Tom & Jerry Illuminati?

That Q one is for ZULU.
Originally Posted by GTEK

But what I wonder Huey/Frank is are these artist/entertainers conscious of what they are imposing?

Participating minions or puppets just going with the flow?
From what I understand, no. not all of them. they get paid to flash these signs. they particiapte knowingly or unknowingly and their careers arefurthered.
Chill, my dude...this is why I say you can't run with everything you see.

These principles, stories and symbols are universal and are not exclusive to Masons, Skull and Bones, celebrities, Kaballiststs or anyone else.

Some people throw up those horns because they sincerely embrace Satanism or Alesiter Crowley's work, some people follow different sects of paganism, somepeople just study esotericsm, occultism and spirituality for their own positive betterment...and some of the folks in those pics are just from Texas

The problem is that we are taught that everything besides what we are told to follow is negative, while those who look deeper know that there is more to life(and death) than what is presented at face value.

There is good, evil and ambiguous when it comes to these matters. We can't lump everyone into the same box.

They are throwing up the Rasta symbol of peace and unity...also based off of the tree of life, moorish law, masonic theory, buddhist ideology (whatever lensyou look at it through)...but they have a totally different purpose and interpretation of those principles.

i remember some NTer made a thread stating his uncle was a freemason and that all that illumanti stuff was fake. let me see if I can find it.
Thread delivers.. maybe because I believe in aliens and that our government is ran by reptillians.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Chill, my dude...this is why I say you can't run with everything you see.

These principles, stories and symbols are universal and are not exclusive to Masons, Skull and Bones, celebrities, Kaballiststs or anyone else.

Some people throw up those horns because they sincerely embrace Satanism or Alesiter Crowley's work, some people follow different sects of paganism, some people just study esotericsm, occultism and spirituality for their own positive betterment...and some of the folks in those pics are just from Texas

The problem is that we are taught that everything besides what we are told to follow is negative, while those who look deeper know that there is more to life (and death) than what is presented at face value.

There is good, evil and ambiguous when it comes to these matters. We can't lump everyone into the same box.

They are throwing up the Rasta symbol of peace and unity...also based off of the tree of life, moorish law, masonic theory, buddhist ideology (whatever lens you look at it through)...but they have a totally different purpose and interpretation of those principles.

I hear you. I take all this with a grain of salt. If this sort of information is available to me and you then there is a strong possibility that it ismisleading us. However, if you have any kind of presence in the entertainment industry then you are definitely following along with a higher powers wishes. They get rewarded for throwing up those signs in the public eye. They may not worship satan but believe satan worshipers run the industry, as was parodied inthe tom & jerry clip, and they influence artists to promote their symbology. And btw, texans throw up their thumb and pinky ( hook em horns) not the indexand pinky, Bush tried to use that lie when they asked him about it. As far as Dead Prez, what you say may or may not be true, I don't have much knowledgeof rastafarian symbolism but I do know they are agents of the same industry leaders just like the rest of them. They promote revolution but if you disecttheir music it is another aspect of social conditioning, which is what this is all about. They promote self hate and blame displacement of culturalinequalities on a psycho-social level. And i do know Halie Salassie was a CIA puppet and his movement was one big social experiment. This whole thing isbigger than God vs. Devil or good vs. evil. Our spirtual worth is being hidden from us, it is not about money and power it is about hiding our truecapabilities and purpose from us, it's about keeping us in the matrix. Keeping us thinking we are our bodies, we are our names and the face we see in themirror. We are much more than that and we will keep repeating our meaningless lives here on earth over and over again untill we realize this is the big lie. Life is but a beach chair
Can someone explain what this post is about? I don't look into this stuff much so that's prob why I'm lost.
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