Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

The Big Bang came from nothing? Am I reading that correct?

Look I'm saying in 100% promoting the big bang as 100% fact but if you're going to start an argument at least know a little about the other side. Technically the Big Bang started with EVERYTHING
That sounds as magical 

as you claim the Bible is.

What modern day explosions do 

you see create anything?
Change thread title to

Discuss to your head falls off cuz this is going nowhere
So you are not an atheist, but are just 
rebelling God.
Typical. and I saw where earlier you mentioned something about me being mad at God.

I'm atheist, bro. I'm as mad at God as you are at the tooth fairy. Are you mad at the tooth fairy?

That poem is titled 'Conversation'.

I've since finished 'Conversation II', 'Conversation III', and I'm almost done w IV.
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I'm atheist, bro.

That poem is titled 'Conversation'.

I've since finished 'Conversation II', 'Conversation III', and I'm almost done w IV.
So you never knew God then my brother.

If you did, you can't run for long.

Hit me up with 2.
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That sounds as magical 
as you claim the Bible is.

What modern day explosions do 
you see create anything?

Because modern day explosions are comparable?

The universe is expanding. That is an actual fact and has been measured. For something to expand there needs to be some type of push. Again, all logical so far right? Now, if we turned back time something that we see now expanding at one point had to started by some central point correct?

If we went alllllllll the way back that central point would be where everything came from right?

Is any of this not making sense?


God made everything 6k years ago which we all know (due to dinosaurs and other forms of life and carbon dating) is not true.

Again, I'm not saying god cannot exist. I'm saying that if he does it's not in the way we think it. It isn't a sentient being watching us. It's a force or energy that creates all
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I'm atheist, bro.

That poem is titled 'Conversation'.

I've since finished 'Conversation II', 'Conversation III', and I'm almost done w IV.

Call yourself what you life. You once believed. You're just P'd off at God. How far you let this go on is up to you. You know life has a purpose.

I'm atheist, bro.

That poem is titled 'Conversation'.

I've since finished 'Conversation II', 'Conversation III', and I'm almost done w IV.
Call yourself what you life. You once believed. You're just P'd off at God. How far you let this go on is up to you. You know life has a purpose.
If you're gonna read what you perceive as "triggers," then graft on inaccurately assumed attitudes towards the person you're talking to, then you've ceased open communication.  That's just you rehearsing your own prejudices.
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Because modern day explosions are comparable?

The universe is expanding. That is an actual fact and has been measured. For something to expand there needs to be some type of push. Again, all logical so far right? Now, if we turned back time something that we see now expanding at one point had to started by some central point correct?

If we went alllllllll the way back that central point would be where everything came from right?

Is any of this not making sense?


God made everything 6k years ago which we all know (due to dinosaurs and other forms of life and carbon dating) is not true.
Yeah, it makes sense

but I go by God's Words

God made it all brother,

,in 6 days

and the earth is about 6k.
Atheism isn't just saying I don't know it's saying that there is no divine creative force behind all that is. Just because your not a "believer" does not automatically make you an atheist.
Atheism isn't just saying I don't know it's saying that there is no divine creative force behind all that is. Just because your not a "believer" does not automatically make you an atheist.
Aaaand back to my biggest pet peeve:

Atheism and Agnosticism aren't mutually exculsive.

Theism refers to belief.

Gnosticism refers to knowledge.

One can be an Agnostic Atheist, Gnostic Theist, etc.

Gnostic anything is pretty dumb.
Aaaand back to my biggest pet peeve:

Atheism and Agnosticism aren't mutually exculsive.

Theism refers to belief.

Gnosticism refers to knowledge.

One can be an Agnostic Atheist, Gnostic Theist, etc.

Gnostic anything is pretty dumb.

