Thoughts on the Johnathon Martin - Ritchie Incognito situation?

So Martin went to Stanford... And both his parents went to Harvard?

Seems to me like dude is only playing football because he can capitalize on the $$$$ but also because he likes it.

Dude knows he doesn't NEED this NFL life and can more than survive finding a lucrative career that doesn't include having grown men play prank's on him or leaving voicemails and texts to "toughen him up".

Martin would be fine outside of football.

I agree, I don't think he's made for pro football but his background tells me that he's a smart enough guy to make it in some other field.

And for those questioning me being cool with white people loosely saying the N word...I don't feel comfortable with it. All I'm saying is that in this day and age it's being more and more socially accepted in circles all across the country with our younger generation.
Lol foreal. People have literally died over that word and now it's the same as "bro"? WOW.... Tell that to MLK jr. Tell that to real civil rights leaders. Heck, tell that to any self respecting African American.

....... Same a bro or dude..... Lol, thts why them boys use that word until a black guy enters the room.... Then they revert back to using bro.

This ***** made generation man, I tell ya....

Did we die over the word or did we die for equal rights, you think martin or malcom ali etc. are gonna walk around " yo my ninja whats good" and when they hear a non black say it catch feelings, stop using the word first then you have the right to judge who uses it and who doesnt, hypocrite

My grandma was born in 1920 and my dad in 1948. They both told me it was a slang word back then too. And saying "wassup my n" is a FAR cry from calling someone a n'er or a half n'er or anything of the sort
I don't understand the concept of attacking martins character?

So what if he went to Stanford and of his parents went to Harvard?

Or maybe if he isn't a mauler or has a mean streak ?

Why can't he have that type of personality ?

Richie was in the wrong no matter who he said that too, Martin took the way he takes things and it affected him and that's all that matters.
Not sure if directed towards my post...
My grandma was born in 1920 and my dad in 1948. They both told me it was a slang word back then too. And saying "wassup my n" is a FAR cry from calling someone a n'er or a half n'er or anything of the sort

So you're dad is 65 years old...guessing that makes you about 40 atleast. And here you are trying to debate me about how the younger generation is :lol:
My grandma was born in 1920 and my dad in 1948. They both told me it was a slang word back then too. And saying "wassup my n" is a FAR cry from calling someone a n'er or a half n'er or anything of the sort

So you're dad is 65 years old...guessing that makes you about 40 atleast. And here you are trying to debate me about how the younger generation is :lol:

Great assumption bro .. what if his parents gave birth to him in their late 30s ... he could be anywhere from 26-30 for all we know.
Not sure if directed towards my post...
Nah I just keep getting it referenced and brought up. Not you in particular.
My point about his education and his parents education is that he probably see's football as not being worth taking a whole bunch of **** from another man.

Why go through it if you know you're above that behavior and can more than survive without it?

J Martin has options.
My point about his education and his parents education is that he probably see's football as not being worth taking a whole bunch of **** from another man.

Why go through it if you know you're above that behavior and can more than survive without it?

J Martin has options.

And if he decides to sue, he can make as much as 17 mil due to these incidents happening in the state of Florida. There was an article by Lester Munson that referenced this on ESPN.

Link Here
I hate it when other black people legislate the use of the N-word like were all supposed to move in lockstep, imo its personal decision.

For me? Nah, I don't even think I have ever used the n word around another white person. I don't roll like that, but in other communities they have to decide that **** for themselves.
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He's 27/28

Not every ones parents have kids at a young age, someone wait till their established in their lives.

You know him personally bro?

Most people had kids at a younger age back in the day. If he's 40 his dad would have been 25 at the time. I'd think at the least he's 35.

It really is amazing how you and every other high post count member on this site think your words are made of gold. Most of you are a bunch of part-time mall employees that barely played a competitive game in your lives outside of rec league but claim to know about the game more than everybody else.

Bunch of online Skip and Steven A's
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Buc Em you're really making yourself sound really bitter for no reason right now.

I'm pretty sure hes under 30 years old as well based on what I've seen him mention about his military experience elsewhere on NT...

Calling out folks as mall employee's and Skip Bayless' while you argue about how old someone may/may not be.
You know him personally bro?

Most people had kids at a younger age back in the day. If he's 40 his dad would have been 25 at the time. I'd think at the least he's 35.

It really is amazing how you and every other high post count member on this site think your words are made of gold. Most of you are a bunch of part-time mall employees that barely played a competitive game in your lives outside of rec league but claim to know about the game more than everybody else.

Bunch of online Skip and Steven A's

It's like I can almost hear the butt hurt from you coming through my computer speakers :lol:
That's not "arguing" how old someone may/may not be...JJ Watt stated that he was a certain age like it was a fact. I stated my opinion that he's gotta be like 40 if his dad is 65.

