UN Security Council approves No Fly Zone in Libya Vol: Declaration of War

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

So we don't go through congress? We just act like the Mafia, and bomb who ever the !*+% we want?

What a joke this country has become.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by rashi

Want to do something about it ? YOU GO OVER THERE.

Let their people figure it out.
Millions of Americans are READY to go over there. America's armed forces are all volunteer my friend.

As you can see from some of the articles posted in this thread, their people WANT us to go over there, they don't want to be left to themselves to "figure it out" because they know what they want and they know that they'd need the UN's help to do it.

The US isn't trying to wipe out the Muslim population as you seem to think. If there is more unrest in Muslim countries then I guess attribute it to that. It doesn't mean that Islam is the cause of that unrest, it simply means that there is unrest. You don't think that if North Korea made definitive moves we would be in there either? I'm almost positive the US would rather take out NK more than stir things up in Libya, but we don't have the option. Let the Libyan people get what they want: UN help.

People don't sign up to defend ANOTHER country.

To help Libya comes with strings. Of course they aren't trying to wipe off the Elite Muslims, who else would sell the load of $%@+ the U.S. government wants them to sell?

There are people dying everyday by genocide in Darfur, why don't we just send our troops over there? How about Zimbabwe while we're at it?
So what are you suggesting?   
That we need to help everybody?  Or that we shouldn't help anybody?

If we did send troops into Darfur, would you be complaining that we're not helping Zimbabwe?  If we send troops into Zimbabwe, would you complain that we're not helping NK?  

If we help NK, would you complain that we're not helping Bahrain?
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I swear to God I'm so out of the loop that I don't even know what the hell is going on. I barely watch the news, and when I do it's always some war propaganda with another Arab or Muslim country. This *!%+ is sickening man. For 10 years straight, millions of innocent Arab and Muslim lives have been lost for money, power, greed. Am I the only one who sits back and analyzes this realizing there's something greater happening that we don't know? Are some of us that dumb?

America wants to act like the mediator of this situation to protect innocent lives from be taken, but when Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip in 2008 and killed 1,500 innocent lives- no one said a damn thing.

It's sickening. It's exactly I will never vote in this country. I probably will never bear the American flag proudly in my lifetime, and it's because of reasons like this. Matter of fact, the next time I attend a sporting event, I'll probably turn my back when the sing the national anthem. I'm not supporting this *!%+, and that will be my way of showing it.

And if some of you don't like it, oh well. Sue me.
I usually hate when people say this, but if that's honestly how you feel....go. Leave this country. Let's just forget all the great things living in this country affords you. Lets act like your life here hasn't been more comfortable than a great portion of the world. Are there better countries? One can argue. But honestly you sound like you have no enjoyment or gratification for your situation here. Honestly, why don't you leave?
Because he's a COWARD. Just like anyone else that thinks this country is a joke, but would never leave. He's either a coward or betraying his own conscience on a daily basis.
I really love how everything here is so black and white. 
Look, the situation in Libya is HORRIBLE. Ghadaffi was killing civilians before this became a revolution, and is in large part responsible for how much the situation has deteriorated because he refused to step down. He is the cause of this civil war. While he is bringing in mercenaries to do his dirty work, there are people in the country, mainly members of his clan, who still support him. The situation for the rebels has gotten much worse of the past few weeks and they have been beaten back quite a bit. Eventually, being poorly equipped and funded by no one, they would be beaten. This would almost certainly end with Ghadaffi massacring all who were involved in this uprising. This action is, sadly, a necessary evil. The man is a ruthless dictator who is not going to give up his power, and will kill thousands of people before he has to. 

What the no fly zone entails is the bombing of military targets with no use of troops on the ground. No one is getting taken out of Afghanistan or Iraq only to be told they're now going to Libya. 

The rebels NEED international support.

Edit: Another thing this does is prevents Ghadaffi from using fighter jets against his own people, which he has already done over the course of the fighting. 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

So we don't go through congress? We just act like the Mafia, and bomb who ever the !*+% we want?

What a joke this country has become.


Col. Gaddafi is trying to commit genocide on a large scale by means of fighter jets and mercenaries. He's meaning to move into the last "rebellion" city of Bengazi (700.00 citizens) within the next few hours. There's simply no time for congress and what have you.(I'm not from the US, i'm not familair with how the US system works in these events.) The UN security council was right to enforce this no-fly zone and you should be proud of your country for trying to help enforce it.
Originally Posted by K2

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

So we don't go through congress? We just act like the Mafia, and bomb who ever the !*+% we want?

What a joke this country has become.


