this Thread about nothing thread is killing da whole vibe in general...

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Yeah that's the one I saw that kinda sold me. General is moving, but it's not "moving" y'know? the intangibles you can't calculate. I don't think TAN is the whole problem, but it could use a break for a while as a jumpstarter to the rest of general.
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Yeah that's the one I saw that kinda sold me. General is moving, but it's not "moving" y'know? the intangibles you can't calculate. I don't think TAN is the whole problem, but it could use a break for a while as a jumpstarter to the rest of general.
this is where method man is failing as a sure he's looking at all da stats he's privy to with his administrative privilege looking at da hard #s

and is just coming to da conclusion that "oh its Ninjahood just thinking he's in a elevated position so he's on his soap box" when in reality da intangibles

are what he should REALLY be looking at, not traffic views.

look at why crowdgatherer has FAILED MISERABLY at retaining da population that used to occupy da yuku hosted Niketalk that is now sneakertalk from da outside looking

da people who purchased da rights of yuku saw da traffic views that yuku generated with Niketalk and figured it was no-brainer to acquire. da problem that they didn't

take into account is NT as a community MADE da traffic what it is, it wasn't anything yuku was doing. sanjay under estimated da power of da intangibles, he figured "hey if i steal

all of NT's content and keep all da usernames da name and just throw off da regime, i can take over this very profitable traffic stream for my own bidding. it didn't work.

INTANGIBLES ARE IMPORTANT, and its screaming at this point.
Sorry bros but I fully agree with Ninjahood on this. I have absolutely no desire to sift through hundreds of pages or randomness to find gems. General has lost some of its spirit with the introduction of the TAN thread.
This will be my last post in this thread.

Are any of you anti-tan nters willing to browse through 3-4 pages of tan in order to find "thread worthy" posts and make them into threads?

If not, there's no reason you should be complaining.

/thread for me.
whats da point of having limits of selling goods if someone can just free post treadmill on da thread about nothing for a week, sell some fake yeezys and scam someone?


You don't seem to know the rules.

Buy/Sell Forum Rules:

ONLY users who've been NikeTalk members for over three months AND have contributed over 300 posts may create listings in our buy/sell forums
. All new users must wait until they've met these criteria before they will be eligible to add listings. Until then, your posts will NOT be accepted by our system or approved by our buy/sell staff.

How does this policy benefit you?

Free posting is a moot issue.

whats da point of having limits of selling goods if someone can just free post treadmill on da thread about nothing for a week, sell some fake yeezys and scam someone?


You don't seem to know the rules.

Buy/Sell Forum Rules:

ONLY users who've been NikeTalk members for over three months AND have contributed over 300 posts may create listings in our buy/sell forums
. All new users must wait until they've met these criteria before they will be eligible to add listings. Until then, your posts will NOT be accepted by our system or approved by our buy/sell staff.

How does this policy benefit you?

Free posting is a moot issue.

They amended that, that wasnt da OG rule.

It's been that way since at least 2008. 

Doesnt change da fact that it was amended. & free posting is STILL discouraged.


still dodging facts & direct questions like bullets in the matrix hood.....smh
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I been here on NT for 12+ years and I wholeheartedly agree with Ninjahood. General has fallen off and is not as poppin' as it used to.....Whether it's because of TAN or not I can't say for sure but things have been different in General.

At least S&T is still poppin' tho
this is where method man is failing as a sure he's looking at all da stats he's privy to with his administrative privilege looking at da hard #s
You've changed your argument like 10 times in this thread.  You don't let facts get in the way.  (No wonder you're a Romney fan.)

I'm not on "Team ninjahood."  I'm not on "Team TAN."  I'm on "Team NikeTalk."   

The difference between us is that I can be persuaded by evidence.  You can't.  

