US Military Airmen Michael Giles denied Stand Your Ground defense in Florida, sentenced to 25 yrs

Not really some judges will tell kids go to jail or join the military. I heard lots guys tell me this during my 6 years in.

Oh, my reply wasn't a question but letting the previous guy that just because your in military doesn't mean you don't have a troubled past. In some cases these kids were lucky not to get caught.

Yeah thats true but it doesn't go on their record if they aren't convicted of it. Believe it or not my First Sergeant got that deal. Caught a B&E and they gave him his options. He chose military so no conviction

Right, thats what I am saying there people saying he didn't have criminal record, I know lots of criminals without a record. They just ain't been caught yet. There people in the military that were criminals and never got records before they joined.

I did things that probably should have gotten me a record before I joined, I was lucky enough not to get caught.
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Black in America in the new infamous state of L's.. Flohio
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At 32, this why I don't go places to many unknown places. If it's new you find me close to the door, if it pops off I'm outside and across the street.

I want my CHL but it's legal action waiting to happen. You can be in the right but if you use it you may yourself in court defending your actions.

In this case I would have taken a couple licks and got out of there.

I wonder if that place was on a military banned list.

It really don't matter tho cause the military would have ruined his life, he violated basic Rules Of Engagement. They may still come after him after the state is done with him.

How is firing a warning shot engaging sumone exactly? Id argue its the complete opposite action... takong a course of action that would prevent ypu from engaging n combat.

Americas a joke.
Really sad hearing this kind of stuff.

Hate seeing good dudes come in the Air Force and something like this happens and change his life
I feel you on that. I dont feel his sentence is just though. Especially if he didn't shoot anyone. And lets be honest yall if you seen a mob of 30 dudes coming at you and you had a strap what would you do? Take the *** beating and possible die. Or shoot a warno shot. As far as rules of engagement go that only applies to deployment. in the states we go by civilian law
What is the real story here? He fired 3 warning shots or fired at 3 ppl? Close quarters like that and being n the service i hafta believe had he meant to shoot sumone at least one of em woulda died.
This is how they fight this nonsensical bs tho... counter intel. Soon therell be 100 dif accounts n we wont know what to believe. Wish i was there. Id write the DA twice a day to drop the charges. Now no one will know what reallly happened unless they were there
At 32, this why I don't go places to many unknown places. If it's new you find me close to the door, if it pops off I'm outside and across the street.

I want my CHL but it's legal action waiting to happen. You can be in the right but if you use it you may yourself in court defending your actions.

In this case I would have taken a couple licks and got out of there.

I wonder if that place was on a military banned list.

It really don't matter tho cause the military would have ruined his life, he violated basic Rules Of Engagement. They may still come after him after the state is done with him.

How is firing a warning shot engaging sumone exactly? Id argue its the complete opposite action... takong a course of action that would prevent ypu from engaging n combat.

Americas a joke.

In the military lethal force is reserved in reaction to lethal force and the way the rules of engagement are written you pretty much have to be in a combat situation to use lethal force. From op's description he was getting hit with fists. Which in no way warrants the need to use a gun for military personnel.
Florida where a hispanic person is white and has white privilege and the black man can't do anything right without being sentenced to jail for no damn reason. Why are people still livingin this joke of a state?
I feel you on that. I dont feel his sentence is just though. Especially if he didn't shoot anyone. And lets be honest yall if you seen a mob of 30 dudes coming at you and you had a strap what would you do? Take the *** beating and possible die. Or shoot a warno shot. As far as rules of engagement go that only applies to deployment. in the states we go by civilian law

I wish it was that way but it's not for military personnel. Military personnel have two laws in which they have to abide by; civilian law and UCMJ. Which creates double jepordy for military personnel. I have seen guys get off in civilian court just to have the the military to thrown the book at them. I have seen guys do time in civilian jail, get out and do time in military jail. Essentialy get out one jail and straight to another.

Military personnel violate any number of UCMJ rules on a daily basis because they are so strict. Taking the time to enforce them depends on the command. They indeed will in these situations.

I have seen dudes get in trouble for things they have done while on leave. Dont matter violate the UCMJ and you have the possibility of seeing the old man.
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As a black dude I can't do anything about that...but I can make money to level the playing field. Don't care to complain about 'white v black' although I do see that exists. I prefer to focus on something I can change relatively easily, I can make money and not worry bout the world judging me differently because I'm black. $$$ > race in post civil rights America.

