We in an Ice Age.

I'll take the heat over the cold every damn day and twice on Sundays.
Plus summer is better to look at womenz.
It is getting relatively warmer, but this past week in Northeastern Pennsylvania (pocono/scranton) it was about 5-10 degrees out.

Weather app said "feels like 0" 

It really doesn't bother me now honestly.  Get the right clothing and you will be fine.  Layering is probably the most important aspect to cold weather dressing.

I know homies that rock the beards and whatnot during the winter months and say it helps.

Keep the lips and face moisturized or they will take a beating. 

We were in the high 60s this weekend where I live. It's literally rained only like 5/6 times since fall here, pretty unusual.
Snowed 2 days ago. Freezing rain tonight. Going to be 65 on Wednesday. Snow again this coming Friday. Gotta love Maryland 
two major east coast hurricanes this year.
yall thought sandy was a diva.

stay away summer.
i never thought i would say that 32 degrees feels good compared to the weather from the past week in ny :lol:
I'm in lakeland fl for a couple of weeks and it's going to hit 80 today. I left South Carolina on Friday right as freezing rain started coming down.. Wearing shorts :pimp: summer is too damb hot down here tho.
wish it was an ice age down here in Austin,Tx.... its january and im wearing tank tops and shorts everywhere. feels good but id like cold weather during the winter lol
snows 3 inches last night, today is not 40 degrees and raining and foggy outside

tomorrow its gonna be 50+

then gonna be in the 20s again and snow

i want it to be spring alrready
15 degrees right now. Have about 4 inches of snow and still coming down. 
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