I also consider the source.  You whined for about two weeks straight when we reinforced the "no slurs" rule to ensure that users weren't using substitutes as a crude loophole.  Seemingly EVERY time we make a change, you whine about it.  I bet you whine when you're doing long division and you have a remainder left over.  You're one of the most contrary and argumentative people on the forums - and that's fine.  I just have to take that criticism for what it's worth.  Every few weeks, people invent something new to complain about simply because it gives them something to do.  

Not one year has passed without an "NT is falling off" thread.  Your idea of NikeTalk's "golden era" was someone else's state of decline.  When you were new, every girl thread was new.  Every "roast" was new.  Every photoshop thread was new.  Everything was new.  A veteran had already seen that 2,000 times before.  Perhaps you just need to accept that your experience is just that:  YOUR experience.  Others may feel similarly, as they're in a similar situation, but that doesn't mean that NikeTalk is "objectively" worse in any way.  We get messages from people every day who are thrilled with the new site and think NT's never been better - and some of them come from people who signed up long before you did, but haven't been here in awhile.  It's all relative.  The difference is, you only care about your opinion.  I have to care about everyone. 

You have a personal opinion about the forums and it's a strong one.  But yours is a case that's built on OPINIONS and nothing more.  You were talking about something that is actually measurable (the speed of the forums), and we analyzed that.  You were wrong.  (Though you're too proud to admit it.)  As such, you've shifted your argument to "thread quality," which is entirely subjective.  Some people agree, some people disagree, but you can't "prove" that threads are any better or worse just as you can't "prove" that red is a better color than blue.  It's a matter of opinion.  So, you can scream as loudly as you want - but you aren't expressing anything OTHER than a personal opinion.  

I already said that I was open to closing that thread for a week to see what happens, and that's still something that will likely take place, but that won't happen at your beck and call and it certainly won't happen simply because 2-3 trolls start intentionally violating the rules to 1) troll the "thread about nothing" or 2) make parody/copycat threads.  There are maybe 15-20 people who want that thread shut down.  There are maybe 25-30 people who want to keep it.  That's hardly a quorum.  

The actual trial period will likely be scheduled around staff availability, unless I can somehow feel confident that those of you who are so bored as to perceive this as some sort of "civil war" will actually be civil during the trial week and won't deliberately start doing stupid things to make your point.  (e.g., "thread about nothing" supporters intentionally starting worthless topics, just as "thread about nothing" opponents spent too much of the day yesterday trolling in "protest.")  We'll give it a try when you've all calmed down a little and won't make life miserable for the rest of us.  (And, bear in mind, the overwhelming majority of members don't give a damn either way and just want to enjoy the site.)  I'm not going to set up a chemistry experiment, leave town for a few days, and tell the rest of the staff, "oh yeah, and be sure to keep an eye on the General forum.  About 40 people in there are playing 'war' this week.  Have fun!"  That's not fair to anyone.

It'll happen when it can be managed so as to minimize the adverse impact of your "game" on the rest of the forum.  I do care about your concerns.  I've listened to them, I took the time to investigate your claim about forum activity, and I've proposed a trial period to further explore the impact of the "thread about nothing."  However, you have to understand that our responsibility in managing this community extends far beyond your personal pet peeves. 

All last year, people were talking about how I "failed" because we were still on Yuku, how I was like President Obama, promising change and never delivering.  Researching multiple hosting solutions, negotiating with various providers for the best deal, and actually developing a new website takes a hell of a lot more time and energy than it takes to simply complain.  Right now, if your top priority in life, or even your top concern with this community, is really "the thread about nothing," I'm not sure whether to pity you or envy you.  
I feel as thought the Thread About Nothing should not be deleted because it serves as a Random Chat thread to members. I believe it promotes more useful threads since there threads aren't created for issues not worthy.

If you've ever been in the TAN, you'll notice members ask questions, get opinions, share news, and post things not worthy of a thread. Without that thread, I think there would be more senseless threads throughout the NT general.
Not gonna lie, I was flip-flopping on my opinion as I read this thread, then Meth ethered my brain with his way of words.

