Because Norton came from a wealthy family and is very smart and thinks he runs the show everywhere he goes. And Marvel didn't want to deal with his ego or desire to rewrite their scripts.

is that really it or is that one side of the story?

imo id think marvel probably tried to lowball him on the money side
I always wondered how Norton Hulk would've fared in the MCU universe [emoji]129300[/emoji]

would have been flames.

not sure why they picked ruffalo

I don't think they agreed on pay. I'm guessing Ed Norton got undercut and Ruffalo came cheaper. I remember something about his agent tweeting out that they didn't know he wasn't going to be in Avengers until after Ruffalo was announced.

Everyone but RDJ was getting sub million contracts. Years after he came out with the Joaquin Phoenix-type statement talmbout he wasn't sure he could keep up with the long-term commitment. It's a shame though. The Incredible Hulk is still one of my favorite CBM's. :smh:
IH is one of those films that I continually forget is even in the MCU

There was nothing bad with the movie but out of 13 movies (I think it's 13 movies) might not be in my top ten.

Definitely not dead last though (that'd be IM3 for me)
I always figured it was the money / ego thing with Norton.

It's funny how RDJ was a throw in deal and basically became the face of the franchise
I can't really picture Norton sharing the screen with the other stars.
I keep seeing this but Norton has been a part of so many star studded ensemble casts and still shined before and after. What movies yall watching with him?

Most recently being Moonrise Kingdom and Grand Budapest Hotel.

He's been the best Banner we got in film.

Now the funny thing is Ruffalo has portrayed Banner only 3 times since. 4th being Ragnarok.

Yeah the Avengers movies would've clashed with those other great movies he did but it hardly would've been some constant role he becomes trapped in.

If anything in wondering if he was told or flu d out there wouldn't be another solo Hulk movie for the foreseeable future. I figure he'd be pissed at that.

Also it seems that Marvel reply started the whole Norton isn't open to working with other stars or w/e bull **** stigma is now attached to a dude who steady thrives acting with other great and even more famous actors.
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When I watched Birdman I wondered if he was making light of his reputation by embracing and highlighting it as the character he played in it.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm a Norton fan and liked The Incredible Hulk a lot. It would be just different seeing him on screen with the others. :lol:
I would love to see him go back and forth with RDJR even as Banner.

Anyway, he's about to be in some movie with Will Smith, Keira Knightley, and Kate winslet where he ain't the star either.
If the tension between films and tv isn't as bad as reported then they need to work together eventually. How you gonna have everything connected but keep them separated? spiderman is in new york along with the defenders. They'll cross paths eventually.
Spiderman was mentioned in a radio broadcast in jessica jones right?
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Yes. But at the time of JJ's filming there really wasn't a rift. Just tension. From everything I read, ish went nuclear during the filming of Civil War. I also believe that's also when Marvel Studios had officially split from Marvel Entertainment. So the split is fairly recent and wouldn't reflect on anything we've watched.
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Been saying that for. Awhile in here. 2008 hulk was easily one of my fav marvel films to date. Possibly #3

Incredible Hulk is a Top 5 MCU film for me. Norton played the character perfectly (No surprise, seeing as he's a great actor). The fact I enjoyed it so much is honestly why i've been annoyed we've never gotten another Hulk film since. I'd given up on that character after that first travesty was released, but Marvel quickly came back with a film that washed away the stench the first one left behind.
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IH is incredibly average

Norton played an alright Banner. Nothing special about his performance. Ruffalo is whatever. He's just mot the scrawny Banner everybody wants
I. Dont know why people are hating on 08 hulk at all....is it because 8 years has passed and other movies have come out with better cgi??
Hulk had a good story, fun fights. What more did you want from the movie
Theyll recast banner if anything.

Im really not a fan of ruff doing hulk. He couldn't even play not wanting them scarjo yambs up.
That forced Bruce Banner/Black Widow love story is dumb as he'll. I've gotten used to Ruffalo even though I'm not the biggest fan of his take on Bruce Banner. Other than the solo, they've barely used Banner/Hulk in the MCU except for the big fights.
I. Dont know why people are hating on 08 hulk at all....is it because 8 years has passed and other movies have come out with better cgi??
Hulk had a good story, fun fights. What more did you want from the movie

Yep, as a film it was great. Only part where they screwed up is by not further connecting it to the MCU afterwards. Thunderbolt Ross appearing in Civil War is like one of the few times it's ever been referenced. I remember a few people in here weren't even aware that it was part of the MCU at all.

I liked Norton more, but i'm a fan of Ruffalo as well and don't mind him sticking around.
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