Col. Gaddafi is trying to commit genocide on a large scale by means of air attacks and mercenaries. He's meaning to move into the last "rebellion" city of Bengazi (700.00 citizens) within the next few hours. There's simply no time for congress and what have you.(I'm not from the US, i'm not familair with how the US system works in these events.) The UN security council was right to enforce this no-fly zone and you should be proud of your country for trying to help enforce it.
I been trying to say this to these dudes but then they hit me with the "Oh but it doesn't affect us so why should we help?" "We should stay out of other peoples business and stop trying to force our views onto them" Response
Look, it essentially comes down to this parallel. In 1991 we had the opportunity to back Shia and Kurdish rebels in Iraq who were trying to overthrow Saddam after Desert Storm. Had the international community stepped in and helped them Saddam never would have massacred the untold thousands he did, we never would have invaded 12 years later under false pretences and Iraq may have been a stable democracy today.
Would you rather do nothing and watch Ghadaffi slaughter thousands of Libyan rebels, watch him get stronger and eventually down the line NEED to send ground forces in to get rid of him, or would you support the rebels now from the air and possibly a bit with some weapons or funding and allow them to handle the majority of the fighting?
This is going to be such a mess.

Yes, Gaddafi needs to be stopped. But, No Fly Zone is not the most effective way to go about it. This is all about the oil.
half of you people dont even know what your talking about.

if a leader of a country is killing innocent people of his own kind of course other countries are going to help. People are donating to japan because

of the natural disaster right? well whats going on over their is murder on a larger scale by their own leader.

now in the 21st century everyone is by each other's sides, do you guys even know how much TREATIES we have made with countries at the end of WWII throughout the end of The Cold War?
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

This is going to be such a mess.

Yes, Gaddafi needs to be stopped. But, No Fly Zone is not the most effective way to go about it. This is all about the oil.

I actually think a No Fly Zone is one of the most acceptable, hands off (in a no troops on the ground sort of way) answers. We aren't hanging the rebels out to dry, but we aren't sending 50,000 UN troops in to occupy the country either. Sanctions aren't going to keep a massacre from happening in Benghazi tomorrow. Possible air strikes might. 
No Fly Zone is not the most effective way to go about it

.....ghaddafi agrees. Lol.

It didnt take too long for him to wise up.

He wants to play nice now.

Not entirely true. I don't think Gadaffi himself has made any sort of comment yet. Can't wait until he does though, his hour long rants are always entertaining. 
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Because he's a COWARD. Just like anyone else that thinks this country is a joke, but would never leave. He's either a coward or betraying his own conscience on a daily basis.
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Not entirely true. I don't think Gadaffi himself has made any sort of comment yet.
He wised up.


Notice I said Gadaffi himself. 
This looks a bit promising though.

American broadcaster CNN also reports Gaddafi has changed tact with ‘‘a humanitarian gesture’’, deciding to hold off on plans to send the army in to Benghazi and mercilessly crush all resistance, as had been promised.

‘‘I just took a phone call from one of Gaddafi’s sons, Seif (al-Islam). This is the message from the leadership,’’ the CNN correspondent in Tripoli said.

‘‘He said they’re going to change the tactics around Benghazi, that the army is not going to go into Benghazi.

‘‘It’s going to take up positions around the stronghold.

‘‘The reason is they expect a humanitarian exodus.’’
Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Millions of Americans are READY to go over there. America's armed forces are all volunteer my friend.

As you can see from some of the articles posted in this thread, their people WANT us to go over there, they don't want to be left to themselves to "figure it out" because they know what they want and they know that they'd need the UN's help to do it.

The US isn't trying to wipe out the Muslim population as you seem to think. If there is more unrest in Muslim countries then I guess attribute it to that. It doesn't mean that Islam is the cause of that unrest, it simply means that there is unrest. You don't think that if North Korea made definitive moves we would be in there either? I'm almost positive the US would rather take out NK more than stir things up in Libya, but we don't have the option. Let the Libyan people get what they want: UN help.

People don't sign up to defend ANOTHER country.

To help Libya comes with strings. Of course they aren't trying to wipe off the Elite Muslims, who else would sell the load of $%@+ the U.S. government wants them to sell?

There are people dying everyday by genocide in Darfur, why don't we just send our troops over there? How about Zimbabwe while we're at it?
So what are you suggesting?   
That we need to help everybody?  Or that we shouldn't help anybody?

If we did send troops into Darfur, would you be complaining that we're not helping Zimbabwe?  If we send troops into Zimbabwe, would you complain that we're not helping NK?  

If we help NK, would you complain that we're not helping Bahrain?

I didn't realize that the United States is the worlds saviour from everything. That revenue that this government collects is laundered around the world for security purposes.