Whatever Methodical Management, peace and blessing be upon him, says, goes.
You've changed your argument like 10 times in this thread.  You don't let facts get in the way.  (No wonder you're a Romney fan.)
building on my intital synopsis =/= changing argument, and JUST because im not persuaded so easily by obama's rhetoric im automatically a romney fan?

im a hispanic voter, obama had 2 years of "super mario bros star" invincibility wit dems controlling da house and senate, and he BROKE he's promise of

comprehensive immigration reform, so excuse me if im aint drinking da left wing kool-aid like alot of folks in here, and OF COURSE i know republicans did damage

but i come from a city that like it or not, a GOP mayor cleaned up in da 90's and a pro business independent has continued to make prosper, so im speaking from experience

that ALL right ring is not all bad either.
I also consider the source.  You whined for about two weeks straight when we reinforced the "no slurs" rule to ensure that users weren't using substitutes as a crude loophole.
2 weeks b?
it was a couple of days AT MOST and i still stand by da fact that it was basically a over reach on your end, because guess what, jokes that basically

hit da same point when describing paying more for sneakers haven't stop at all. when you over regulate something, da market finds a way to circumvent da obstacle (wish i had a dollar

for every time i heard "Nike giving cats da no vasoline treatment wit 220+ foamposite MSRP as a example, which aludes to rape)
I bet you whine when you're doing long division and you have a remainder left over.  You're one of the most contrary and argumentative people on the forums - and that's fine.  I just have to take that criticism for what it's worth.  Every few weeks, people invent something new to complain about simply because it gives them something to do.
so thats what we're resorting to now meth? dont try to vale insults at my intelligence. my gripe about general is VERY valid because you're essentially permitting a walled garden

of general topics to segregate themselves from da rest of da section, instead of going thru da proper procedure of making topics for everyone to see da jumbled mess stifles growth and cuts

short in depth discussion.  i aint da only one that feels it, and im here every day b, i aint a absentee landlord, sitting on a throne stroking my cat somewhere in his far away control center just

looking at stat sheets thinking ish is sweet (im not saying that what you're doing, but i know that not what IM doing, im boots on da ground 24/7 here)
Not one year has passed without an "NT is falling off" thread.  Your idea of NikeTalk's "golden era" was someone else's state of decline.  When you were new, every girl thread was new.  Every "roast" was new.  Every photoshop thread was new.  Everything was new.  A veteran had already seen that 2,000 times before.  Perhaps you just need to accept that your experience is just that:  YOUR experience.  Others may feel similarly, as they're in a similar situation, but that doesn't mean that NikeTalk is "objectively" worse in any way.  We get messages from people every day who are thrilled with the new site and think NT's never been better - and some of them come from people who signed up long before you did, but haven't been here in awhile.  It's all relative.  The difference is, you only care about your opinion.  I have to care about everyone.
you still seem to think that im somehow drowning in a see of nostalgia of niketalk of old or something. ive been here since da XI forum, since ya was lap riding hatatakashi,

since after topics would hit page 20 they would vanish forever, so i aint ignorant of da advances this forum has come from. da move from yuku was a GOOD thing because as

comfortable as we got with it, da reliability sucked. dozens of empty page posts, tons of down time, da wizard trolling, etc. so you're not gonna confuse da topic of me explaining

how da thread about nothing's parasitic affects in regards to da rest of general. stop it, you're way smarter then that.
You have a personal opinion about the forums and it's a strong one.  But yours is a case that's built on OPINIONS and nothing more.  You were talking about something that is actually measurable (the speed of the forums), and we analyzed that.  You were wrong.  (Though you're too proud to admit it.)  As such, you've shifted your argument to "thread quality," which is entirely subjective.  Some people agree, some people disagree, but you can't "prove" that threads are any better or worse just as you can't "prove" that red is a better color than blue.  It's a matter of opinion.  So, you can scream as loudly as you want - but you aren't expressing anything OTHER than a personal opinion.
my point has been WELL AND THOROUGHLY explained, and

