Trying to prove my friend that marijuana is not addictive.

Best way to prove it is to stop it

I honestly haven't met anyone who can do it
It isn't...end of story. It can become a habit just like anything else but sometimes i
all day everyday for months straight and sometimes I don't at all for months.
the DSM IV has criteria for Cannabis Dependence but no criteria for Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome. 
its not addicting physically... it doesnt affect your brain chemicals like cocaine and heroine... but it can be addicting psychologically, like you WANT to continually be high because you like how it makes you feel
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

its not addicting physically... it doesnt affect your brain chemicals like cocaine and heroine... but it can be addicting psychologically, like you WANT to continually be high because you like how it makes you feel
^Pretty much. I never knew how to put it in words
yea its a mind addiction. as far as I kno, weed doesn't necessarily have an addictive chemical in it where as cigarettes do (nicotine).
there is physiological dependence as evidenced by tolerance (either you need more to get high or using the same amount doesn't get you as high). there is no withdrawal syndrome in the DSM IV but i know a bunch of heavy weed smokers that get bad headaches when they stop. 
Originally Posted by thejrob

It isn't...end of story. It can become a habit just like anything else but sometimes i
all day everyday for months straight and sometimes I don't at all for months.
Yep. I've smoked almost every day for the past four years, but I had to quit for about a month to get a job a while ago. It was a bummer, but nothing serious. And this is coming from a person who knows a thing or two about real addiction.
Some of the withdrawal symptoms are restlessness, irritability and insomnia that begin less than 24 hours after discontinuation of marijuana, peak in intensity on days 2 to 4, and last for seven to 10 days...

The most you could say is that it's habit forming but I don't think it's addictive. There are no real physical withdrawal symptoms and I haven't met a person yet that was completely dependent on it. If you have an addictive personality then maybe it can lead to addiction but most people can go long periods of time without smoking and feel completely functional/normal mentally and physically.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

its not addicting physically... it doesnt affect your brain chemicals like cocaine and heroine... but it can be addicting psychologically, like you WANT to continually be high because you like how it makes you feel

not exactly true
I'm sure it can be addicting to some, but I would say that the far majority of people that try marijuana or even use it regularly will not become addicted. Most things are like that though; food, sex, working out, video games, etc.
i work as a substance abuse counselor and i've done a ton of drugs in my life. cannabis can be addictive and you can become physiologically dependent on it. just because you're not addicted, doesn't mean somebody else can't get addicted. how much and how frequently you use is also not the primary indicators of being addicted. it's the continual use of a substance despite the adverse impact it has on your life. me personally, i think alcohol is worse than cannabis use. 
the amount of false information in the drug threads on NT always cracks me up. 
Every marijuana smoker I know can't seem to stop even though every week is the week they're quitting
Originally Posted by BIGKOREY510

i keep it lit
its not addiciting
well to me its not

a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance:
To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively
def can be addicting, but the withdrawals from it aren't nearly as serious as other drugs

I put Maryj in the same category as caffeine when it comes it addiction. I know dozens of people who cannot function/wake up in the mornings without their coffee. I also know several people who cannot sleep at night without smoking. Neither of them are impossible habits to break, but both substances are usually easily obtained so users don't feel the need to stop using.
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