this Thread about nothing thread is killing da whole vibe in general...

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I'm done.

[jay]A wise man told me don't argue with fools
Cause people from a distance can't tell who is who[/jay]
Well the thread about nothing has officially become a big deal.

Why can't everyone just post in it? Seems like a better solution than waging war on the thread

After reading all of the responses (especially ninjahoods) I definitely see the point all the anti TAN people are making. I don't regulate myself to that thread but I guess it couldn't hurt to have more threads started. Like jesus shuttle worth thread everyone should make a thread about whatever
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Not at all ninja, anything that needed to be said was on the 1st page. People drink with family members all the time, and many smoke with their fam as well. Is that idea really so new to you? I'm all about spreading the word on herb but that thread isn't much to mention- especially for an example
general is GUMMED UP SLOW....topics aren't being made...da thread about nothing is contributing to da lack of threads, it needs to get locked and people need to go back

and making threads about w/e they want, da most people do that da faster general goes, and da better da community runs.

changing dynamics KILLS sites, look at ISS..that place is a ghost town post-overhaul.
Well the thread about nothing has officially become a big deal.

Why can't everyone just post in it?
think about that for a second smart guy..if everyone did that, would would happened to da rest of general? and what would make da thread about nothing different then a random

AOL chatroom...
I agree.

TAN will ultimately do more harm than good in the long run for NT.

I see dudes discussing shows, news and whole bunch of other miscellaneous things in there.

Its only a matter of time before dudes say **** it why bother even make a thread when i can post this in the TAN.
First of all, I know you fancy yourself as a person of elevated importance, but this thread was already made.  You don't get to remake it just because you're you.  It's the same exact complaint.  

Second, the "thread about nothing" has been around for months.  Why is it only now becoming a "cancer?"  

Personally, I suspect this is really just a complaint about the number of threads per page.  We used to have 20 threads per page.  Now there are 50.  So, within the top 100 posts, threads that would get cycled from pages 2-3 to page one now just move from the bottom half of page 1 to the top and it simply appears as though the forum is more stagnant than it was before.  

I am pushing for the option to configure the number of threads per page, but I honestly thought people would be happy to have more per page load.  We could've gone the Complex "top one billion list" route and tried to force people to click through hundreds of pages just to keep up.  The only point of that is to manufacture more page/ad views.  We gave people more than twice as much content per forum page on the old site.  

I think it's an improvement, but I know that many people fear change and the General forum "looks" different now, even though we have the same people posting as we did before and, statistically speaking, post activity is every bit what it was before.  I mean, it's not like we left a lot of people behind on "SneakerTalk."  

If you ask me, this is much ado about nothing - no pun intended.  The activity hasn't dropped off.  The configuration of the front page just appears to be more static because we more than doubled the number of threads per page.  If you actually tracked post movement per reload, you'd find that the top 20 threads are changing up fairly often.  If you go into the "thread about nothing," you're also not going to find more than 1-3 "thread-worthy" themes per day at best, and many of those would've been disposable 1-3 page topics.  It's not a big loss.  

If it's having an impact, that's probably due to the amount of TIME people are spending in there, as you can't be in two places at once.  However, if they simply enjoy the persistent companionship the thread offers and would rather do that than devise wacky topics for your amusement, then, really, who are you to force them to do otherwise?  If anything, we have too many people desperately grasping for attention on Internet forums like ours as it is.  Is it really a negative to have a low key thread as a change of pace?  

That's not to say the thread is without its problems.  Every now and then, users attempt to skirt the rules in that thread, thinking, perhaps, that it moves too quickly for the staff to keep up. It's almost been locked a couple of times, actually.  Users need to take more responsibility and better care of it rather than just "go with the flow."  It's no different than a PYP thread in that respect.  If people are going to treat it like Hamsterdam, it's getting shut down whether users complain about its presence or not. 

