Washington Wizards 2012-2013 Season Thread - Thanks for a great year!

Will the Washington Wizards make the playoffs this year?

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Ernie strikes again.

I don't care how much you disliked Crawford, he was worth more than NOTHING.  How do you have multiple suitors for a player with a limited, but useful skill set and come away with nothing more than an expiring contract?  It's not like Crawford was overpaid, either.  

What's up, Ted?  You really think if you squeeze your pennies hard enough they'll turn into diamonds? 

Just awful. 
Ted need to sell the team if he's gonna continue to keep Ernie around. The joke never ends. And your correct how do we trade Crawford for nothing? He was the teams leading scorer!
Jason Collins???
Jason Collins A 34 year old who hasn’t averaged more than 3 points a game in EIGHT YEARS
Anyone actually like making a move for Maynor?

I love the kid...but that is because i went to Drexel....and he played at VCU which was in the colonial conference so i got to watch him live in college....and of course what he did to duke lol.

I concur. I like Maynor a lot, maybe I'm biased as I went to VCU and used to play with him at Siegel and Cary. His floater was top notch and he won a lot of games for VCU.

His perormance in the 2007 CAA Championship game against Mason was legendary. Final 2 minutes were some of the best basketball I've ever seen live.

The Wizards front office is the gift that keeps on giving. I thought the Josh Howard deal was horrendous.....now we are trading for guys who can't even play!? Turrrrrrible. The trading deadline is always a dark dark time in the District. :smh:

Headed to Philly tomorrow and have to sell these tickets to the Rockets game. If anyone is interested hit me up, not looking to make any money.....I'll sell them for what I paid.
What the ****.

I'm not the biggest Crawford fan, but seriously? He is only in his 3rd year and he was having his best season as a pro.. there is no way he should have been traded for basically nothing in return. We got an unproductive player with a blown ACL and another garbage big man.. that's it, no draft picks or anything..

I can't even be mad, this is just another sign that Grunfeld and Leonsis are completely unaware. Like seriously, I'm starting to think they don't even care about basketball/only follow the NBA casually.

I can just imagine them on the golf course.. "Hey Ernie, what do you think I should do with that basketball team I own" "I don't know Ted, how about we trade that one dude for that other dude?" "Ehh sure, why not"
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Damn Jordan gone for nothing?

He was aspiring to be better than MJ tho

Looking back I would be glad if we at least came away Redick, my dream scenario was we get Ed Davis from the grizzlies I love that dude
So we get no back up PG......

We have a legit....our offense is looking back....put in the scorer....type guy in crawford....traded for nothing. This move is really frustrating because there are teams out there that need a guy like Jordan. He was a good bargaining chip i thought. I would have been content to even get Fab Melo and barbosa. I know that would have never worked anyway since we can't develop young talent....ever....but at least id be more optimistic we got a "project" type player.
Washington could've / should've got more back in return for Crawford... Before Wall came back he was putting up some of his best numbers & he's still young. The Wizards should've made a push to get more back before trading him away.

in a tweet from Michael Lee “feels like so many of the #wizards trades in recent years have been to just get rid of somebody, not to actually get somebody”
Well, damn....

But let me paint you the bloody truth about Crawford and why this deal was bound to happen: he was the laziest defender on the roster, the one who didn't give a flying f*** about winning, or team chemistry. You can let someone like Monta Ellis or Deron Williams get away with behavior like that. But not Jordan Crawford.

Or how about this nugget (which you'll see itself play out in the upcoming year):Crawford was sabotaging Bradley Beal from becoming the leader of the Wizards.

Beal, who let's remember is still 19, effectively bossed around older players at Florida last season, and the Gators began to click. He's a much more cerebral leader and speaker than John Wall, who would gladly hand the authoritative keys to Beal. Here's the thing: Wall wasn't around for the first few months of the season and at the exact same time Crawford was flourishing (averaged 19.1 ppg in December) and Beal was sputtering. Crawford acted like the alpha dog and wasn't welcoming to Beal. Randy Wittman idiotically let this situation continue to play out, delaying Beal's emergence and giving false hope to Wizards fans about Crawford's fools gold appeal.

Now Beal won't feel like he's stepping on anybody's toes. Using one of Crawford's old quotes, "people gravitate towards me," is actually true in a good way about Beal. Without Crawford snorting laughter in the background and undermining any type of serious approach to basketball, Wizards fans are about to meet the real Bradley Beal.

Rest of Article in Link
*Waits for Crawford to have a big scoring game with the Celtics and everyone blame the Wizards for "lack of player development*
cant wait!
Oh trust me...neither can I.

Because when his true nature rears it's head and we all realize it wasn't "player development"...I'll just sit back and wait for the "What can the Celtics get for Jordan Crawford?" post.

See: Nick Young
Look on the bright side! At least the front office didn't throw in two draft picks or include Beal in the package! This was minor!!!!!!!!
If we started like this from the beginning, we would have made playoffs and made some noise there too.   
Bradley Beal has completely exceeded my expectations. If we would've gotten a contributor with our pick last year we would have a nice squad.
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