i posted 2 examples of how topics that could've been shared with da whole general, is instead trapped inside that abyss, thus cutting short any viable use that information could've brought

to da community and people agreed...its simple logic, if you trap all da new offerings where da majority of users dont go, how does everyone share in da new wealth of knowledge

and brings da general forum to its usual perky activity levels.
I already said that I was open to closing that thread for a week to see what happens, and that's still something that will likely take place, but that won't happen at your beck and call and it certainly won't happen simply because 2-3 trolls start intentionally violating the rules to 1) troll the "thread about nothing" or 2) make parody/copycat threads.  There are maybe 15-20 people who want that thread shut down.  There are maybe 25-30 people who want to keep it.  That's hardly a quorum.  

The actual trial period will likely be scheduled around staff availability, unless I can somehow feel confident that those of you who are so bored as to perceive this as some sort of "civil war" will actually be civil during the trial week and won't deliberately start doing stupid things to make your point.  (e.g., "thread about nothing" supporters intentionally starting worthless topics, just as "thread about nothing" opponents spent too much of the day yesterday trolling in "protest.")  We'll give it a try when you've all calmed down a little and won't make life miserable for the rest of us.  (And, bear in mind, the overwhelming majority of members don't give a damn either way and just want to enjoy the site.)  I'm not going to set up a chemistry experiment, leave town for a few days, and tell the rest of the staff, "oh yeah, and be sure to keep an eye on the General forum.  About 40 people in there are playing 'war' this week.  Have fun!"  That's not fair to anyone.

It'll happen when it can be managed so as to minimize the adverse impact of your "game" on the rest of the forum.  I do care about your concerns.  I've listened to them, I took the time to investigate your claim about forum activity, and I've proposed a trial period to further explore the impact of the "thread about nothing."  However, you have to understand that our responsibility in managing this community extends far beyond your personal pet peeves. 

All last year, people were talking about how I "failed" because we were still on Yuku, how I was like President Obama, promising change and never delivering.  Researching multiple hosting solutions, negotiating with various providers for the best deal, and actually developing a new website takes a hell of a lot more time and energy than it takes to simply complain.  Right now, if your top priority in life, or even your top concern with this community, is really "the thread about nothing," I'm not sure whether to pity you or envy you.
i respect that, thats all me and others been asking for and trust, if i didn't feel it wasn't a legitimate threat to da overall community i wouldn't of cared.
I feel as thought the Thread About Nothing should not be deleted because it serves as a Random Chat thread to members. I believe it promotes more useful threads since there threads aren't created for issues not worthy.

If you've ever been in the TAN, you'll notice members ask questions, get opinions, share news, and post things not worthy of a thread. Without that thread, I think there would be more senseless threads throughout the NT general.
da problem is ive been in that thread and i've seen things that ARE thread worthy

and instead of threads being made of em, they become buried.

if Niketalk needed a CHAT service, it would've been installed when we moved from yuku to huddler, if that something that methodman wants to persure

that it should be taken up with him as a MAIN issue, and not become a hindrance to da rest of general.

"senseless threads" is subjective and arbitrary because like so many people have said, alot of da memorable threads are things that in hindsight started out

as a "senseless thread"
I dont see how people in this threadt DONT get ninjahoods point. Its extremely valid. Some of the most epic threads have happened off a thread derail or from nonsense threads.

Remember that "mojodomo or something like that" thread?

Some of you guys are anti ninjahood just for the sake of being anti ninjahood.


Dudes that don't want the thread locked are the most frequent posters in that thread, Not surprised...

classic politics....

im so adamant about this issh because on im on NT EVERY DAY, i can TELL its affecting da stagnation of general, and my logic is sound. if you have a garden, and instead of

watering da entire yard, you water only 1 portion constantly, da rest of da garden is gonna wither and die off. when lurkers enter da garden and see that da MAJORITY of da place

is dead and stagnant, is gonna NOT feel inviting or have feelings of wanting to stay....

i haven't been entertained in general, i haven't gotten my mental gymnastics on in here, i didn't learn anything new other then things I MYSELF had to dig for instead of

just browsing general for new stuff.

meanwhile is da thread about nothing.....


i think people would've LOVED to know that samsung was cool enough to give someone a free phone, but because da lazy poster didn't make a thread on it and tossed it in

da abyss, information doesn't travel, synergy isn't realized, and general's garden doesn't get watered again....there's instances of this happening over there CONSTANTLY.

add up how many months that parasite has been sucking da blood of general and its no wonder why general, NT's once mightiest section is sputtering instead of roaring

to life.

