinks long hours are... well, dumb.

And there's this...

My opinion of people that work unnecessarily long hours is they have no life outside of work and/or want bosss' approval, but instead of finding solutions to problems and being more productive, they want to give the appearance of both with little substance resulting from their "efforts". If they wanna be glued to their desks, all good with me.

I recently read 48 laws of power. Greene said that working longer hours isnt necessarily a good thing. It gives the appearance that u couldnt get the job or task done in the alotted time. It actually hurts u more than u think it helps.
Folks just like to say they work long hours. It's nothing to brag about. I don't live to work.
People putting their kids as their MCM or WCW. You attracted to your child b?
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I recently read 48 laws of power. Greene said that working longer hours isnt necessarily a good thing. It gives the appearance that u couldnt get the job or task done in the alotted time. It actually hurts u more than u think it helps.

It's funny, the power hungry types that haven't read/listened to that book are guilty of so much that the book calls out as counter-productive. I see it all day at work. I've read most of it and am not at all interested in power, but I know how not to get it and dudes that want it shoot themselves in the feet often.
It's funny, the power hungry types that haven't read/listened to that book are guilty of so much that the book calls out as counter-productive. I see it all day at work. I've read most of it and am not at all interested in power, but I know how not to get it and dudes that want it shoot themselves in the feet often.

Someone working twice as hard as their colleague to finish the same task makes them look inferior.
I recently read 48 laws of power. Greene said that working longer hours isnt necessarily a good thing. It gives the appearance that u couldnt get the job or task done in the alotted time. It actually hurts u more than u think it helps.

It's funny, the power hungry types that haven't read/listened to that book are guilty of so much that the book calls out as counter-productive. I see it all day at work. I've read most of it and am not at all interested in power, but I know how not to get it and dudes that want it shoot themselves in the feet often.

I know it burns these dudes soul when management takes interest in the guy getting things done, laying in the cut over their kiss *** self.
I don't get why people pay mad money for a pregnancy photoshoot or like a high school graduation photoshoot.

Personally I feel like photos for things like that should be tied to some memories.

If you have a photoshoot, what's the memory?

"Remember when you were pregnant and we spent a few hundred dollars to hire a photographer to take professional pictures we're only posting on Facebook? What a great day."
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**** what you taking bout I looked fly as **** in my graduation photos that was a fun day :lol:.

As for pregnancy it's something for the kids to look back on and see what mom and pops looked like when they were young. Like for my girls since me and the mom aren't together anymore they can see a time when we were. We ain't gonna young forever
**** what you taking bout I looked fly as **** in my graduation photos that was a fun day :lol:.

As for pregnancy it's something for the kids to look back on and see what mom and pops looked like when they were young. Like for my girls since me and the mom aren't together anymore they can see a time when we were. We ain't gonna young forever

Nah I'm not against photos completely. But like booking a photoshoot with no context? I don't get it. Quick snaps off an iPhone from a memorable family outing would mean a lot more to me than a staged photoshoot on some random day.
Nah I'm not against photos completely. But like booking a photoshoot with no context? I don't get it. Quick snaps off an iPhone from a memorable family outing would mean a lot more to me than a staged photoshoot on some random day.

To each his own but to me the photo shoot is the family outing and it isn't random is something planned for well in advance. You don't have family portraits is this something people don't do anymore?
I got some family portraits from when i was a toddler. Its a trip seeing how my parents looked 20+ yrs ago lol
Nah I'm not against photos completely. But like booking a photoshoot with no context? I don't get it. Quick snaps off an iPhone from a memorable family outing would mean a lot more to me than a staged photoshoot on some random day.

To each his own but to me the photo shoot is the family outing and it isn't random is something planned for well in advance. You don't have family portraits is this something people don't do anymore?

Fair enough. I get that it's not totally random; I meant it more in the sense that the photos are the primary and often times only objective of the outing.

My family personally doesn't have any professional portraits. All the pictures we have framed were taken during some event and never by a professional photographer. A few of my relatives have professionally done portraits though. Guess I just share the same mentality as my parents.
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As far as the working OT goes, That person may have a goal that they are working towards and need extra money.
It could be to buy a car or house or start a business.

I work 16 hours OT every week.
But then again, in my situation it's available, and they need people to work it so its more or less seen as a positive by the higher ups.
I work OT to help out the people not competent to do their job. I mean my schedule is already trash 3pm-1130pm so I might as well make some extra cash
Both are understandable reasons. My responses were aimed at people that act like if you're not working OT, your work ethic is poor. It's case by case, like most things.
People that have to get off of work EVERYDAY at the exact minute they are scheduled to get off.

Dude at work HAS to have his a/c blowin and pedal to the floor at 3:55 everyday haulin *** out the parkin lot.

Like dawg, its gona hurt you and your fam to stay 15 min late every now and then? Doggy doesnt ever get OT.

:lol: shut up fam
When a kim kardashian stan you've never seen post before gets butthurt over a joke and reports you.
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