Walmart security guard shoots 'shoplifting' mother dead in parking lot as she tries to escape with t

But wouldn't protecting himself be to shoot the driver?

How do you know he wasn't aiming for the driver and just missed? Police officers' aim is always a hot-button topic here on NT.

*How many shots were fired?
Y'all realize she (the shoplifting mother) was the PASSENGER, so the whole narrative of his deadly force being used against her to protect his own life doesn't even add up. He would have shot the driver if that was the case.
And as much as NT talks about and glorifies stealing, funny to see all you dudes in here advocating this egregious overuse of force. I hope Holiday Inn shoots y'all *** the next time y'all leave with their monogrammed towels.
At the passenger? Yea that makes sense

That's all I've been saying. This is the passenger that got shot. What real THREAT did she pose ? & if he had enough time to get between the passenger and the door he had enough time to shoot the tires.
But wouldn't protecting himself be to shoot the driver?
And that's ignoring this happened in Texas, where Law Enforcement and regular citizens alike all just cherrypick for the tiniest of situations to escalate so they can shoot people and claim it's justified.

but wouldn't not trying to steal AGAIN from Walmart have avoided this?
But wouldn't protecting himself be to shoot the driver?
And that's ignoring this happened in Texas, where Law Enforcement and regular citizens alike all just cherrypick for the tiniest of situations to escalate so they can shoot people and claim it's justified.

That's all hindsight though. I'm sure if he could, he'd take the bullet back if he knew it was going to kill the thief. NEVERTHELESS, if he truly felt like he was threatened, then yeah, I would argue that he was justified.

Whether or not there should be this many trigger-happy people with guns is another issue.

auto correct relax

I was playin'. :lol: :tongue:
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deadly force is warranted over stealing walmart merchandise? taking someone's life is okay because they stole something? wow, ignorance :smh:

Stop downplaying it.

Property is property, even if it's cheap Walmart merchandise. There is an entire field of law dedicated to it because of how important it is to people.

I'm not saying she deserved to die. But you can't **** with people's ****. Especially people with guns.

what do you mean downplaying it. What about the thread where the black dude's clothes were getting ripped off and dude was biting him for a snickers bar? People were saying the shop owners were using too much force. This woman's was shot to death for some walmarts merchandise.
what do you mean downplaying it. What about the thread where the black dude's clothes were getting ripped off and dude was biting him for a snickers bar? People were saying the shop owners were using too much force. This woman's was shot to death for some walmarts merchandise.

by her own decisions
It's less of an option than shooting an actual person in the car?
I swear some of y'all have no regard for human life...:lol: x :smh:
Again with that "she put herself in that situation" argument.
If y'all really believe that, then it's fair to state that the security guard put himself in the very situation "where he feared for his life." He had four opportunities to fall-back, but he persisted on and put himself in a dangerous situation. Can we say that he deserved everything he got then? NO, so enough with that silly point y'all keep making.
Standard procedure while being under employment for Walmart, where there is a code of conduct for his position, would have been to let them go and alert the proper authorities-- ON-DUTY officers.
Remember, he was working at Walmart in an OFF-DUTY capacity, where he was contractually obligated to follow the rules and regulations dictated by management for his position, which in many way states that he should NOT have pursued them because of safety and liability issues. If he got hurt, he could have sued Walmart (though I doubt Walmart would be liable because he broke procedure by going after them).
He shouldn't have gone after them--that's the crux of this, plain and simple, because it's stipulated by his job position.

LOL stop please, how many times do people have to tell you, he is an OFFICER, not just a walmart employee. Why else would walmart hire proper officers during this time in one of the worst Walmarts in Houston. He has his rights to use force because he is not simply a security guard, but a OFFICER.
:lol: @ "he should've shot the tires".

These hood boogers stole, smacked a cop with a purse, and then tried to run him over and y'all fools are really on their side?

**** outta here.
Another thing brought up is the officer may have shot the woman, but that was a split second decision. That shooting alone was not the sole cause of her death, but the choice to flea the scene in which people are saying they woman was in the right cause "all" she did was shoplift.

They had to have done something else, threaten the officer, endanger his life, have something in the car, etc. to not stop the car immediately and call for assistance, especially with 2 young children in the car.
what do you mean downplaying it. What about the thread where the black dude's clothes were getting ripped off and dude was biting him for a snickers bar? People were saying the shop owners were using too much force. This woman's was shot to death for some walmarts merchandise.

But that's what I'm saying. People should understand that property, no matter what it is, has meant enough to people to kill over it for as long as mankind has existed.

Yeah, this translates to some very sick and tragic circumstances. But this is what happens. Don't steal other people's property.
:lol: @ "he should've shot the tires".
These hood boogers stole, smacked a cop with a purse, and then tried to run him over and y'all fools are really on their side?
**** outta here.

the whole trying to run him over excuse has been debunked. Only way a cop should draw a weapon and fire in public is if their life is in danger. Getting hit by a purse from a woman is not life threatening. She should have kept her *** out of Walmart but deadly force was unnecessary. **** outta here with the illogical thinking. No Walmart merchandise has more value than a human life.
No trial, no jury, straight capital punishment

I didn't say that. I hope he gets punished to the furthest extent of the law... whether or not he did something wrong is another question that I am not going to answer [because I don't have an accurate record of what actually happened].

I'm just saying, as many have. Don't steal property and you won't run the risk of being shot at.
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the whole trying to run him over excuse has been debunked. Only way a cop should draw a weapon and fire in public is if their life is in danger. Getting hit by a purse from a woman is not life threatening. She should have kept her *** out of Walmart but deadly force was unnecessary. **** outta here with the illogical thinking. No Walmart merchandise has more value than a human life.
you'll be surprised.
[h1]Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede.[/h1]
anywho either way both sides will get scrutinize, but that's the ****ed up life we live in 
Care to explain?

1.He shot the passenger who was not driving

2. He was said to have been in between the car door and the passenger side (he opened up the car door from what I read, so he ran up to the car to try and stop them from driving off). To get ran over he would have to have been in front, or behind the car.
you'll be surprised.

[h1]Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede.[/h1]

anywho either way both sides will get scrutinize, but that's the ****ed up life we live in 

but the million dollar question is... is there any evidence of her stealing.... surely if seconds after kat williams slapped a target employee... they by now could have reviewed tapes to see if she even did the alleged crime...
1.He shot the passenger who was not driving

2. He was said to have been in between the car door and the passenger side (he opened up the car door from what I read, so he ran up to the car to try and stop them from driving off). To get ran over he would have to have been in front, or behind the car.
you forgot having the door open. so when she reverse he was behind that open door. so you get the point. 

unless I didn't read it correctly 
Care to explain?

1.He shot the passenger who was not driving

2. He was said to have been in between the car door and the passenger side (he opened up the car door from what I read, so he ran up to the car to try and stop them from driving off). To get ran over he would have to have been in front, or behind the car.

Wait, so YOU debunked it without even seeing the video?!?!?


absolutely deplorable. ive read the entire article and every page in this thread, disgusting how some of yall think. cosigning with what homie said. if it was one of YOUR relatives a whole different tune would be sung.
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