Timbs....we really off that?

Originally Posted by Al Audi


Nah, those brandy's are butter.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

akuratl02 wrote:

Who cares what Jay and Kanye do ... NY itself is still on timbs .. I prefer Vasque joints over all ... but Timbs are still in full effect . Construction 3 quarter.

you missed the sarcasm

i never cared for vasque

Ur buggin, Vasque's used to go hard in the hood.

I dont think Timbs will ever fade. As for myself, I
only ever had 2 pairs of constructs, they too bulky,
but I had field boots for days.

Now, Im on the Cookies
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Merrell boots for me.

these are ill
if you about to hike up a mountain
unless dirty is a avid camper, please let it be a joke
I think Dirty was serious. These look like some boots they would be sellin in a store on a Saints Row game.
Originally Posted by kickzrforme

Seriously, My girl and I were at outlets last month and I mentioned how bad I want to bring back the cinnamon timbs, I used to be in love with these back in the 8th grade.

Im rocking these right now..these were my choice boots for the past season, but now ive copped a coupla pairs of rangers, and im eyeballing someduck boots and some dress boots..i think im gonna go get another pair of wheat timbs thouh, those r forever timeless and
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


Tell me those aren't for everyday use.

I don't wear boots normally...but on days when the weather requires...I'd rock something like those easily.

but my current boots are similar to these:
The thing is Jay-Z made a song about not wearing Timbs anymore... but he still wears them.

All the time, in fact.

People need to stop listening to the hype and wear what they like.
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