I don't want our troops to go anywhere. I don't want to help any country. I want them all the troops to come home immediatly. I want all 1200 U.S. military bases around the world closed and the land to be given back to that country.

You people need to think, the United States will be the first to strike because they want to block the oil from getting to China. This isn't about removing a tyrannical leader from a country because we "care" about the innocent people of Libya. We want to send out more engineers like in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, ect, ect, ect.
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Notice I said Gadaffi himself. 
Just stop it

Moving on..
Yeah, they've really wised up.


4.19pm: A disturbing call from Misrata was just broadcast on al-Jazeera which, assuming the caller was genuine, adds to the evidence that the Libyan regime is not abiding by its announced ceasefire. Mohamed Ali, who said he is at the medical centre, said there has been "indiscriminate shelling" which has wrought, "savagery and destruction on the whole city". He said:
http://static.guim.co.uk/...s/images/quote_red.gif); background-position: 0% 0%; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; ">
The shelling has been absolutely crazy, absolutely mad, the likes of which in history has never been seen.

It's chaotic. I am in the medical centre, I don't know what's happened to my family at home, I don't know if they're still alive.

He then handed the phone over to a doctor who said 80 people were being treated in the hospital.

 Despite the ceasefire announcement, Gaddafi forces are not only attacking in Misrata but also in Ajdabiya, according to al-Jazeera, which reports "gunfire and heavy artillery clashes" at the southern entrance to the eastern city.

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by rashi

People don't sign up to defend ANOTHER country.

To help Libya comes with strings. Of course they aren't trying to wipe off the Elite Muslims, who else would sell the load of $%@+ the U.S. government wants them to sell?

There are people dying everyday by genocide in Darfur, why don't we just send our troops over there? How about Zimbabwe while we're at it?
So what are you suggesting?   
That we need to help everybody?  Or that we shouldn't help anybody?

If we did send troops into Darfur, would you be complaining that we're not helping Zimbabwe?  If we send troops into Zimbabwe, would you complain that we're not helping NK?  

If we help NK, would you complain that we're not helping Bahrain?

I didn't realize that the United States is the worlds saviour from everything. That revenue that this government collects is laundered around the world for security purposes.

I don't want our troops to go anywhere. I don't want to help any country. I want them all the troops to come home immediatly. I want all 1200 U.S. military bases around the world closed and the land to be given back to that country.

You people need to think, the United States will be the first to strike because they want to block the oil from getting to China. This isn't about removing a tyrannical leader from a country because we "care" about the innocent people of Libya. We want to send out more engineers like in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, ect, ect, ect.

 Your posts are very amusing... and even though I enjoy snickering your typical and usual anti-American rants... give it a rest ok? 


Personally I am looking forward to the International Coalition of fighter jets being assembled. 

Canada CF-18


UK Typhoons, Tornado GR4s


[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana]Denmark F-16[/font]

[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana]


[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana]

[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana]and of course the very expensive US Raptor F-22 and F-18[/font]

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I'm with Rashi, why is anyone (US military) anywhere unless that country is a direct threat to us?

I understand we are all humans and no one deserves to die just because they want freedom from a tyrant, but I'm pretty sure there were a few people whose blood still stains the ground we walk on today ...

Oil is the devil btw ...
Originally Posted by msaba07

I'm with Rashi, why is anyone (US military) anywhere unless that country is a direct threat to us?

I understand we are all humans and no one deserves to die just because they want freedom from a tyrant, but I'm pretty sure there were a few people whose blood still stains the ground we walk on today ...

Oil is the devil btw ...
You answered your own question.  Should be no surprise to anyone.  US is a military industrial machine.  You need oil to keep things moving and running efficiently.  Money to be made, power to be gain, etc.. etc..  You know typical US imperialism  propaganda. 
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I swear to God I'm so out of the loop that I don't even know what the hell is going on. I barely watch the news, and when I do it's always some war propaganda with another Arab or Muslim country. This *!%+ is sickening man. For 10 years straight, millions of innocent Arab and Muslim lives have been lost for money, power, greed. Am I the only one who sits back and analyzes this realizing there's something greater happening that we don't know? Are some of us that dumb?

America wants to act like the mediator of this situation to protect innocent lives from be taken, but when Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip in 2008 and killed 1,500 innocent lives- no one said a damn thing.

It's sickening. It's exactly I will never vote in this country. I probably will never bear the American flag proudly in my lifetime, and it's because of reasons like this. Matter of fact, the next time I attend a sporting event, I'll probably turn my back when the sing the national anthem. I'm not supporting this *!%+, and that will be my way of showing it.

