Waiting tables unnappreciation VOL. You cheap %@@+*+#%##%*%

Originally Posted by Wade187

I tip waiters appropriately, if anything I overtip slightly but I just avoid going out period because I think its a screwed up situation.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I tip 15% no matter what the service is. Usually in the 20-25 range
NTer Victim of the month award goes to...

Not really bro. I just come from a fortunate position and most of the time my waiters are fine. And waiting isn't the best of jobs so I could understandsomeone having a bad day and not giving the greatest service. Most likely the person needs the extra few dollars more than I do/
ThunderChunk69 wrote:
Wade187 wrote:

I tip waiters appropriately, if anything I overtip slightly but I just avoid going out period because I think its a screwed up situation.

It is, but I mean why should you have to avoid going out, or eating what you want because of it? That's how I have always seen it. Yet I always heard myco-workers or other waiters say "If your to cheap to tip don't go out" I mean that %!!% just irks me. Instead of getting a new job you tryna keepother people from eating or doing what they want? Like really? It's like they think their the only ones struggling or something
Went to a diner in DC after Howard Homecoming party, service was terrible, she never said her name, she forgot my homeboy appetizer, and she never checked onus after we got our food. With 5 of us our bill was $60 since she was terrible she got NOTHING as a tip. Once waiters/waitresses work on their people skillsthen they will get tips. You guys knew what you were getting into when you applied to these positions...Im just saying
I work at my aunt's thai restaurant and I'm a waiter. It's not so bad in my experience. I hardly get any complaints lately since most are patientto get their food. I try to give good service to my customers and I love the ones who enjoy being there and talk nicely to me. There are people who understandI'm busy and sometimes say I'm doing a good job which makes me feel good. Just sometimes I'd get a customer or customers who just don't seemhappy once they walk in like not say hi back or thank you. Those people I'm like whatever. When I eat out myself, I try to give a respectful tip as Iunderstand being in their shoes.
Actually, I think I'd tip the cooks over the person that brings me my food (hell, I can do that myself)

They're the ones doing all the actual hard work.
As a waiter, we have to take order, bring out food and drinks, check if you need any refills or anything else, give bill, and clean up table(a lot of peoplemake a mess). Isn't that hard work too?
Tipping well sometimes has its benefits though. I get a couple free orders of sushi at a local sushi restaurant around my way and the waiters at todai alwaysgive me unlimited lobsters. I usually don't expect much at outback, cheesecake factory, chilis, etc. If the server asks me how everything is and keeps mywater cup full I'm happy. If I'm dining at an upscale place like french laundry I'd expect exceptional service because I'm already paying 300+per person I better get some good service.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

. I feel sorry for male waiters. Im sorry, but im not tipping a male waiter..idc

That's pretty lame KFC. What do you get out of tipping a female waitress?

im not giving a man my money for doing such a feminine job.
my dude is WILDING OUT right now
I'm a waitress most of the time but I also work the beer cart on the golf course I work at and I used to make pretty decent tips outside. We definitely dolive off our tips but I don't see why that's the customer's problem. But if you have a problem with paying most of our wage you should be taking itup with the people we work for, not punishing us. And yea we choose our jobs but someone has to wait tables....we can't all be like "yea I don'tfeel like having half my pay up in the air so I'm going to turn down a job I really need."

And when I'm working inside, I legitimately would rather have a customer who's nice and treats me as an equal and leaves a #$++#@ tip than some a-holewho treats me like a servant and is a *+*@ all night and leaves a great tip. I always make an effort to joke around and make people's day better and whenthey're happy back it makes my night.
Originally Posted by dream5hift

As a waiter, we have to take order, bring out food and drinks, check if you need any refills or anything else, give bill, and clean up table(a lot of people make a mess). Isn't that hard work too?

um not really

clean up table part = bus boys
out here in cali its like 75%-25% ratio.. meaning 75 have another person bringing the food

take order =20seconds type in comp..
give bill=7seconds print out off comp..

lol where is the hard work? i never heard of waiters sweeping or mopping floors, nor cleaning dishes.

but anyway everybody should still tip 15% despite all that.. just wanted to make a point waiters dont work hard.
i always tip 20% for average-good service. sometimes i'll OD and leave 30-40% if the service was really THAT good.