I'm open to the idea of locking it for one week to resolve all of this - as it will benefit those who enjoy the "thread about nothing" as much as those who don't, provided that it puts all of this to rest.  However, it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.  NikeTalk doesn't need more negativity.  You don't have to start 20 amazing threads, but you can certainly find threads that you DO like and be supportive of them, and your fellow members.  That keeps quality content on page one and encourages those who create it.  
I'm open to the idea of locking it for one week to resolve all of this - as it will benefit those who enjoy the "thread about nothing" as much as those who don't, provided that it puts all of this to rest.  However, it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.  NikeTalk doesn't need more negativity.  You don't have to start 20 amazing threads, but you can certainly find threads that you DO like and be supportive of them, and your fellow members.  That keeps quality content on page one and encourages those who create it.
all i've been advocating is this meth.

im in most forums, most sections, most threads, and i read everything and post accordingly.

i didn't see a anti "thread about nothing" thread and i looked,

da problem like i said, is creating a general inside of general, that saps new topics from being made "wacky" or not it makes general move slower.

da longer pages might make it seem like that, but its definitely has to do with da amount of post content we're losing to da abyss of that randomness.

da spiderman pic couldn't make my point more clear, sure its pretty un-important when you do some critical thinking on it, but when you look at different vantage points you'll

see how it cuts down secondary thought on bringing things to light, i for one didn't even realize spiderman had a cartoon that old, and a random screenshot created

a net transcending meme.

dont under estimated lurkers either, if new topics aren't made and things are just stashed in that nothing thread, eyes dont get to see anything new and thought or curiosity isnt


da irony is you're telling a bunch of NTer too lazy to make a regular thread about subjects to stop calling da thread about nothing TAN..which sounds like a interest group lobbying for

no taxes in tanning salon.
it promotes laziness..instead of making a new thread about ANYTHING new besides formatted news articles, it gets thrown in there.

trash thread sink to da bottom fast, you know what you call that? natural selection. let da process of natural selection take place organically. da problem is people

and putting EVERYTHING in da that thread, so potential DOPE threads get BURIED it that only a couple of ya who post there all da time get to see instead of

having its own thread and letting da entire community see.
How does it promote laziness? That thread is pretty active.

That's a broad generalization that makes no sense.

What do you mean by new? Most new posts in tan aren't thread worthy.

What are some examples of dope threads that were lost in the tan?

Threads sink to the bottom because people aren't interested not because of natural selection.

Regardless of whether a thread has traits that makes nters post in it or not, it'll still fall to the bottom if nters aren't interested.

Only till some nters see that a thread is over 10 pgs that they realize that they may be missing out on something if they don't enter a thread.

Hence, the expression "I slept on this thread."

IMO, that thread has brought a lot of positivity to this site.

Especially since there aren't arguments left and right.

TAN has been my place to chop it up since it's chill.

Dudes in there are giving away free .... just cause.

I've gotten at least 100 new dope songs just from that thread. s/o to whyhellothere

That one of the many dope things that I've gotten out of that thread.

Most of the posts that interest me in that thread are of things that other nters found, wanted to comment on, or share.

Here's an example of a majority of tan posts.

This one in particular is hilarious to me.
This made my day 
Do these types of posts need their own thread?
I challenge everyone who posted in here to make a thread today......just pick something a go with it.
This but as we all know that this won't happen.

Like someone a page back said, it's almost like a chatroom with the same sns.

That small amount of people are sapping the life out of NT?
ninja do got a point though
general is looking pretty dead i always see the same threads when i come :lol:
old NT >

personally ive been in TAN a few times but never posted or cared about it
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ninja do got a point though
general is looking pretty dead i always see the same threads when i come

old NT >

personally ive been in TAN a few times but never posted or cared about it
they gonna learn when NO ONE starts to come and this place turns into da other 1000s of other dead forums on da internet.
ninja do got a point though
general is looking pretty dead i always see the same threads when i come

old NT >

personally ive been in TAN a few times but never posted or cared about it
You do know that the thread about nothing was on "old NT" too right?
ninja do got a point though

general is looking pretty dead i always see the same threads when i come :lol:

old NT >

personally ive been in TAN a few times but never posted or cared about it

You do know that the thread about nothing was on "old NT" too right?

like i said i never posted or cared about it so nah i dont recall it
what i do remember is not seeing the same threads every time i come here though
just sayin
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ninja do got a point though

general is looking pretty dead i always see the same threads when i come :lol:

old NT >

personally ive been in TAN a few times but never posted or cared about it

You do know that the thread about nothing was on "old NT" too right?

like i said i never posted or cared about it so nah i dont recall it
what i do remember is not seeing the same threads every time i come here though
just sayin

If you can't even recall how can you agree with his point?

Your dismay with the same amount of threads goes to further point out Meth's post not Ninja's mate
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