it promotes laziness..instead of making a new thread about ANYTHING new besides formatted news articles, it gets thrown in there.
trash thread sink to da bottom fast, you know what you call that? natural selection. let da process of natural selection take place organically. da problem is people
and putting EVERYTHING in da that thread, so potential DOPE threads get BURIED it that only a couple of ya who post there all da time get to see instead of
having its own thread and letting da entire community see.
How does it promote laziness? That thread is pretty active.
That's a broad generalization that makes no sense.
What do you mean by new? Most new posts in tan aren't thread worthy.
What are some examples of dope threads that were lost in the tan?
Threads sink to the bottom because people aren't interested not because of natural selection.
Regardless of whether a thread has traits that makes nters post in it or not, it'll still fall to the bottom if nters aren't interested.
Only till some nters see that a thread is over 10 pgs that they realize that they may be missing out on something if they don't enter a thread.
Hence, the expression "I slept on this thread."
IMO, that thread has brought a lot of positivity to this site.
Especially since there aren't arguments left and right.
TAN has been my place to chop it up since it's chill.
Dudes in there are giving away free .... just cause.
I've gotten at least 100 new dope songs just from that thread. s/o to whyhellothere
That one of the many dope things that I've gotten out of that thread.
Most of the posts that interest me in that thread are of things that other nters found, wanted to comment on, or share.
Here's an example of a majority of tan posts.
This one in particular is hilarious to me.
Do these types of posts need their own thread?
I challenge everyone who posted in here to make a thread today......just pick something a go with it.
This but as we all know that this won't happen.
Like someone a page back said, it's almost like a chatroom with the same sns.
That small amount of people are sapping the life out of NT?