Ricardo Malta...I'm glad your still lurking all my posts in the darkness in your colorful Richard Simmons sized shorts and frat boy polos.
I get the assumption you were trying to operate under but maybe, just maybe someone has some actual information that contradicts that assumption.

Anyways... Back on topic...
He's 27/28

Not every ones parents have kids at a young age, someone wait till their established in their lives.

You know him personally bro?

Most people had kids at a younger age back in the day. If he's 40 his dad would have been 25 at the time. I'd think at the least he's 35.

It really is amazing how you and every other high post count member on this site think your words are made of gold. Most of you are a bunch of part-time mall employees that barely played a competitive game in your lives outside of rec league but claim to know about the game more than everybody else.

Bunch of online Skip and Steven A's

Fam you sound all types of mad. People who don't agree with you are mall employees :lol: stop the foolishness.

reggiekiller reggiekiller - how old are you?
They rather embrace the stereotype of what an athlete or black man should be than anything else.

Or maybe that's just who they are?

But nah...can't be. That damn racist bigot. Somebody needs to put an end to this locker room bullying :frown:
Yeah because we live in a country full of double standards

Or perhaps we can view situations on a case by case basis. Making these hard and fast rules with zero tolerance leads to ridiculous applications of them. Happens more and more due to the new nature of our society, common sense is out the window

Dudes wanna just jump on martins side because its a black vs white guy and they look at incognitos history and its an automatic unanimous decision, thats just not how it works

Lol foreal. People have literally died over that word and now it's the same as "bro"? WOW.... Tell that to MLK jr. Tell that to real civil rights leaders. Heck, tell that to any self respecting African American.

....... Same a bro or dude..... Lol, thts why them boys use that word until a black guy enters the room.... Then they revert back to using bro.

This ***** made generation man, I tell ya....

Did we die over the word or did we die for equal rights, you think martin or malcom ali etc. are gonna walk around " yo my ninja whats good" and when they hear a non black say it catch feelings, stop using the word first then you have the right to judge who uses it and who doesnt, hypocrite

i bowed out of this thread, but you're really pushing this "conversation" in the wrong direction as if to imply the white man is being slighted here somehow and that someone like incognito who liberally uses the n word as a means to insult and degrade someone else should be overlooked in favor of a bigger picture, which i'm not sure what it may be according to the way your presenting things

based on these comments above, something tells me you're either out of touch or possibly not even someone who has faced certain issues dealing with grievous racism
Haha, don't let this Internet tough guys fool you. Guys who claim to be "swing first" are the same guys getting checked everyday.
that isn't always the case. 

regarding the incognito martin situation.  if this was a regular 9 to 5 job or a job in the corporate world where something such as fighting would mean losing your job then yeah in that case its best to go to your superiors and human resources to get the problem fixed.  having that swing first mentality is toxic in that atmosphere. 

a professional sports locker room is different though.  teammates fight during training camp and scrimages.  not everyone is buddy buddy because they play on the same team.  players get into it over stuff all the time.  most of the time its kept in house though and the saying that players police themselves tends to apply.

regarding the martin/incognito situation.    the texts and voicemail is excessive and in this day in age i could understand martin going to the authorities or higher ups in the nfl seeing how dude on the chiefs shot himself and his wife last year and of course the hernandez situation.

the other stuff though.   its somewhere where the line is drawn.  willingly dropping 15k on a trip you had no intent to go on.   i don't care how passive you may be. willingly giving up 15k is doing to much. how hard is it to simply just say no? 

the lack of leadership in this dolphins locker room is surprising though.  i couldn't see this happening in a well coached teams locker or a team that has veteran leadership.   a team like the jets got labeled a circus for the better part of the past 2 years. this dyfunctional foolishness in miami is way more of a circus to me.  

luckily for martin he seems like a dude who will be fine after football though. college educated with a degree from a top school plus harvard grad parents. he has a future outside of football and that's good because i doubt he'll have to long of a career.   even if when all the details come out, they show he wasn't exaggerating things, he'll still be seen as a whistleblower who let things get leaked out the locker room and i doubt many teams will want that. alot of coaches will view it as trouble and opposing teams players will have a field day with it. 

i want everything to come out though because aside from the text and voicemail, its alot of speculation.

if martin did go to the coaches about this during the offseason though, then they should go down with incognito if they were aware about what was happening like some reports have said. 

the fact that alot of incognitos teammates and other players have came to his defense, knowing the potential negative backlash they'll receive is telling though. 
:lol: Buc Em you're really making yourself sound really bitter for no reason right now.

I'm pretty sure hes under 30 years old as well based on what I've seen him mention about his military experience elsewhere on NT...

Calling out folks as mall employee's and Skip Bayless' while you argue about how old someone may/may not be. :lol:
When it comes to logic....... It's out the window
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