Tom & Jerry Illuminati?

Beermann2 wrote:I see this as a type of programing. Putting these messages in cartoons and seeing them so often when we grow up we won't question it. Why? because we seen it before.

You hit the nail on the head right here my dude. But think bigger. The economy, inflation, losing rights are all part of the program too. Theyare the fear factor. The biggest weapon being used against our senses, preventing us from expanding our consciousness is FEAR. Fear is what makes thesepeople come in here with stone faces and reaching pics. Second weapon is financial. Everyone has bills and obligations, many also want the money, money andthe cars, cars and the clothes and so on. It is a very powerful tool to keep us all headed in the wrong direction. Even being aware of this as I type,I'll probablly hit ebay later on to look for a new car
What wehave going on now is financial fear, a combination of their greatest weapons. They are really struggling to keep us bottled up right now. There was a timewhen "humans" knew all this stuff, we were in touch with our spiritual side, everything we are blind to today was once clear as day to us. We havelost that. Good news is it is cyclical, our physical exsistence here will return to that state one day. When the myans refer to the end of the world, this iswhat they are refering to, a new begining, a new consciousness, not some apocalyptic end of days. All this 2012 stuff is just more fear being thrown at us toprolong the process. They take what we should be running toward and twist our perception in the matrix and make us run away from it. It's geniusactually.

As far as MJ, he was in the process of rebeling against the social conditioning machine he had been raised within since the age of 5. That is why he is deadnow. I'll post some vids later.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Beermann2 wrote:I see this as a type of programing. Putting these messages in cartoons and seeing them so often when we grow up we won't question it. Why? because we seen it before.
You hit the nail on the head right here my dude. But think bigger. The economy, inflation, losing rights are all part of the program too. They are the fear factor. The biggest weapon being used against our senses, preventing us from expanding our consciousness is FEAR. Fear is what makes these people come in here with stone faces and reaching pics. Second weapon is financial. Everyone has bills and obligations, many also want the money, money and the cars, cars and the clothes and so on. It is a very powerful tool to keep us all headed in the wrong direction. Even being aware of this as I type, I'll probablly hit ebay later on to look for a new car
What we have going on now is financial fear, a combination of their greatest weapons. They are really struggling to keep us bottled up right now. There was a time when "humans" knew all this stuff, we were in touch with our spiritual side, everything we are blind to today was once clear as day to us. We have lost that. Good news is it is cyclical, our physical exsistence here will return to that state one day. When the myans refer to the end of the world, this is what they are refering to, a new begining, a new consciousness, not some apocalyptic end of days. All this 2012 stuff is just more fear being thrown at us to prolong the process. They take what we should be running toward and twist our perception in the matrix and make us run away from it. It's genius actually.

As far as MJ, he was in the process of rebeling against the social conditioning machine he had been raised within since the age of 5. That is why he is dead now. I'll post some vids later.

^^ please post those vids asap!!
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

GTEK wrote:
HueyP in LouieV wrote:

Laugh if you want the "architects"
of the things you embrace are laughing back at you...elevate your consciousness.
Well put.

GTEK or Haze whats the red ribbon about? SO many things to comment on in this thread.

Mmm so if theyre really just trying to get to God or the Almighty, then why all this other madness? Becuase they really dont want us to know? Is this like some only 144k will make it type deal, so they dont want the rest of us to know.
And so basically youre telling me I need to go to some yoga and kabbalah centres and get my chakkras up and get on the path?

Starting to understand Alice in Wonderland more and more........
There is alot of confusion in this thread so try not to get caught up..

Wearing a thin red string (as a type of talisman) is a custom, popularly thought to be associated with Judaism's Kabbalah, to ward off misfortune brought about by an "evil eye" (עין הרע in Hebrew).
Kabbalah to say the least is simply a blueprint to life.
Giving you the knowledge and letting you make the decisions and what energy you bring upon yourself.

Fact is...
we as a people were deprived of such knowledge, which ranges from our spirutal being, health, histroy,etc.
And in return sold an whole nother entity.
One that we must revise and detach from.
There are those (illuminati if you say) who know of these things but use
such for there own beneficiary. Robbing others of themselves and selling them
something that would return back into more profit. (Such things as faslified religions, racial barriers, "civilization")
Keeping you locked and hiding you from yourself, putting you in a lifetime chase for something that isn't even there.

Now we have to remember that these celebrities are just like us, human.
Madonna was once in the same chase that we were, once was forced to fight the same factors
that many of us fight through today until she took upon herself to know and do the knowledge.
Now granted certain resources may make her path easier due to salary or social status. But what is there stopping you from
picking up a book and looking within yourself.