But this was posted in the Android thread. If this was posted as a thread, it'd just turn into an Android and iPhone debate.
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Are any of you anti-tan nters willing to browse through 3-4 pages of tan in order to find "thread worthy" posts and make them into threads?

If not, there's no reason you should be complaining.

Why should we have to sift through 4 pages of spam to find thread worthy posts?

What will that prove?

I think the TAN has it's place for certain stuff like quick thoughts that pop into your head, but it moves so fast, nothing can be discussed.
I do think NT could benefit from a shoutbox/IM Chat sort of thing, at the top of the main Forum Page like Hypebeast Forums has (or had at one time).
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I can't believe a few nters is gonna get a thread shutdown, just because they are getting bored... If you don't find the General forum entertaining then why don't you do something else bruh :lol: its not that serious... The people who complained about Tan said it themselves that they barely go or ever even post on that thread, but yet they claim its throwing off the vibe of NT?

What you non TAN posters think:

-Great topics that should be discussed openly in a new thread.
-Jokes/ comments that makes the thread, "thread worthy".
-News that would be a real eye opener for NT.

What TAN is actually about:

-Random comment that is not exciting enough to be on Twitter but significant enough to share.
-*Random music video posted to incite nostalgia.*
-Quick questions that only needs 1-2 opinions

For those who think TAN actually have exciting topics or interesting comments that should be thread worthy, feel free to quote and post them on this thread. I would like to see it.
da problem is ive been in that thread and i've seen things that ARE thread worthy

and instead of threads being made of em, they become buried.

if Niketalk needed a CHAT service, it would've been installed when we moved from yuku to huddler, if that something that methodman wants to persure

that it should be taken up with him as a MAIN issue, and not become a hindrance to da rest of general.

"senseless threads" is subjective and arbitrary because like so many people have said, alot of da memorable threads are things that in hindsight started out

as a "senseless thread"

I'm sure there are (a lot) more chat-like responses than thread-worthy responses.
For those who think TAN actually have exciting topics or interesting comments that should be thread worthy, feel free to quote and post them on this thread. I would like to see it.

Good idea. Let's see how many thread worthy responses are in the TAN right now.
Let's be forreal neither side will acknowledge any fault.
Whether any of us is right or wrong, this is all very stupid.
I dont see how people in this threadt DONT get ninjahoods point. Its extremely valid. Some of the most epic threads have happened off a thread derail or from nonsense threads.

Remember that "mojodomo or something like that" thread?

Some of you guys are anti ninjahood just for the sake of being anti ninjahood.


Dudes that don't want the thread locked are the most frequent posters in that thread, Not surprised...


repped both of ya
so thats what we're resorting to now meth? dont try to vale insults at my intelligence.
Wow, bonus points for irony.  

How does saying that you whine whenever something trivial happens insult your intelligence?  Did I say anything when you typed "satisfactionary"?  

If anything, I called you captious.  I don't think that's a terrible insult and it's not on par with calling someone unintelligent.  
2 weeks b?  it was a couple of days AT MOST and i still stand by da fact that it was basically a over reach on your end, because guess what, jokes that basically
I was actually referring to your crusade on behalf of racial slur substitutes, but yeah, you also made a big fuss over our decision to regulate out certain behaviors that should embarrass all of us.  It's a big, diverse community.  We're talking about TINY concessions made so that a wide audience can feel welcome.  

