Things that annoy you in the college classroom

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I actually really hate when there is 5 minutes left, and people start packing up their stuff. All you hear is ZIP ZIP ZIIIIIIIP ZIIIIIIP ZIP ZIP. I mean come on, you in that much of a rush? I think it's really disrespectful to the professor.

Ahhh that drives me up the wall. It's always when you need to hear what the prof is saying too. He's saying something important about an assignment or exam and all you can hear is flippin rustling and zipping. I always try to sit extra still and stare intently at the prof so he knows I'm listening at least and won't feel as bad. Maybe it comes off as rapisty actually, now that I think about it I stare pretty hard lol but my intentions are good!

I hate when you need to talk to the prof after class about an assignment question or something and there's a huge line to talk to him but the other kids only want to kiss his +++. Unlike you a-holes, I have better things to do with my time let me get my question in before you start sucking up to him w how much you loved his last paper.

People who read what I'm typing. Last time I was on msn in lecture some dude was reading everything we said so I typed "this ()$*#() creepshow next to me won't quit watching me type" and the kid looked away all chastised. That's right you look away.

The person who thinks they're funny. As a funny person, people who think they're funny and aren't are my biggest pet peeve. They put up their hand with some dumb!*# comment just so they can crack a 'joke'. I especially hate it when some idiot laughs. They aren't funny. Don't encourage them.
I'm sorry but most of these are hilarious...I could picture ya'll getting mad too

the only one I don't like is the people who ask questions when it's time to go...just why?
I'm sorry but most of these are hilarious...I could picture ya'll getting mad too

the only one I don't like is the people who ask questions when it's time to go...just why?
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

-teachers that are strict on attendance. If i have an A/B and im not being disruptive when i am there, it shouldn't really matter if i miss 5-6 days in a semester.

one of my biggest pet peeves.  i do the assigned work and come when it's necessary.  if i understand the work and material and get it done on time then why should attendance for a class i'm paying to go to matter?  if i'm taking a class and i don't understand the material then ill be there every day asking questions and putting the necessary time and effort in but in the classes i have no problems with  i tend to only show up when papers are due, for tests, when we have a quiz, and when homework and projects are due.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

-teachers that are strict on attendance. If i have an A/B and im not being disruptive when i am there, it shouldn't really matter if i miss 5-6 days in a semester.

one of my biggest pet peeves.  i do the assigned work and come when it's necessary.  if i understand the work and material and get it done on time then why should attendance for a class i'm paying to go to matter?  if i'm taking a class and i don't understand the material then ill be there every day asking questions and putting the necessary time and effort in but in the classes i have no problems with  i tend to only show up when papers are due, for tests, when we have a quiz, and when homework and projects are due.
didn't see this one yet.

teachers with the monotone voice....that loves to talk throughout the whole entire class period........

even when they tell stories about themselves where something happened good to them they still have that same voice.
didn't see this one yet.

teachers with the monotone voice....that loves to talk throughout the whole entire class period........

even when they tell stories about themselves where something happened good to them they still have that same voice.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

How about when you wait on line for the college shuttle bus and people cut the whole line to get in front of you. Then they take the seat u suppose to have. I ice grill @$#@$+ who do this and THEY say "whe got a problem dun?"

don't lie bo
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

How about when you wait on line for the college shuttle bus and people cut the whole line to get in front of you. Then they take the seat u suppose to have. I ice grill @$#@$+ who do this and THEY say "whe got a problem dun?"

don't lie bo
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

when you sit in the same seat ALL SEMESTER and show up a few min. late one day and a mo'fo who hasnt never been there sits in "your" seat...

i know its just a seat but damn it that was my seat!

I wanna say really? to this but I feel the same way when I go to the gym and someone is on the bike that I always use. @#$$ gets me extra heated and throws me off

Its a gym dude

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

when you sit in the same seat ALL SEMESTER and show up a few min. late one day and a mo'fo who hasnt never been there sits in "your" seat...

i know its just a seat but damn it that was my seat!
I do that
And to top it off, I'll look you dead in the eye and smile as you find another seat

i hate you and all you stand for

i also can't stand when the class isn't even full yet and someone sits RIGHT next to you in a damn near empty row... at least skip a seat damn

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

when you sit in the same seat ALL SEMESTER and show up a few min. late one day and a mo'fo who hasnt never been there sits in "your" seat...

i know its just a seat but damn it that was my seat!

I wanna say really? to this but I feel the same way when I go to the gym and someone is on the bike that I always use. @#$$ gets me extra heated and throws me off

Its a gym dude

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

when you sit in the same seat ALL SEMESTER and show up a few min. late one day and a mo'fo who hasnt never been there sits in "your" seat...

i know its just a seat but damn it that was my seat!
I do that
And to top it off, I'll look you dead in the eye and smile as you find another seat

i hate you and all you stand for

i also can't stand when the class isn't even full yet and someone sits RIGHT next to you in a damn near empty row... at least skip a seat damn

Funny stories.  Over time I just learned to put up with their crap and accept people for the way they are.  Sometimes I just say its only for the semester or two.  It's like the real world, when you have classmates and co workers in the future.  You are not going to like everyone, and the ones you don't really like or can't relate to, you just learn to put up with their little quirks and move on.
Funny stories.  Over time I just learned to put up with their crap and accept people for the way they are.  Sometimes I just say its only for the semester or two.  It's like the real world, when you have classmates and co workers in the future.  You are not going to like everyone, and the ones you don't really like or can't relate to, you just learn to put up with their little quirks and move on.
The people that put waaay waaay waaaaay too much effort in their wardrobe... showing up to the lab at 8am like its the set of a music video

The people that put waaay waaay waaaaay too much effort in their wardrobe... showing up to the lab at 8am like its the set of a music video

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The people that put waaay waaay waaaaay too much effort in their wardrobe... showing up to the lab at 8am like its the set of a music video

Some people just like to look nice. My roommate is like that. Wears a polo/colored shirt everday, nice pants, etc.

If you're like me and show up to class in hoop shorts/sweats I'd say that's more indicative of us being lazy/comfortable than anything. 
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The people that put waaay waaay waaaaay too much effort in their wardrobe... showing up to the lab at 8am like its the set of a music video

Some people just like to look nice. My roommate is like that. Wears a polo/colored shirt everday, nice pants, etc.

If you're like me and show up to class in hoop shorts/sweats I'd say that's more indicative of us being lazy/comfortable than anything. 
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The people that put waaay waaay waaaaay too much effort in their wardrobe... showing up to the lab at 8am like its the set of a music video


cosign. they almost always end up looking like a cornball. 
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The people that put waaay waaay waaaaay too much effort in their wardrobe... showing up to the lab at 8am like its the set of a music video


cosign. they almost always end up looking like a cornball. 
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