Things that annoy you in the college classroom

Originally Posted by eashawty

mytmouse76 wrote:

when you sit in the same seat ALL SEMESTER and show up a few min. late one day and a mo'fo who hasnt never been there sits in "your" seat...

i know its just a seat but damn it that was my seat!

hate when folks do that, then i gotta sit in sumbody else seat & when they come look at me crazy for bein in they seat i be like "tell that #+!%@ over there to get out my seat then"

word especially when that seat is next to an outlet and you really need to charge your phone or laptop. Dude took up 2 outlets, i was heated looked him in the eye like "yo kick your **$% to the other side i finna charge my EVO"
i have an evening class this semester. 3 hours long from 5pm to 8pm

day of the midterm and nearly everyone is done class at 3:30 so most ppl head to the lecture theatre to review for the next hour and a half. its dead quiet in there with everyone studying and some $!%$+ at the very top is talking like nobodys business all loud and **+@. pissed me the @#%@ off.

not in the classroom, but in a study area not specifically designated the quiet area, yet everyone is still fairly quiet working. some $!%$+ comes in and pulls up skype on her laptop right in the middle of the room and starts yapping away, with the speakers on and everything

i realize you have a right to do these things cause its not a strict no talking zone, but really?

oh, and some girl in my psych class sits right on the end of a row by the stairs yet puts her **+@ in the middle of the aisle. one day itll be her bag, one day her lunch (bag of carrots and celery, sandwich, water etc just lying in the middle of the damn staircase). if you say excuse me shell just roll her eyes or some **+@ and not even bother moving her stuff (ok, she might move it an inch or so). nowadays i just step over it, sometimes kicking her stuff in the process. @#%@ yo carrots $!%$+

and the person behind you who puts their feet up on your chair

cosign on people stealing you seat too
i have an evening class this semester. 3 hours long from 5pm to 8pm

day of the midterm and nearly everyone is done class at 3:30 so most ppl head to the lecture theatre to review for the next hour and a half. its dead quiet in there with everyone studying and some $!%$+ at the very top is talking like nobodys business all loud and **+@. pissed me the @#%@ off.

not in the classroom, but in a study area not specifically designated the quiet area, yet everyone is still fairly quiet working. some $!%$+ comes in and pulls up skype on her laptop right in the middle of the room and starts yapping away, with the speakers on and everything

i realize you have a right to do these things cause its not a strict no talking zone, but really?

oh, and some girl in my psych class sits right on the end of a row by the stairs yet puts her **+@ in the middle of the aisle. one day itll be her bag, one day her lunch (bag of carrots and celery, sandwich, water etc just lying in the middle of the damn staircase). if you say excuse me shell just roll her eyes or some **+@ and not even bother moving her stuff (ok, she might move it an inch or so). nowadays i just step over it, sometimes kicking her stuff in the process. @#%@ yo carrots $!%$+

and the person behind you who puts their feet up on your chair

cosign on people stealing you seat too
-The smart idiot that thinks he/she knows everything and gives a long, drawn out answer but still aint right.
-The person that corrects the teacher when it comes to an assignment "I thought u said the paper was 10pgs, not 5"
-The two girls laughin and gigglin the whole class when they can clearly use their phones to do their conversing.
-The one dude who smells like a hot mess in a hot !*+ classroom
-The kid who asks long !*+ questions at the end of class knowin we can't leave until the question's answered
-The person who stays after EVERY class to talk to the prof.
-The smart idiot that thinks he/she knows everything and gives a long, drawn out answer but still aint right.
-The person that corrects the teacher when it comes to an assignment "I thought u said the paper was 10pgs, not 5"
-The two girls laughin and gigglin the whole class when they can clearly use their phones to do their conversing.
-The one dude who smells like a hot mess in a hot !*+ classroom
-The kid who asks long !*+ questions at the end of class knowin we can't leave until the question's answered
-The person who stays after EVERY class to talk to the prof.
when the class is 85% dudes

finance major FTL
-people who come in late to class and cause a commotion to get to a seat, then spend the whole time on fb/txting and cause another commotion when theyre leaving early.