And if some of you don't like it, oh well. Sue me.
I usually hate when people say this, but if that's honestly how you feel....go. Leave this country. Let's just forget all the great things living in this country affords you. Lets act like your life here hasn't been more comfortable than a great portion of the world. Are there better countries? One can argue. But honestly you sound like you have no enjoyment or gratification for your situation here. Honestly, why don't you leave?


Leave what my dude? Earth? I was born here, and I'm going die here, be buried here, and disintegrate here. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it. And I'm done with this thread. It's the same bickering coming from the same 'sheep' who believe anything the news spits at them.

Go ahead and believe that this invasion on the country of Libya is for a good cause, just remember that there's oppression and genocide going on in Israel; who America supports dearly. Contradicting, are we?
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I swear to God I'm so out of the loop that I don't even know what the hell is going on. I barely watch the news, and when I do it's always some war propaganda with another Arab or Muslim country. This *!%+ is sickening man. For 10 years straight, millions of innocent Arab and Muslim lives have been lost for money, power, greed. Am I the only one who sits back and analyzes this realizing there's something greater happening that we don't know? Are some of us that dumb?

America wants to act like the mediator of this situation to protect innocent lives from be taken, but when Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip in 2008 and killed 1,500 innocent lives- no one said a damn thing.

It's sickening. It's exactly I will never vote in this country. I probably will never bear the American flag proudly in my lifetime, and it's because of reasons like this. Matter of fact, the next time I attend a sporting event, I'll probably turn my back when the sing the national anthem. I'm not supporting this *!%+, and that will be my way of showing it.

And if some of you don't like it, oh well. Sue me.
I usually hate when people say this, but if that's honestly how you feel....go. Leave this country. Let's just forget all the great things living in this country affords you. Lets act like your life here hasn't been more comfortable than a great portion of the world. Are there better countries? One can argue. But honestly you sound like you have no enjoyment or gratification for your situation here. Honestly, why don't you leave?

God bless the USA
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by whiterails

So what are you suggesting?   
That we need to help everybody?  Or that we shouldn't help anybody?

If we did send troops into Darfur, would you be complaining that we're not helping Zimbabwe?  If we send troops into Zimbabwe, would you complain that we're not helping NK?  

If we help NK, would you complain that we're not helping Bahrain?

I didn't realize that the United States is the worlds saviour from everything. That revenue that this government collects is laundered around the world for security purposes.

I don't want our troops to go anywhere. I don't want to help any country. I want them all the troops to come home immediatly. I want all 1200 U.S. military bases around the world closed and the land to be given back to that country.

You people need to think, the United States will be the first to strike because they want to block the oil from getting to China. This isn't about removing a tyrannical leader from a country because we "care" about the innocent people of Libya. We want to send out more engineers like in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, ect, ect, ect.

 Your posts are very amusing... and even though I enjoy snickering your typical and usual anti-American rants... give it a rest ok? 

[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]

[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana][/font]

[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana][/font]

Yet, you can't dispute what I'm saying. Instead you post a picture.

So I guess you are ok with the "liberation" of the Iraqis even though close to 1,000,000 civilians were murdered in cold blood? Or how about all the innocent children in Afghanistan?


Are you
 with this?

Nothing like an all out war to "protect" civilians from bombs are dropping ontheir homes.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by rashi

I didn't realize that the United States is the worlds saviour from everything. That revenue that this government collects is laundered around the world for security purposes.

I don't want our troops to go anywhere. I don't want to help any country. I want them all the troops to come home immediatly. I want all 1200 U.S. military bases around the world closed and the land to be given back to that country.

You people need to think, the United States will be the first to strike because they want to block the oil from getting to China. This isn't about removing a tyrannical leader from a country because we "care" about the innocent people of Libya. We want to send out more engineers like in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, ect, ect, ect.

 Your posts are very amusing... and even though I enjoy snickering your typical and usual anti-American rants... give it a rest ok? 

[font=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]

[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana][/font]

[font='trebuchet ms', arial, verdana][/font]

Yet, you can't dispute what I'm saying. Instead you post a picture.

So I guess you are ok with the "liberation" of the Iraqis even though close to 1,000,000 civilians were murdered in cold blood? Or how about all the innocent children in Afghanistan?


Are you
 with this?

Nothing like an all out war to "protect" civilians from bombs are dropping ontheir homes.
This thread is about Libyans and you want to talk about Iraq?  Way to go OFF TOPIC.
And yes I am ok with the liberation of Iraq... why? Here's a few pictures why...



Oh but lets not talk about the GOOD news lets concentrate on the bad things like...

"1,000,000 Civilians killed in Cold Blood"  

What about the kids that Sadamm gassed? 


Are you 
 with this? 
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