you think maybe norton takes over again one of these days? would be cool to see
Not likely. He's almost 50 and its still just ensemble roles in Avengers movies.

I don't see Norton being up for that.

Better chance he returned as a villain.
I. Dont know why people are hating on 08 hulk at all....is it because 8 years has passed and other movies have come out with better cgi??
Hulk had a good story, fun fights. What more did you want from the movie

Yep, as a film it was great. Only part where they screwed up is by not further connecting it to the MCU afterwards. Thunderbolt Ross appearing in Civil War is like one of the few times it's ever been referenced. I remember a few people in here weren't even aware that it was part of the MCU at all.

I liked Norton more, but i'm a fan of Ruffalo as well and don't mind him sticking around.

RDJ was also in the post-credit talking to General Ross.
Sony's breaking bread Marvel Studios. It's time for Universal to work something out with the Hulk. And Fox needs to let the Fantastic Four come home.
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Maybe I am misreading the relationship, but I don't think there's anything malicious between Universal and Marvel/Disney.

I figured it was Marvel/Disney doesn't want to share the money with Universal.

Anyways, here's what was shown at Comic Con:

Universal didn't let them do anything.

They only own distribution of the Hulk solo movies. Not the full film rights. If they did they could just make their own Hulk solo flick. Marvel doesn't want to share the wealth so they stopped doing solp flicks.

I imagine it's the same deal with Namor.
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Thor would've hit all of them with the hammer.

Dude needed to get out of the country since jane foster isn't around anymore.
"Thor Odinson" 
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