the rest of the class just stares as he leaves, shaking their heads.
-people who come in late to class and cause a commotion to get to a seat, then spend the whole time on fb/txting and cause another commotion when theyre leaving early.

the rest of the class just stares as he leaves, shaking their heads.
-Professors that won't accept HW once class starts (like literally, you get 0 credit if you're 15 seconds late)
-Professors/TA who have thick accents / cannot speak English well
-Nitpicky graders (-5pts for not circling the answer
Originally Posted by kuNASTY88

when the class is 85% 98% dudes

finance  engineering major FTL
-Professors that won't accept HW once class starts (like literally, you get 0 credit if you're 15 seconds late)
-Professors/TA who have thick accents / cannot speak English well
-Nitpicky graders (-5pts for not circling the answer
Originally Posted by kuNASTY88

when the class is 85% 98% dudes

finance  engineering major FTL
Mofos that blow their nose so loud like a vuvuzela in the middle of lecture while the Professor is talking. You can't get up and do it outside? GODDAMN.
Mofos that blow their nose so loud like a vuvuzela in the middle of lecture while the Professor is talking. You can't get up and do it outside? GODDAMN.
Originally Posted by Jackofspad3s

Mofos that blow their nose so loud like a vuvuzela in the middle of lecture while the Professor is talking. You can't get up and do it outside? GODDAMN.

This JUST happened in class.
Originally Posted by Jackofspad3s

Mofos that blow their nose so loud like a vuvuzela in the middle of lecture while the Professor is talking. You can't get up and do it outside? GODDAMN.

This JUST happened in class.
From user name Steve Yobs:

1. People who have meaningless convos in class.
2. Captain Obvious *Student says answer while teacher is CLEARLY already writing it down*
3. People that think they should be in IVY league schools.
4. People that complain about their teachers sucking, when all they do is text....
5. People who have their phone out on their desks but never get texts.
Oooh, look at mr./mrs. important over here.
6. People that make fun of their teachers because they have accents.
7. People that complain about the work load.
End rant
From user name Steve Yobs:

1. People who have meaningless convos in class.
2. Captain Obvious *Student says answer while teacher is CLEARLY already writing it down*
3. People that think they should be in IVY league schools.
4. People that complain about their teachers sucking, when all they do is text....
5. People who have their phone out on their desks but never get texts.
Oooh, look at mr./mrs. important over here.
6. People that make fun of their teachers because they have accents.
7. People that complain about the work load.
End rant
Originally Posted by AJChick23

-When the professor goes over their allotted time EVERY CLASS.. as if we don't have other places to be.

-When the professor calls on you and your hand wasn't raised..

-That one kid who asks all the dumb questions about things the professor already clearly stated

-The one kid who is the only one who laughs hella loud at all of the professors corny jokes

-1st day of class introductions..I don't mind talking in front of people but nobody cares about your name, city of origin, major, and "one interesting thing about yourself"

Aint this the truth. i dont give a damn about my classmates %%!%
Originally Posted by AJChick23

-When the professor goes over their allotted time EVERY CLASS.. as if we don't have other places to be.

-When the professor calls on you and your hand wasn't raised..

-That one kid who asks all the dumb questions about things the professor already clearly stated

-The one kid who is the only one who laughs hella loud at all of the professors corny jokes

-1st day of class introductions..I don't mind talking in front of people but nobody cares about your name, city of origin, major, and "one interesting thing about yourself"

Aint this the truth. i dont give a damn about my classmates %%!%
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I actually really hate when there is 5 minutes left, and people start packing up their stuff. All you hear is ZIP ZIP ZIIIIIIIP ZIIIIIIP ZIP ZIP. I mean come on, you in that much of a rush? I think it's really disrespectful to the professor.

that'll never stop happening....and looking at the professor's face as he hears the noises are priceless.
Originally Posted by Bozo7000

I actually really hate when there is 5 minutes left, and people start packing up their stuff. All you hear is ZIP ZIP ZIIIIIIIP ZIIIIIIP ZIP ZIP. I mean come on, you in that much of a rush? I think it's really disrespectful to the professor.

that'll never stop happening....and looking at the professor's face as he hears the noises are priceless.
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