Tipping Male Bartenders.....Yay or Na?

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by cjspida619

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Yall disgust me. Like I said before, always help out the little people. Bartenders are definitely not caking like somebody on the last page said.

You guys work a soda machine. There's a picture of a Sprite logo and a button underneath it which you depress with the cup and then dispenses Sprite. If somehow you guys all of a sudden didn't exist, I could figure that out and still get me some damn soda. I mean it's great you grabbed the bottle out of the fridge AND poored it in a cup for me and all, ppreciate it bro *head nod,* but I really could have done that myself. Other service areas where I lack the desire and/or the expertise to handle myself, I'd be more for tipping them and have less of a problem really, because going back to the car example, if it weren't for you I'd be @+## outta luck. My 5 yr old neice could fill up a cup of soda and bring it to me, or write things down on a peice of paper and take it to a cook.
bartenders do much more that that
2 cups this, 1 cup this, stir, put umbrella and lime wedge in, hand to patron.

#*#% outta here, like it's rocket science or some @%*%

Name something you do that a 7 yr old is incapable of. Not even being condescending, dead serious.

2 cups this 1 cup this does that even sound right to you? have you hadany drink that call for that much alcohol? no it is not rocket science but it is a lower form. you do have to have the right measurement to make the drinketaste right. you have to know what flavors blend well.

but you have you opinion that we are worth less and dont deserve any money
I'm done trying to convince NTers to tip properly. It's pointless, especially when most of them are 15 years old and have never worked a day in theirlife as a server.
No, I just laugh when dudes overrate the +#%! out of what they do, especially in comparison to other service industries that don't get tips, to justifygetting paid extra and more for fulfilling your job description. This topic has been done multiple times and I don't remember the guys name, but it washilarious. He was literally like, "we don't just put in a bag for you. We have to put it in a box first, then tie a little bow out of the plastic bagloops so you can hold it easily, carry it to the front from the kitchen, " like going out of his way to list every step to try to exaggerate thedifficulty and frankly just did the opposite.

I have even actually worked a job where my only income was tips, and I still feel the same way about it.
cjspida, don't even argue with him it's useless. these people not tipping are the same dudes who always get crappy service and wonder why.

how are we over rating what we do? dudes sure as hell aren't over rating me when they hand over their turbo 911's with a good tip. i'm a littlemore likely to make sure their car doesn't get dinged up and will leave it up front for them. no tip i'm gonna throw it in the same place i would a'94 escort (a ramp across from a homeless shelter= mad crackheads). you get what you pay for.
But isn't it already part of your job and obligation to make sure their cars don't get dinged?
you gotta tip em so dat they give you good service, if you don't they won't service you good
yea by me, if someone else parking their car does it we cant help them. plus i work downtown like i said, alot of fiends. i know damn well cars have beenbroken into. i have walked in on a dude smoking rock in the parking ramp. can i prevent this? not always. but if i have the space up front people who tip mewell will get their car left there.
If it's free cover or cheap drinks ill tip, usually pretty well at that.

But if I feel like I'm getting ripped off, $10-$20 cover, and shots at $8+ and beers at $5+, best believe I ain't tipping you. Plus it takes at least 6or 7 drinks to start feeling good and it adds up. Doesn't help that I always end up buying drinks for friends and what not either.
I wonder in what other industries such an attitude would be acceptable.


"Attention passengers, I know you all paid a lot to be on this flight and thusly I am getting paid to get you safely to Cleveland, but I think I justdon't care that much unless you pay me again. I think I might just land in Vegas. I've never been before."


"20 plus gratuity for a BJ. Yea, the gratuity is required, otherwise I'll just suck on your thumb, or maybe I'll forget to tuck myteeth."


"What? You said blue, and you're paying me to paint your house your way, right? Well #%@% it, you just paid the price I quoted you and no tip, so Igrabbed white."
someone gives you a valid point and you just go off on a tangent. like i said, i do my job for everyone. if you look out for me i will look out for you.it's no secret, that's the industry. help me out and i'll make sure your car is taken care of.

if you are talking about me going out i always tip well too, i would say i get about 75% of what i tip back in free drinks at my local bars. when i go downtownit allows me to jump huge lines of people waiting for a drink.

that's just me, i like to help people out in the industry too and in return i get treated a hell of a lot better than the non tippers. i'm not tellingyou to tip, just the benefits.
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

mannn OP its dudes like u that be mad about the "diluted" drinks...

as a bartender nuthing irritates me more... like sumone else said if u aint tryna spend money stay ya @@$ at home... and jus a word for the wise when we see ppl like u... after specials r over n u dunno the prices of drinks... we overcharge to compensate for ur lack of tipping... and dont order a shot or anything with special glassware b/c its not getting cleaned before i pour ur drink in it hahah word to the infamous "jersey turnpike"
i'm in the service industry and everything, but you are despicable my friend. you shouldn't just treat your customers nicely becauseyou want a tip
that is why humanity is horrible, always expecting something from somebody.

yea, that particular customer didn't tip you, but in the end, it all evens out because everyone else tips. so you go home cakin. i know you tryna make endsmeet, but how you know the person thats drinking isnt tryna make their own ends meet?

yea, stay home, blah blah
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I wonder in what other industries such an attitude would be acceptable.


