Main joint super dope. Buys me food, head game fire. Best part is she said no labels.

Hit up this other lil head monster for tonight
Wassup with that Power Punch though?
I swear with the amount of chicks with boyfriends/husbands that hit me up there’s gotta be some underground forum where they discuss who’s a safe smash or something :lol: theres no way they can all just randomly have the balls to approach me like that without knowing how I am
Basically I’m in my early/mid 20’s, doing my thing at work for the past year and some months. Chillin in my personal life, but this coworker is “single”, with a kid of her own and ~15 years older than me. She looks good for her age, wouldn’t even tell she’s her age, etc. Anyway, I noticed some innuendos a few months ago that triggered this sort of rabbit hole. One of the first ones was me helping her with something and I said something along the lines of fingers and she mentioned her using her own (we all know what she’s referencing). That caught me off guard and I didn’t pay much mind to it, but then there were nights where we would close and she would just vent to me. I’ve always been told I’m a good listener and for some reason, people are drawn to telling me things out of comfort and confidence. Nonetheless, she definitely started getting more comfortable and more up front with the innuendos. We had a convo about tumblr and she mentioned the fingers thing again, and when i asked her about her tumblr, well some gifs we’ll say were NSFW. Again, paying no mind, she’s a grown woman, etc. But then she divulged that she’s got a friend, we all know what homeboys doing, she loves dude, he obviously doesn’t wanna ruin the whole fwb thing and she’s understanding of that (I hope for her age she understands what’s going down). Lately though, she’s gotten I feel really comfortable with me and I stupidly have played back with some references. She’s gotten to the point where I’ve been at work and I’ve needed her help with something someone else asked, she’s literally in just a bra and I’m over here trying to be as professional and on topic as possible lol Theres more to that but that’s as much as i feel comfortable saying rn
Man these women are funny....Long story short, I had a coworker who wanted to hang out, one thing led to another and we slept together. We were forming the way to a relationship, but then she decided to give her ex of 10 plus years who she was broken up with another chance. I accepted it and moved on. She moved away with him and all. Now she keeps constantly contacting me. Lmaoo. **** is ridiculous.
Sounds like other dude is giving her good D but not entertaining her emotional needs so until she blatantly throws it at you, you're the emotional tampon.
So I reread what I wrote and I missed the part where I’m fulfilling her emotional needs lol What she tells me is no different than what she’d tell a close friend. What tells me ol boy isn’t giving her what she’s looking for is the situations we’ve found ourselves in, more so what she’s initiated. I’ll give an example, she recently got a tattoo across her back and she was explaining the whole healing process etc. Long story short, it’s just us two, no ones scheduled to come in for a while and she specifically asks me to help lotion her back at work before anyone comes on :lol: I obliged, and I didn’t even attempt anything. Fast forward to a few days ago and this is where I was a little surprised. We both closed, I see her specifically look at the security camera to make sure that the third person closing with has actually left. She tells me she wants me to lotion her back again but needs help removing the plastic since she’s gotten more done to it. Takes me to the bathroom and i help her, Im looking in the mirror once it’s off and I’ve always joked about her fixing her bra, she’s told me how she wears tight bras because she doesn’t want to show cleavage etc But she lifts her shirt and I’m literally looking at her in her bra with her other tattoo showing that she’s teased about in the first place. In that moment it definitely felt like she was waiting for something to happen which we all know what it was. It was just funny how everything played out that night.
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