Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by MrWavez

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Wale got flow and I went to his show in ATL at the same venue Drake performed at and i'll tell you that Wale didn't fill that place anywhere NEAR how drake had people hanging on to whatever real estate they could find on the floor.

Was that really neccessary?

Think about Jay-Z...dude isn't the best person to make rap music...some of his rhymes are down right elementary..
Care to point some of those out?

Hov fanboys still out in full effect.

Hov can't have ANY mediocre raps on here, he can't lose ANY battles, can do NO wrong

Way to generalize...dudes can't have a real convo out here without getting the "fanboy" label put on him. I just asked a simple question. I never said that he didn't have any mediocre raps...I just asked him what he thought was "elementary". If you can't answer the question why bother?
Dude I think T.I. is one of the greatest rappers ever just because of WHAT THE MAN SAYS. Its crazy. positive or not. Its just how it puts wordstogether thats just crazy to me. Thats what rap is. Using lyricism to communicate in a new way... a way that the average man can't do. Its poetry. Prose.Et Cetera...figure it out...That being said, TI has had whack rhymes before. So has Drake. And so has Jay-Z. You're itching to be labeled as a herb forthinking otherwise. No one has 100% perfect rhymes. Ya'll can look at Wayne for an example if ya'll wanna debate that...but you know what? He's ontop. Point made. There are gray areas in the world especially when it comes to music instead of everything being black or white. Learn to ID them instead ofmaking a point not even you can support. Unless I'm speaking to Jay-Z himself (who i'm presuming is too busy making perfect raps for you to give 11/10sor smashing Beyaki)...Instead of asking whether or not I can answer the question, why don't you ask a question worth asking of actual content and worth toadd to the convo instead of making up lame "got'cha" questions that you, yourself don't even believe. Isn't it finals time or something?I'm sure you have a paper to do instead of inciting really...really... awkward comments.
Ok...I just asked to point out some elementary raps...I really didn't ask about all that other stuff.

Isn't it finals time or something? I'm sure you have a paper to do instead of inciting really...really... awkward comments.
I'm a college graduate sir. Sorry.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Dude I think T.I. is one of the greatest rappers ever just because of WHAT THE MAN SAYS. Its crazy. positive or not. Its just how it puts words together thats just crazy to me. Thats what rap is. Using lyricism to communicate in a new way... a way that the average man can't do. Its poetry. Prose. Et Cetera...figure it out...That being said, TI has had whack rhymes before. So has Drake. And so has Jay-Z. You're itching to be labeled as a herb for thinking otherwise. No one has 100% perfect rhymes. Ya'll can look at Wayne for an example if ya'll wanna debate that...but you know what? He's on top. Point made. There are gray areas in the world especially when it comes to music instead of everything being black or white. Learn to ID them instead of making a point not even you can support. Unless I'm speaking to Jay-Z himself (who i'm presuming is too busy making perfect raps for you to give 11/10s or smashing Beyaki)...Instead of asking whether or not I can answer the question, why don't you ask a question worth asking of actual content and worth to add to the convo instead of making up lame "got'cha" questions that you, yourself don't even believe. Isn't it finals time or something? I'm sure you have a paper to do instead of inciting really...really... awkward comments.


Drake will always have the upperhand no matter what: he sings to appeal to women, isn't a bad rapper, and is known to rap and run with lil wayne. You CANNOT lose with that hand. Hell, look at kid cudi, imo slim is mediocre rapper at best but he sings to add another element, and having kanye backing youdoesn't hurt either.
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Right...why's this guy so angry?

I only bring peace and prosperity brother
I just raped my Behaviorial Neuroscience test and felt like I could do what I wanted to...

and thats how i feel.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

These Drake post are getting annoying now

and no im not a hater.i like dude music a lot but every other day there's a new post?

Most overrated rapper on this site... Drake is nice but people need to seriously hop off.
I check the official drake post every couple of days and No offense optimus but you a drake stan.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by MrWavez

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Wale got flow and I went to his show in ATL at the same venue Drake performed at and i'll tell you that Wale didn't fill that place anywhere NEAR how drake had people hanging on to whatever real estate they could find on the floor.

Was that really neccessary?

Think about Jay-Z...dude isn't the best person to make rap music...some of his rhymes are down right elementary..
Care to point some of those out?

Hov fanboys still out in full effect.

Hov can't have ANY mediocre raps on here, he can't lose ANY battles, can do NO wrong

Way to generalize...dudes can't have a real convo out here without getting the "fanboy" label put on him. I just asked a simple question. I never said that he didn't have any mediocre raps...I just asked him what he thought was "elementary". If you can't answer the question why bother?
Dude I think T.I. is one of the greatest rappers ever just because of WHAT THE MAN SAYS. Its crazy. positive or not. Its just how it puts words together thats just crazy to me. Thats what rap is. Using lyricism to communicate in a new way... a way that the average man can't do. Its poetry. Prose. Et Cetera...figure it out...That being said, TI has had whack rhymes before. So has Drake. And so has Jay-Z. You're itching to be labeled as a herb for thinking otherwise. No one has 100% perfect rhymes. Ya'll can look at Wayne for an example if ya'll wanna debate that...but you know what? He's on top. Point made. There are gray areas in the world especially when it comes to music instead of everything being black or white. Learn to ID them instead of making a point not even you can support. Unless I'm speaking to Jay-Z himself (who i'm presuming is too busy making perfect raps for you to give 11/10s or smashing Beyaki)...Instead of asking whether or not I can answer the question, why don't you ask a question worth asking of actual content and worth to add to the convo instead of making up lame "got'cha" questions that you, yourself don't even believe. Isn't it finals time or something? I'm sure you have a paper to do instead of inciting really...really... awkward comments.


Why are you acting like if we posted some wack Jay @%*+, that you would be on that "oh, aight, yea that was pretty mediocre".
You KNOW you posed that question to defend whatever verse he posted.

When someone says "Yea Jay has some mediocre @%*+", if you're saying anything OTHER than "yea", then you're automaticallydisagreeing. So save that.

Like seriously... Jay can't have mediocre verses anymore?*%** outta here with that
calm down sir. Ya'll doing too much of an analysis here. I'msorry. You're right. Jay has wack bars. I apologize...won't happen again sir.
wale needs to drop new music;
but still
100miles&runnin'>mixtape about nothing.
comebackseason>so far gone..

Originally Posted by RIPyzyz

I check the official drake post every couple of days and No offense optimus but you a drake stan.
exactly.. dude is dangling from Drake's nutsthroughout that thread
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Wale is a better lyricist, BUT...

Drake's flow is impeccable, and he has superior production.

also, Drake just straight up makes better music.
Drake's flow is better, but I don't dig dude's voice. I dunno.

Wale > Drake for the simple fact dude will drop Saved By The Bell, Madden, sports references, all sorts of pop culture in his lines.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Wale is a better lyricist, BUT...

Drake's flow is impeccable, and he has superior production.

also, Drake just straight up makes better music. Wale certainly has some heat, but for the most part he doesn't bring the fire like Drake.
and this isn't related to their quality as artists, but Drake has a lot more going for him. the connection to Wayne is huge, as is his R&B appeal with the females.
a connection to Jay-Z isn't huge?
/\ Wale doesn't really have a connection to Jay-Z. He keeps running around talking about this Roc Nation thing but nobody really knows what that is. If youask the average listener about Drake...or even Cudi...they're going to say "Oh, that's Wayne/Kanye's artist". That's a majorconnection.
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