US Military Airmen Michael Giles denied Stand Your Ground defense in Florida, sentenced to 25 yrs

Flohio shoots for the W.....


One simply shouldn't play with guns. Fire a weapon, deal with the consequence. Is it right, i dont know.. not really interested. but given the facts, i'm sure they could have hit him with a lesser sentence.

Sucks getting your face punched in.. sucks worst being in jail for 20 years. but what if the bullet would have hit someone ? .. Innocent bystanders get hit everyday. Sometimes they die.. Lucky for him no one did, than again prob not so lucky.. Since he ends up in prison anyway, should have just fired another shot.. but NOT MISS this time :smh:

Keep yourself out of trouble, stay away from crowds nd the nonsense they bring with them. { .. theres nothing to see people } .. go home, call a nice one.. get some yambs :smokin .. than have her cook you pancakes. :smokin :smokin

Pancakes :pimp: > Prison .. unless you like prison pancakes lol :lol: Guns
Keep yourself out of trouble, stay away from crowds nd the nonsense they bring with them. { .. theres nothing to see people } .. go home, call a nice one.. get some yambs
.. than have her cook you pancakes.

> Prison .. unless you like prison pancakes lol
Guns < Yambs
.. #simple

" Perception is reality "
nd pancakes are awesomeeee

..but so are yambsssssssssss lmao
Words to live by.
Damn I hate to see a fellow Airman get into some **** like this. But it's **** like this that keeps me out tha ratchet places. Kinfolk gotta be a NCO or an O too I'm sure we'll get a briefing on this. :smh:
This is a sad story, but I'm not surprised. I find it amusing how people think things like this only happen in Florida. Black people all around the world have been getting screwed over for YEARS. This is nothing new.
I signed the petition and I hope dude's charges get dropped and he gets let out of prison.

But I will say this:
I dont know about Florida gun laws but in my state it is NEVER ok to fire a warning shot. NEVER, EVER, EVER.
He would not have gotten ANY time had he just shot the dude until his magazine was empty.

You are responsible for each and every bullet that comes out of your gun.
So if you shoot at someone who is attacking you and it goes through that person and kills an innocent bystander, YOU are responsible.

So you might not get charged with shooting your attacker but you will get charged with homicide for the bystander.
That is why in my state warning shots are a nono

But that mandatory sentence bu**sh** is F***Ing ridiculous.
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Being that he's in the Airforce, I thought they had separate legal trials and the like?

Yes, they do but the military usually doesn't do their thing until after the civilian courts are done with you. Meaning after you've served your sentence. Even if he had not been indicted, he would still be in big trouble with the Airforce.

Dude was within his rights as a civilian but broke all kinds of rules and regs as a military employee. One I could see is a standing rule that in order to go beyond 250 miles of base you have to get special written permission. I know Tallahassee is just beyond the 250 mile boundary and I sure he didnt get permission. So thats atleast one charge of disobeying a direct order which will tack on the infamous "unbecoming" charge. No one ever bothers to get permission but they do get charged with it if the go outside the boundaries and get into trouble. I am sure they would investigate if the gun was ever on base illegally. Which would be another charge. If the club he was at was on any bases banned list, would be another charge.

You really have to skate thin ice as a military person on liberty cause you have to obey two separate set of laws.
Military couldn't supply him with a competent lawyer though?..................

Hopefully this becomes big enough to become a national issue.........

Good Luck Homey....
That's crazy. :smh:

I'm pretty sure in a lot of states places it's illegal to fire warning shots...even in your house.

Came in here to say this. In order for the stand your ground law to be effective, u have to shoot the person whether u kill them or not. The argument is that if u have the opportunity to fire a warning shot, then u are not in any grave danger that would allow u to use SYG as a legitimate defense. The same thing happened w/ the one shorty from another state (or it might've been Florida)
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