"Attention passengers, I know you all paid a lot to be on this flight and thusly I am getting paid to get you safely to Cleveland, but I think I just don't care that much unless you pay me again. I think I might just land in Vegas. I've never been before."


"20 plus gratuity for a BJ. Yea, the gratuity is required, otherwise I'll just suck on your thumb, or maybe I'll forget to tuck my teeth."


"What? You said blue, and you're paying me to paint your house your way, right? Well @@%+ it, you just paid the price I quoted you and no tip, so I grabbed white."

im sure it is hard working at a bar, but its hard working at a starbucks too, but they dont get drinks, they get paid minimum wage.
I work in a hotel and I can tell you many times I brought like three or four suitcases on a bellcart from the room down to the street and then caught a cab forthe guest in the rain and got no tip ......just a thank you
basically if you don't tip you are an idiot
if you get bad service then I can understand but if someone helps you than tip ....its as easy as that
I always take care of those who help me you should as well
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i hate that though! why are people only GOOD people when they are getting something out of it?
i'm not gonna treat them like crap, but i will do bare minimum which is my job right? besides, most people tip when they leave so i am niceto everyone. but the repeat offenders do get remembered.
Originally Posted by Raices03

I work in a hotel and I can tell you many times I brought like three or four suitcases on a bellcart from the room down to the street and then caught a cab for the guest in the rain and got no tip ......just a thank you
basically if you don't tip you are an idiot
if you get bad service then I can understand but if someone helps you than tip ....its as easy as that
I always take care of those who help me you should as well

Great job, way to take care of the customer. But again though, isn't that your job already?

You "service industry" kats, which really anything you pay for falls under service anyways, acting like dudes should have to pay you extra for you todo your damn job you are already being paid for.

You are the bring-guests-**%+-up-and-downstairs-and-hold-the-door-open-and-flag-a-cab guy. You bought a guest's **%+ downstairs and held the door open andflagged a cab.

I wish I would try that, tell the Commanding General, "So you going to tip me? You take care of me, I take care of you dawg. That's how it worksdawg. I know I;m getting paid to fix your systems, and the D.O.D is paying my parent company millions for us to be out here to do so, but I'm gonna needsome kind of incentive. Otherwise, I might just leave a virus on your network or something. You didn't tip me last time, and I remember that."
^but that's the system in place... why rag on the people who work in the system... and not rail against the system
sure..people can protest...but bottom line is that the service industry model is not going to change.

I don't see why anyone has to rag against those who work in the service industry just b/c a %tage of their income is from tips.

you say that's a part of their job?....sure...but tips are also part of their income... and that's what the gov't taxes them on.
Obviously I am against the system dude. I don't care for the workers either way, except the sense of entitlement that you have to tip them to getthem to do their job that you indirectly or directly have already paid them to do. And duh the Government taxes them on it, it's money they made whileworking, what relevance is that to the convo? If Col. Dooley gave me a Hyundai and 1,000$ because he was so happy I got his laptop back working, I'd gettaxed on it.
point being that if the gov't recognizes the model for the industry...it's not going to change anytime soon.

sure you don't care for the workers...but why are you so hostile against anyone in the service industry who complains about not getting a tip?

you keep saying it's their job... but part of a job entails getting PAID for their work...unfortunately, the model for the service industry is that a %tageof their income is from tips... wouldn't you get pissed if you were shortchanged your income for the work you do?
I don't understand some people's stance on this. Bartenders, regardless of male or female rely on tips to make a decent earning. Without the tips,their job wouldn't be worth their time. To me this is a no-brainer. Just tip...
As someone who worked in the service industry at a casual dining place for years I still have to agree with DatZ on this. It's stupid to me. People used toleave me huge tips and I'd be all confused like what the hell did I even do.
wouldn't you get pissed if you were shortchanged your income for the work you do?
Well before I voluntarily agreed to take my job, I knew how much I was going to compensated for my services. So if I got less than that, yesI'd be upset. but no, I wouldn't be upset if i didn't get extra for doing what is already in my job description. And if I was, I guess I'd haveto move on to another opportunity.
I suppose you would hand back a bonus that you recieved from your job for performing at a high level huh? I mean, if you were doing your job well and you werecompensated for it, how is that different? Afterall, you were just doing what you were supposed to be doing anyway, who cares if you did it well?
Nah I'd take it. I just wouldn't be all butthurt if I didn't get one and I don't feel entitled to it. I already get paid. It's peanuts, butit's what I agreed to so as long as I'm getting at least that, I'm good.

I have had ladies bake me cakes before though in thanks, one lady used to give me free coupons to this place her husbands owns called Wayne's Drive Inn.
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