Cap is OP. He has no weaknesses.


And by the way yall dudes talking Cap vs Batman, I hope yall understand that only MCU or Ultimate Cap would ever win in a decisive landslide.

Comics Cap is peak human.

Batfleck was willing to kill in BvS so he might have the advantage against DD. i give it to him off the brutality anyway.
I thought the same until I remembered DD was killing and willing to kill all the end of S2 :lol:
yea dare devil has no chance

hands or not

batman with his big metal fist are punching right through that boney blind dudes body

he would crush that bike helmet noggin of his
When did Batffleck get a metal fist? :lol:
What would it take, how much would it take, more importantly, how much would it MAKE, to get...

Iron Man, Batman, Superman, Cap, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Thor, Spiderman, Wolverine, Punisher, Daredevil, Black Panther, Flash, Winter Soldier, AntMan, Aquaman, Elektra, Black Widow, Joker, Harley, Thanos, Loki, Bane, Riddler, etc all into one film?

Could all the studios/actors/actresses etc sit down and put out a 3 hour film with all the characters, all known, show up and unite on screen? I mean, it would make billions of dollars worldwide, IMO, there'd be enough for everyone.

*(I know it will never happen in reality, just what are the obstacles that would need to be overcome to even make an attempt at it?) Could it be a simple two studios meet and agree on a percentage and they begin bringing in actors/actresses etc and hire directors, blah blah blah?)
Easy if Disney just buys all of WB.

As far as a deal close to impossible. Disney seems to want no sort of lengthy dealings with another conglomerate in this capacity. It wouldn't even be about Marvel and DC willing to work together. The lawyers would just make it clear about who would earn what and when. Then it gets complicated for blu-Ray and dvd.

I don't think the same sort of Sony deal could be in that instance.
And by the way yall dudes talking Cap vs Batman, I hope yall understand that only MCU or Ultimate Cap would ever win in a decisive landslide.

Comics Cap is peak human.

Nobody is talking about the comics.
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i find it hilarious warner brothers can make money off of two of disney's biggest brands, star wars and marvel comics, but they cant come together for an epic movie
....So not really MCU related but one of the animation leads who worked on Uncharted 4 for Naughty Dog is working on the Spidey PS4 title

Can't wait for more info to drop so I can make this damn thread already
There has been a noticeable and growing divide between the television and movie corners of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Kevin Feige was able to break away from the creative committee, mainly Ike Perlmutter, that granted him a new position of power in the MCU. While this may be a good thing for casting and giving fans the best movies possible, it has so far meant that there is little chance that a character from Netflix, ABC, or possibly even the recently announced Runaways series for Hulu, could appear on the big screen.

Not only is this divide noticeable in terms of the content and what properties affect the others, it has become an issue with actors hoping to join the MCU. As it appears, one actor has turned down a role on the television side in hopes that he could get a role on the big screen instead.

Giancarlo Esposito, who is best known for his role in Breaking Bad, was recently interviewed by Comicbook about his involvement with The Jungle Book, another Disney property. As it turns out, he was approached by Marvel TV not too long ago about a role, but once he figured out he would not be able to make it onto the big screen, passed on the role:

“I know the Marvel world exists on the Disney lot. I love those guys at Marvel. We’ve been trying to figure out how to collaborate on something. I’m hoping that it is something. They came to me with something for their television department, then I realized if I did that, I’d never be able to have that same character be in that film department. Once you’re in a Marvel character in the television version, you have to stay in the particular character. They can’t carry that over to film.”

Marvel Logo Marvel Movie TV Split Had Giancarlo Esposito Pass on MCU Role
If Esposito is interested in a role, Marvel Studios could come calling sooner rather than later. There are no shortage of characters that could be popping up between now, the end of Phase 3, and beyond. So it is possible that Esposito could be the perfect fit for one of them.