Right now Im just looking under the studies of the Kabbalah faith, just as I am The Nation of Gods and Earth, Buddism, and etc.
So Im not the one to tell you that this is for you.
But I would def recommend a look if anything else.

The more you know the better.

The problem with threads/vids like these is that people try to take on such a task
from top,down.
Whats the Illuminati? Who's in the Illuminati? What is the Illuminati doing?

When really they should be looking down,up.
You find yourself and everything else will unravel. Guaranteed.

Perfectly said.

Wow thats exactly what i was saying
The stand up from "Whats it really worth" or whatever it was called. Think its titled with O.j. in the title too. Thats what I assume hes talkingabout.
I been said the recession wasn't real. It was just a way for big companies to save money and divide the poor and rich classes even further.
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

The stand up from "Whats it really worth" or whatever it was called. Think its titled with O.j. in the title too. Thats what I assume hes talking about.

"this is truth








To you it might be truth and thats cool and all. But not to me. I can't see it yet. But what if we replace the word "Aliens" withspirit,angels,demons, ghost. As some people are able to see these things(ghost/spirits), they probably have hit that frequency level already.

As the economy deteriorates and we keep losing our God given rights,

Can you please elaborate on what rights we have lost due to the economy struggling? You feel Capitalism is a "God given right?"

I was trying to say to different things here. As the economy deteriorates, there will be more distraction like celebreties news, alien propaganda, or public shootings. And when the people are distracted, congress pass un-Constitutional legislation, ex. after 9/11 they pass the P.A.T.R.O.I.T Act-gave permission to spy on Americans and etc). I feel nothing for capitalism. But I would prefer a free market system. A system free of gov't intervention.

Beermann2 wrote:I see this as a type of programing. Putting these messages in cartoons and seeing them so often when we grow up we won't question it. Why? because we seen it before.

You hit the nail on the head right here my dude. But think bigger. The economy, inflation, losing rights are all part of the program too. They are the fear factor. The biggest weapon being used against our senses, preventing us from expanding our consciousness is FEAR. Fear is what makes these people come in here with stone faces and reaching pics. Second weapon is financial. Everyone has bills and obligations, many also want the money, money and the cars, cars and the clothes and so on. It is a very powerful tool to keep us all headed in the wrong direction. Even being aware of this as I type, I'll probablly hit ebay later on to look for a new car What we have going on now is financial fear, a combination of their greatest weapons. They are really struggling to keep us bottled up right now. There was a time when "humans" knew all this stuff, we were in touch with our spiritual side, everything we are blind to today was once clear as day to us. We have lost that. Good news is it is cyclical, our physical exsistence here will return to that state one day. When the myans refer to the end of the world, this is what they are refering to, a new begining, a new consciousness, not some apocalyptic end of days. All this 2012 stuff is just more fear being thrown at us to prolong the process. They take what we should be running toward and twist our perception in the matrix and make us run away from it. It's genius actually.

Yeah, I think its Fear that will one day sway people into accepting the NWO. I believe the key word is control. How do they control us? Is itthe media, school, religion, ss#. I guess we are all trying to break free of something. Everybody has their path.

edit** I made a mess on the quoting. sorry.
Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Beermann2 wrote:I see this as a type of programing. Putting these messages in cartoons and seeing them so often when we grow up we won't question it. Why? because we seen it before.
You hit the nail on the head right here my dude. But think bigger. The economy, inflation, losing rights are all part of the program too. They are the fear factor. The biggest weapon being used against our senses, preventing us from expanding our consciousness is FEAR. Fear is what makes these people come in here with stone faces and reaching pics. Second weapon is financial. Everyone has bills and obligations, many also want the money, money and the cars, cars and the clothes and so on. It is a very powerful tool to keep us all headed in the wrong direction. Even being aware of this as I type, I'll probablly hit ebay later on to look for a new car
What we have going on now is financial fear, a combination of their greatest weapons. They are really struggling to keep us bottled up right now. There was a time when "humans" knew all this stuff, we were in touch with our spiritual side, everything we are blind to today was once clear as day to us. We have lost that. Good news is it is cyclical, our physical exsistence here will return to that state one day. When the myans refer to the end of the world, this is what they are refering to, a new begining, a new consciousness, not some apocalyptic end of days. All this 2012 stuff is just more fear being thrown at us to prolong the process. They take what we should be running toward and twist our perception in the matrix and make us run away from it. It's genius actually.

