Things that you find annoying.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Does anyone else find it rude or annoying when you're are talking to someone, then WHILE you're talking they start singing a random song clip and or dancing? Just had it happened to me like twice and

Hmmmm, sounds like they are actively ignoring you. Sounds kind of strange for a Glee moment to break out during a normal conversation

On a side note, I sometimes find NT annoying.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Does anyone else find it rude or annoying when you're are talking to someone, then WHILE you're talking they start singing a random song clip and or dancing? Just had it happened to me like twice and

Hmmmm, sounds like they are actively ignoring you. Sounds kind of strange for a Glee moment to break out during a normal conversation

On a side note, I sometimes find NT annoying.
Originally Posted by iYen

Mr DragonFly Jones wrote:

- paying for something that's more than $5 in all coins. One time a lady tried to give me ALL pennies for something that was $10.99...I just stonefaced her and moved to a new register.

Is there a policy that says they can't do this?

They can...but if you saw this mess you would've had the SAME reaction. 
Originally Posted by iYen

Mr DragonFly Jones wrote:

- paying for something that's more than $5 in all coins. One time a lady tried to give me ALL pennies for something that was $10.99...I just stonefaced her and moved to a new register.

Is there a policy that says they can't do this?

They can...but if you saw this mess you would've had the SAME reaction. 
When you buy NDS sneakers and shoes with seperation on both shoes at the toes comes in the mail, then you open a paypal claim and the seller insults you
When you buy NDS sneakers and shoes with seperation on both shoes at the toes comes in the mail, then you open a paypal claim and the seller insults you
-Bandwagon sports Fans
-Noticing small dents on my car door from someone else in a parking lot.
-People that talk while smoking a blunt/joint.

-People being too into their gf/bf.
-Artist taking forever to come out during a show and bad opening acts.
-People that talk about doings things and never get around to doing them.
-Online job applications.
-Female mood swings
-Healing process of a tattoo
-The wind
-Bandwagon sports Fans
-Noticing small dents on my car door from someone else in a parking lot.
-People that talk while smoking a blunt/joint.

-People being too into their gf/bf.
-Artist taking forever to come out during a show and bad opening acts.
-People that talk about doings things and never get around to doing them.
-Online job applications.
-Female mood swings
-Healing process of a tattoo
-The wind
  • When I make eye contact with someone and they keep staring.
  • People that don't close the door when taking a leak.
  • People that complains that they're fat but doesn't do anything about it. 
  • Hipsters
  • Middle/High School kids
  • I got a rottweiler, and I hate it when I'm walking him and people be like, "That's a big dog"... I KNOW IT'S A BIG DOG! STOP TELLING ME THAT SH__!
  • Old people driving and female drivers.
  • When I make eye contact with someone and they keep staring.
  • People that don't close the door when taking a leak.
  • People that complains that they're fat but doesn't do anything about it. 
  • Hipsters
  • Middle/High School kids
  • I got a rottweiler, and I hate it when I'm walking him and people be like, "That's a big dog"... I KNOW IT'S A BIG DOG! STOP TELLING ME THAT SH__!
  • Old people driving and female drivers.
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