The biggest takeaway from this should be how the divide looks to be negatively affecting the television side in more ways than one. If top talent such as Esposito are deliberately turning down roles on TV because they know the characters won’t appear in the movies, then the likes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will never get those big name actors that could really elevate the show as a whole. Hopefully Disney and Marvel Entertainment are able to figure ways around this so that both the movies and TV content in the MCU can reach their full potential.

I think people are over playing this so called beef and tension. I think there just hasn't been any crossover because the MCU is already planned out and isn't really much room for them unless they bring SHIELD back in the MCU
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There has been a noticeable and growing divide between the television and movie corners of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Kevin Feige was able to break away from the creative committee, mainly Ike Perlmutter, that granted him a new position of power in the MCU. While this may be a good thing for casting and giving fans the best movies possible, it has so far meant that there is little chance that a character from Netflix, ABC, or possibly even the recently announced Runaways series for Hulu, could appear on the big screen.

Not only is this divide noticeable in terms of the content and what properties affect the others, it has become an issue with actors hoping to join the MCU. As it appears, one actor has turned down a role on the television side in hopes that he could get a role on the big screen instead.

Giancarlo Esposito, who is best known for his role in Breaking Bad, was recently interviewed by Comicbook about his involvement with The Jungle Book, another Disney property. As it turns out, he was approached by Marvel TV not too long ago about a role, but once he figured out he would not be able to make it onto the big screen, passed on the role:

“I know the Marvel world exists on the Disney lot. I love those guys at Marvel. We’ve been trying to figure out how to collaborate on something. I’m hoping that it is something. They came to me with something for their television department, then I realized if I did that, I’d never be able to have that same character be in that film department. Once you’re in a Marvel character in the television version, you have to stay in the particular character. They can’t carry that over to film.”

Marvel Logo Marvel Movie TV Split Had Giancarlo Esposito Pass on MCU Role
If Esposito is interested in a role, Marvel Studios could come calling sooner rather than later. There are no shortage of characters that could be popping up between now, the end of Phase 3, and beyond. So it is possible that Esposito could be the perfect fit for one of them.

The biggest takeaway from this should be how the divide looks to be negatively affecting the television side in more ways than one. If top talent such as Esposito are deliberately turning down roles on TV because they know the characters won’t appear in the movies, then the likes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will never get those big name actors that could really elevate the show as a whole. Hopefully Disney and Marvel Entertainment are able to figure ways around this so that both the movies and TV content in the MCU can reach their full potential.


If this keeps happening, Ike will have no choice but to allow full on cross stuff with the movie guys.
Eh, I'd much rather Giancarlo as a villain in a movie than wasting time on AoS.

Not sure anything is ruined for fans yet.

The main problem is the shared universe not connecting. We're not getting the flow back to where if somebody shows up on a show we can get excited about them showing up in a movie or vice versa.

It's taking a bit too long for that to happen unlike when Fury was showing up in all the post credits.
I think people are over playing this so called beef and tension. I think there just hasn't been any crossover because the MCU is already planned out and isn't really much room for them unless they bring SHIELD back in the MCU

Films get planned out years in advance, TV is plotted out months -- sometime just weeks in advance. It'll probably create a real creative strain to have all these characters intersecting on regular basises

I'm fine with things how they are tbh
I think people are over playing this so called beef and tension. I think there just hasn't been any crossover because the MCU is already planned out and isn't really much room for them unless they bring SHIELD back in the MCU

Films get planned out years in advance, TV is plotted out months -- sometime just weeks in advance. It'll probably create a real creative strain to have all these characters intersecting on regular basises

I'm fine with things how they are tbh

I'm pretty fine with things the way they are except I don't see how it would hurt to have cameos here and there.

Example. Daredevil being Cap's lawyer for 2 minutes
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Because Norton came from a wealthy family and is very smart and thinks he runs the show everywhere he goes. And Marvel didn't want to deal with his ego or desire to rewrite their scripts.
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