That you're still eager to argue for hours over it only further substantiates my point.
and brings da general forum to its usual perky activity levels.
This has already been debunked. 
how da thread about nothing's parasitic affects in regards to da rest of general. stop it, you're way smarter then that.
And this is what it comes down to:  opinion.  You've been asked to provide some sort of evidence to support this and you've come up blank every time, so you just restate your opinion over and over again.  

It's not self-evident.  

You have no way of proving that "thread about nothing" content would become useful posts on NIKETALK as opposed to worthless posts on TWITTER.  

I'm trying to isolate the actual problem.  You're just shouting.

We don't treat people as an "all or nothing" proposition around here.  If someone is a net positive, but engages in negative behavior, we give them an opportunity to reform the negative behavior and continue to contribute to the site.  

The same is true for topics.  We don't see posts about a PPV boxing match and say, "well, we know people will talk about stealing the fight via stream in there, but it's better to have a thread than not."  We'll look, first, to fix the problems. 

If it turns out that we simply need to create a few more guidelines to help the "thread about nothing" become more efficient, so that it encapsulates ONLY content that isn't "thread worthy" and doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of another forum category (sneakers, sports, music), then so be it.  

We'll explore the issue, get users in the habit of creating new topics for a bit, and then regroup and see where we are.  
I do think NT could benefit from a shoutbox/IM Chat sort of thing, at the top of the main Forum Page like Hypebeast Forums has (or had at one time).
The problem is, we have quality standards.  That real time stuff can't be effectively moderated and we're not okay with this site becoming the Youtube comments section. 

I think it's pretty silly to attack people for having different interests.  If users want a persistent thread for the little, trivial stuff that doesn't belong elsewhere, I don't see the harm.  I'm not going to try and "force" people to post the types of threads that NinjaHood enjoys.  That's just foolish.  

So, I don't have a problem with the persistent "chat" style of the thread.  I think what is problematic is the notion that "anything goes," meaning, "it's okay to use this thread for drug/piracy/porn talk" or even "why not talk about sports/shoes/music in here, too?"  Then it does become overly cliquish and insular to the detriment of the forum.  

It needs, ironically enough, a unique purpose unto itself, and I think that's something we can establish with a bit of effort. 
I do think NT could benefit from a shoutbox/IM Chat sort of thing, at the top of the main Forum Page like Hypebeast Forums has (or had at one time).
thats essentially what da advocates of da thread about nothing are toting about when they wanna talk about da pros about its existence, problem is

da general forum isn't a chat. at its core a message board is designed to SLOW da speed of disscussion so everyone can have a say and things move at a pace

thats readable. you're right meek, because a thread is being treated like a "chat" deep topics can't be discussed.

its like trying to play final fantasy VII RPG like you play mortal kombat fighting game...sure people fight, but da system is different, hence why both genres exist separately.

Why should we have to sift through 4 pages of spam to find thread worthy posts?

What will that prove?

I think the TAN has it's place for certain stuff like quick thoughts that pop into your head, but it moves so fast, nothing can be discussed.
If you're browsing for topics you're already browsing for things that interest you. That same principle applies when you're browsing for posts to reply to in tan.

It proves that you actually want thread worthy topics instead of complaining and expecting them to fall into your lap.

"It moves too fast," I keep seeing this phrase as if it means something.

Define moves too fast, so I understand what you mean.

Why should we have to sift through 4 pages of spam to find thread worthy posts?​

What will that prove?​

I think the TAN has it's place for certain stuff like quick thoughts that pop into your head, but it moves so fast, nothing can be discussed.​
If you're browsing for topics you're already browsing for things that interest you. That same principle applies when you're browsing for posts to reply to in tan.
It proves that you actually want thread worthy topics instead of complaining and expecting them to fall into your lap.
"It moves too fast," I keep seeing this phrase as if it means something.
Define moves too fast, so I understand what you mean.

Thread moving fast = pages accumulated faster then u can read & write a indepth response to, thus hurting overall

Conversation of said topic for da sake of "keeping up wit da thread"
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