Thanks for your input Larry Elder :rolleyes
I wish it was that way but it's not for military personnel. Military personnel have two laws in which they have to abide by; civilian law and UCMJ. Which creates double jepordy for military personnel. I have seen guys get off in civilian court just to have the the military to thrown the book at them. I have seen guys do time in civilian jail, get out and do time in military jail. Essentialy get out one jail and straight to another.

Military personnel violate any number of UCMJ rules on a daily basis because they are so strict. Taking the time to enforce them depends on the command. They indeed will in these situations.

I have seen dudes get in trouble for things they have done while on leave. Dont matter violate the UCMJ and you have the possibility of seeing the old man.

Yes I know this. But rarely does this happen. It really depends on his command to be honest. I've seen dudes get dui and not get anything but a fine I've seen other dudes get cops sent to the house cause a domestic dispute (no physical harm) state dropped istbut his command pursued. Its all on the command. either way he wasn't court martialed he was charged by the state and their judgment based off what we know is ridiculous
I wish it was that way but it's not for military personnel. Military personnel have two laws in which they have to abide by; civilian law and UCMJ. Which creates double jepordy for military personnel. I have seen guys get off in civilian court just to have the the military to thrown the book at them. I have seen guys do time in civilian jail, get out and do time in military jail. Essentialy get out one jail and straight to another.

Military personnel violate any number of UCMJ rules on a daily basis because they are so strict. Taking the time to enforce them depends on the command. They indeed will in these situations.

I have seen dudes get in trouble for things they have done while on leave. Dont matter violate the UCMJ and you have the possibility of seeing the old man.

Yes I know this. But rarely does this happen. It really depends on his command to be honest. I've seen dudes get dui and not get anything but a fine I've seen other dudes get cops sent to the house cause a domestic dispute (no physical harm) state dropped istbut his command pursued. Its all on the command. either way he wasn't court martialed he was charged by the state and their judgment based off what we know is ridiculous

The military usually waits until after civilian courts are done with you, then purse charges, unless it was on a military installation.

Military is slow to charge. It was 30 days wait for people just to see the CO.

But a case like this would be out of his commands hands, I could def see the JAG looking to pursue.
mandatory sentencing.....thats what effed him.

sucks, hopefully da outcry is strong enough to do something about it.
At 32, this why I don't go places to many unknown places. If it's new you find me close to the door, if it pops off I'm outside and across the street.

I want my CHL but it's legal action waiting to happen. You can be in the right but if you use it you may yourself in court defending your actions.

In this case I would have taken a couple licks and got out of there.

I wonder if that place was on a military banned list.

It really don't matter tho cause the military would have ruined his life, he violated basic Rules Of Engagement. They may still come after him after the state is done with him.

How is firing a warning shot engaging sumone exactly? Id argue its the complete opposite action... takong a course of action that would prevent ypu from engaging n combat.

Americas a joke.

In the military lethal force is reserved in reaction to lethal force and the way the rules of engagement are written you pretty much have to be in a combat situation to use lethal force. From op's description he was getting hit with fists. Which in no way warrants the need to use a gun for military personnel.

That holds even if you think your life, health, or well being is being threatened too? even if its not a combat scenario?
Did he shoot because he was afraid or did he shoot because he was punched.

Guns are an evil creation. They do far more harm than good. Directly and, as seen here, indirectly.
That's crazy. :smh:

I'm pretty sure in a lot of states places it's illegal to fire warning shots...even in your house.
This is so shameful, what about the people who admitted to inflicting violence on others, what happened to them? They said other shots were fired, why was he the only one charged? This is all kinds of ****** up :smh:

Same thing happened to this lady also.

OP I'm glad you posted this. I was listening to Ricky Smiley this morning and they were talking to a black TV anchor from NBC or CBS about this case. He was encouraging people to go to website and sign the petition. The famil of Mr. Giles needed 8k more to reach their goal. You have it in your post, but just in case nobody was aware I thought I'd mention it.

Florida looks worse and worse day
Lol have you guys even been to florida? Its not all racist. There's some prejudiced people , but but overall, florida is pretty chill. Go head down to south beach or the keys and get that flohio sh** out your minds.
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Lol have you guys even been to florida? Its not all racist. There's some prejudiced people , but but overall, florida is pretty chill. Go head down to south beach or the keys and get that flohio sh** out your minds.

Lifelong FL resident and you're either a naive suburban kid from MIA or some other tourist spot or just completely oblivious, there's no reason a Black man should want to live here outside of being wealthy in MIA.
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