Correct. Theism refers to belief

atheism = the belief that no creator exists

You can't be an atheist and agnostic at the same time
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If you're gonna read what you perceive as "triggers," then graft on inaccurately assumed attitudes towards the person you're talking to, then you've ceased open communication.  That's just you rehearsing your own prejudices.

Meh. I said that because he once believed. I feel there is a chance he will again. Nothing personal... Well no it is kinda. I don't know SKA personally but I've been around a while and he as well. On here, at least for me. When you've see these screen names daily for years, familiarity grows.

I'm atheist, bro.

That poem is titled 'Conversation'.

I've since finished 'Conversation II', 'Conversation III', and I'm almost done w IV.
Call yourself what you life. You once believed. You're just P'd off at God. How far you let this go on is up to you. You know life has a purpose.
If you're gonna read what you perceive as "triggers," then graft on inaccurately assumed attitudes towards the person you're talking to, then you've ceased open communication.  That's just you rehearsing your own prejudices.
Third time I've repped you in the thread.

Was going to express the same sentiment, "If you're just going to tell me what I am, you're only exposing your own limited understanding, an understanding I remember being limited to, and an understanding that prevents open communication."

Was going to say. :lol:
Aaaand back to my biggest pet peeve:

Atheism and Agnosticism aren't mutually exculsive.

Theism refers to belief.

Gnosticism refers to knowledge.

One can be an Agnostic Atheist, Gnostic Theist, etc.

Gnostic anything is pretty dumb.
Correct. Theism refers to belief

atheism = the belief that no creator exists

You can't be an atheist and agnostic at the same time
Yes you absolutely can.

You can say "I know there's no god, therefore I don't believe in God"=Gnostic Atheist

You can say "I don't know if god exists, but I personally don't believe he does"=Agnostic Atheist


See where I'm going with this?  It's not so cut and dry.
Yes you absolutely can.

You can say "I know there's no god, therefore I don't believe in God"=Gnostic Atheist
You can say "I don't know if god exists, but I personally don't believe he does"=Agnostic Atheist

See where I'm going with this?  It's not so cut and dry.

Yeah I get it. But when one says "I know there's no god" are they referring to the god of the bible and monotheistic religion or the idea of a creator in general? I see what your saying though if people need to have a label for their faith or lack of then those would be appropriate.
Sorry for the offense SKA.
No worries.

Wasn't offended, but thanks. :smile:

I was just (basically) saying, "If you're going to tell me what I am after I've already told you, let me be quiet and you can just ask yourself questions about me and then answer them."

You know?

'S the first reason why I haven't answered the question about my conversion.
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Simple Question.

Why would "GOD", allow parents to birth a child for it ....

to be deformed.

to be still born.

Why let parents praise GOD for a blessing, for 9 months, just to birth pain for all parties involved.

This is example is based on both parents being God-Fearing people who don't jay walk, cuss, scratch their privates and praise the Spirit every day.
Is the devil part of gods plan for us?

Why did god create a being to rule hell?
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The story of Job has always rubbed me the wrong way. So this God, merciful, loving God wiped away his family just so he can prove a point to him.
It always bugged me when I heard it as a kid.
I was raised in the church, salvation, everlasting life etc. As I grew older the more I kept my distance. Now, religion is not something I want to pass on to my future children but definitely for historical purpose and reference.
I'm not knocking religion and it's dogma, for some believing is worth the world to them.
Re-reading Job last year showed me that the story wasn't even about Job.
Simple Question.

Why would "GOD", allow parents to birth a child for it ....

to be deformed.
to be still born.

Why let parents praise GOD for a blessing, for 9 months, just to birth pain for all parties involved.

This is example is based on both parents being God-Fearing people who don't jay walk, cuss, scratch their privates and praise the Spirit every day.

Just cus you are righteous doesn't mean bad things wont happen to you. (see Job) Things aren't different, just your perspective on them are.
So, these hypothetical parents probably still go through the grieving process and mourn. But you also believe in a purpose that may or may not be revealed to you.
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