As far as MJ, he was in the process of rebeling against the social conditioning machine he had been raised within since the age of 5. That is why he is dead now. I'll post some vids later.

^^ please post those vids asap!!

Just listen to Michael.� Take the commentary with a grain of salt.� I never really heard Michael talk like this before.
I have a question, all of the info thats being shared in this thread, i haven't had time to go and read every single thing on every page, but is this allbased on rules or beliefs that were established and passed down and spread in the past and is carried down till now. If all of this was being pushed in thepast, were the people in the past who questioned or showed disbelief in all of this wrong also? Like when all of this stuff was being talked about and shownfor the very first time, im sure there were those who opposed or questioned it so who's to say that they were wrong or that maybe the people that talkedabout all of this were wrong. Are these things that apply to those who believe in it or for some unexplainable reason the message thats trying to be spreadacross the only right thing in the world. And also is one wrong to believe that all of this might be a bunch of BS made up from whenever it started to controlpeople. Sorry if this sentence doesn't make much sense i wrote it really quick.
its funny right after getting done reading 10 pages my mom asks me to buy some brocolli, "here's 13 dollars", i just stood there and
I knowdam well my mom has no illuminati thoughts or beliefs but after reading this thread and watching dave chappelle interviews alot of this stuff about Hollywoodand entertainers is starting to "piece together"...

NT never ceases to amaze, I wouldn't be surprised if this site ever got shutdown with all the youth that we have here being educated by a select specialfew "trolls".. off to safeway for that brocolli
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

... ...look familiar?

"This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance"

What exactly do you think you discovered?
the beyonce x baphomet comparison is beyond reaching

keep it up guys, i wanna see how much $*%! y'all can pull out of your @#%#@

And what is wrong with the image baphomet exactly? Ill wait...... Theres alot of people in here who "think" they know what they're talking about
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

... ...look familiar?

"This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance"

What exactly do you think you discovered?

do you really think im serious?

look at my earlier posts in this thread...i'm laughing at the people trying to make these type of comparisons

i mean, what does Taylor Swift/Kanye really have to do with Tupac?

people are really wasting too much of their time on this stuff
how has this helped the people that think they know about this stuff? are they satisfied that they know the truth?

EVERYONE in this thread who is trying to spit knowledge "thinks" they know what they are talking about btw
And I suppose you are the only one who really knows anything. Everybody here wastes their time on far less relevant things everyday of their life. So youdon't buy it, whats your point? We are all wrong cause you don't agree? Where do your so-called facts come from? Get off your high horse bro. Youdon't know any more than the next man. Apparently you get your satisfaction from "laughing at these people" speaking upon things you have noknowledge of.

and BTW, no one knows what the baphomet represents. various meanings have been attached to it throughout history, there is no concrete evidence of it'sorigin. and that picture of the goat that is being posted was attached to the name much later than its appearance in written history.
Originally Posted by Just bLAzed

cartune wrote:

Just bLAzed wrote:

... ...look familiar?

"This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance"

What exactly do you think you discovered?

do you really think im serious?

look at my earlier posts in this thread...i'm laughing at the people trying to make these type of comparisons

i mean, what does Taylor Swift/Kanye really have to do with Tupac?

people are really wasting too much of their time on this stuff
how has this helped the people that think they know about this stuff? are they satisfied that they know the truth?

EVERYONE in this thread who is trying to spit knowledge "thinks" they know what they are talking about btw

As does every other single person in the world that writes a book, movie script, tv show, cartoon, editorial piece, blog, news outlets, so on and so forth. Doyou believe any of them?
The point of all of this is to simple have discussion about some things that some of us wonder the reasoning behind. I dont even take what my mother tells mefor absolute.
Oh and you "think" you know what youre talking about too btw.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

And I suppose you are the only one who really knows anything. Everybody here wastes their time on far less relevant things everyday of their life. So you don't buy it, whats your point? We are all wrong cause you don't agree? Where do your so-called facts come from? Get off your high horse bro. You don't know any more than the next man. Apparently you get your satisfaction from "laughing at these people" speaking upon things you have no knowledge of.


when did i say i knew something that all of you didnt?
when did i say you guys were wrong?
when did i state that i had facts?

again, when did i say that i knew more than someone else?
calm the f#$%down

i dont have no facts, i looked up s#$% in google, and posted the first s#$% i found

Apparently you get your satisfaction from "laughing at these people" speaking upon things you have no knowledge of.

tell me though, do those people really have knowledge of what theyre speaking about?
You implied it. Don't try to backtrack now. The question you need to be asking is do YOU have knowledge of what we are speaking about?
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