i'm not afraid to leave exact change though. i've done it on a few occasions where the service just wasn't that good. taking forever to take ourorders, never asking about refills, never did the courtesy "is everything ok?" walk by once our food is there. that's what bothers me, it justdoesn't seem that difficult to make sure your table is happy with everything. like you REALLY have to be going out of your way to make sure your table ismiserable with the service

my friends get embarrassed when i leave exact change, but i refuse to put my money in the pocket of bad waiters/waitresses. tips are supposed to reflect theservice. if the service is bad, so is my tip.
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

Actually, I think I'd tip the cooks over the person that brings me my food (hell, I can do that myself)

They're the ones doing all the actual hard work.
used to work at a restaurant in west LA as a cook.
at the time the waiter /waitresses would give the cooks a share of the tips
one new waitress came in and shared nothing so all the cooks lagged it on
her orders. she soon realized what was going on and gave in.
personally ive been on both sides of the story...
the more the tip the better , of course
but if your service sucks what can u expect...
and i know there are also peeps out there who arent doing that well and
just wanna eat thats cool too.
It also irritates me though when someone expects too much
or thinks things are mandatory. If ur a +@%% then i have no problem
leavin nothing at all.
10% - bad service
15% - average service
20-25% - great service, like coming back after 5-10 mins & asking how's everything
These types of threads have popped up before in the past and I can see most nters haven't changed. Still the same cheap #%@"*

what I don't understand is how do you guys go into a reatauraunt leave very little or no tip and not feel bad.

I hope that none of y'all return to those restauraunts after doing waiters/waitresses like that because they will remember you as that dude who left asmall or no tip. If you thought the service wasn't good before don't even imagine how it would be after you left a horrible or no tip

anytime I go to a restaurant I leave a tip according to how good the service was. If you were absolutely awful and horrible you'll still get 15% from meand my friends. If you are a great server you'll get anywhere from 25-50% tip from us

Me and most of my friends have worked or curreny work off tips so when we get good service we definately appreciate it and take care of the server. Most timeswe go out to eat to say maybe a chillis or TGIF

The entrees usually anywhere from 9-12 dollars plus drinks, so if there's 4 of us eating our bill will come out to about 55 with tax. 20 percent is aboutan 11 dollar tip. That means we each throw in 16.50 each. But let's be serious. Whose going to have exact change like that. We all got a dollar bill fromthe ATM. Most of us aren't going to want out 3.50 cent change so we almost always just throw in 20 each on a 55 bill and leave a 25 dollar tip(45%) if youwere a good server. Which happens almost all the time. I rarely get bad service at restaurants.
Get a better job, or complain to your employer.

It is funny, when the meal is over, and the waiter(s) get that sad puppy dog look on their face.
Originally Posted by dream5hift

As a waiter, we have to take order, bring out food and drinks, check if you need any refills or anything else, give bill, and clean up table(a lot of people make a mess). Isn't that hard work too?

@ dude calling that "hard work"
Originally Posted by EastCoastPapi

what type of rest. do u work at???

I always tip at least 15% no matter what...
but waiters stay off that you owe me big tip type *+%..
IMO a lot of waiters are garbage too. not helpful, not friendly, or give u attitudes if you want a refill.

DAMN HOMIE... i never got it rough like that.. but waiting tables can be a good source of income if your in school or planning on your next come up.

...trust me man.. i know alot of nt'ers that be swelling on how much they tip.

i saw one on saturday come into my place and tip my friend...$4 on 45 tab.

I love when the "tipping" topic comes up. The responses people give really gives a clear indication as to who is immature/young/idiotic/classless.

It amazes me that these people have friends.
took a group of people out to dinner once and the service was terrible, we had to flag down other waiters to get refills, chick brought out the wrong order, sopretty much anything that could go wrong she did
time to leave the tip and i put down bout 20$ and was getting ready to leave. people were like nawthat's too much for the service. i just blew it off and plus she'd seen the tip already, my brother was like "naw F___ that!!" and grabbedthe 20. we're all walking out and she grabs my arm and asked where her tip was?? everybody started
and we walked out. people are bold at times.

anyway tho i do tip, i believe in being generous cuz i know people can be rude or unappreciative to waiters
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