To my NT agnostics/atheists/Antons

Good question:

I kinda just "play along" when it comes to my family but I drop a lot of hints about what my beliefs by questioning Christianity and making sarcastic comments (yea I admit it). But I'm yet to fully come out of the closet with it, so to speak.

-My pops is probably the closest I've come to saying nah I don't believe any of that. He asked me if I go to Church, specifically Catholic church. I asked why I specifically had to go to Catholic church. He said it was the "right" Church, needless to say I gave him a piece of my mind. My pops is probably the only close elder family member of mine I don't respect enough to lie.

-My mom doesn't press the issue too much. She asks if I go to Church once in a while and I lie. My immediate family (mom, stepdad, 2 siblings) have gotten less religious as time passes. They rarely go to Church these days, but they still pray and what not. When asked to join in prayer, I respectfully accept. My stepdad's a Seventh Day adventist, they're good people.

-My Grandma's been ODing, she asks me about Church every single 54%## day
. I'm clearly not gonna tell her I flirt with the devil cause I don't want her to get a heart attack.

Like I said, my family isn't religious enough for me to be confronted with this on a regular basis. But for now, I'm gonna keep up the lie while dropping hints about my beliefs or lackthereof.
Good question:

I kinda just "play along" when it comes to my family but I drop a lot of hints about what my beliefs by questioning Christianity and making sarcastic comments (yea I admit it). But I'm yet to fully come out of the closet with it, so to speak.

-My pops is probably the closest I've come to saying nah I don't believe any of that. He asked me if I go to Church, specifically Catholic church. I asked why I specifically had to go to Catholic church. He said it was the "right" Church, needless to say I gave him a piece of my mind. My pops is probably the only close elder family member of mine I don't respect enough to lie.

-My mom doesn't press the issue too much. She asks if I go to Church once in a while and I lie. My immediate family (mom, stepdad, 2 siblings) have gotten less religious as time passes. They rarely go to Church these days, but they still pray and what not. When asked to join in prayer, I respectfully accept. My stepdad's a Seventh Day adventist, they're good people.

-My Grandma's been ODing, she asks me about Church every single 54%## day
. I'm clearly not gonna tell her I flirt with the devil cause I don't want her to get a heart attack.

Like I said, my family isn't religious enough for me to be confronted with this on a regular basis. But for now, I'm gonna keep up the lie while dropping hints about my beliefs or lackthereof.
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?
Parents are deacons in the Church, used to even run it for a period of time. Call me every Saturday like, "You coming to church tommoorow, right?" and I always say I'll try, but rarely come except on Mother's Day, Father's Day. Then when I talk to them later that Sunday, I always tell them I was at the gym because we never get to hoop other than Sunday. They hate it, but they understand since I moved out, they can't make me go anymore and given the foolishness that went/goes on in the church we went to (literally Pastor was stealing 10s of 1000s of dollars, 3 sexual harassment suits including literally dropping his balls on the Office Assistant's desk
, stole some laptops and other property from the Church, was calling 900 #s on the church dime, and had porn subscriptions on the Church's CC [ they bill them as
Parents are deacons in the Church, used to even run it for a period of time. Call me every Saturday like, "You coming to church tommoorow, right?" and I always say I'll try, but rarely come except on Mother's Day, Father's Day. Then when I talk to them later that Sunday, I always tell them I was at the gym because we never get to hoop other than Sunday. They hate it, but they understand since I moved out, they can't make me go anymore and given the foolishness that went/goes on in the church we went to (literally Pastor was stealing 10s of 1000s of dollars, 3 sexual harassment suits including literally dropping his balls on the Office Assistant's desk
, stole some laptops and other property from the Church, was calling 900 #s on the church dime, and had porn subscriptions on the Church's CC [ they bill them as
My beliefs or lack there of are like the gay kid in the family.

Everybody kinda knows, but nobody flat out questions my beliefs.
Ill still get a chancleta thrown at me by my moms when I joke around or some %!#% like that.
My beliefs or lack there of are like the gay kid in the family.

Everybody kinda knows, but nobody flat out questions my beliefs.
Ill still get a chancleta thrown at me by my moms when I joke around or some %!#% like that.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?

If there's nothing else on TV
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?

If there's nothing else on TV
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?
No? I stopped watching wrestling in middle school. Sorry, what were you trying to get at? (I'm confused
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?
No? I stopped watching wrestling in middle school. Sorry, what were you trying to get at? (I'm confused
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?

If there's nothing else on TV
I'd watch porn on the computer instead.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Are your families aware of your beliefs... or lack thereof?

If they are, how did you go about telling them?

If they aren't, why haven't you brought them up to speed?
1. Yes
2. Randomly when I wouldnt pray before dinner. It was very tragic.
i dont understand this lol
y r people who dont believe in god so against praying
Well, if one doesn't believe in a god, wouldn't it seem silly trying to communicate with an imaginary being? Whether you're saying it aloud or not, praying means you believe there's someone on the other end who's listening to your thoughts.
If you don't like wrestling, would you watch it on television?

If there's nothing else on TV
I'd watch porn on the computer instead.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

May I ask why some of you guys don't believe in God?
It's not that I don't believe in God, I just don't ascribe to the conventional views or beliefs we has the human race hold today as fact. I find that religion serves as the ultimate tool to keep man from advancing. The kicker is that no one really knows, yet we've somehow come to the conclusion that we are above logic and know the truth as if we've personally met a deity.

I find that it's easy to not hold myself to the standards of any religion. I have common sense and what I believe to be sound judgement, which I believe are some of  the ultimate gifts we have as humans. I don't need a book written by other men to tell me right from wrong.
But that's because you learned right from wrong as a child from your parents. 2000 years ago the Bible and the fear of God was the optimal tool to teach morality to everyone.
Well I'd say I'm a product of reasoning. My parent taught me what she learned, and I used the ability of reasoning to ask questions and seek answers... or lack thereof. So now, I can say that I've used reasoning, logic, and understanding of the world to formulate the ideas I hold today. Ideas such as religion = null and void
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

May I ask why some of you guys don't believe in God?
It's not that I don't believe in God, I just don't ascribe to the conventional views or beliefs we has the human race hold today as fact. I find that religion serves as the ultimate tool to keep man from advancing. The kicker is that no one really knows, yet we've somehow come to the conclusion that we are above logic and know the truth as if we've personally met a deity.

I find that it's easy to not hold myself to the standards of any religion. I have common sense and what I believe to be sound judgement, which I believe are some of  the ultimate gifts we have as humans. I don't need a book written by other men to tell me right from wrong.
But that's because you learned right from wrong as a child from your parents. 2000 years ago the Bible and the fear of God was the optimal tool to teach morality to everyone.
Well I'd say I'm a product of reasoning. My parent taught me what she learned, and I used the ability of reasoning to ask questions and seek answers... or lack thereof. So now, I can say that I've used reasoning, logic, and understanding of the world to formulate the ideas I hold today. Ideas such as religion = null and void
Nah that was meant for the dude above you that asked why atheists wouldn't pray. You were just the most recent person to quote him
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