If I have to choose, it'd be Bucky. That's Cap's boyfriend.
I'd go with Bucky too. Just hope he wouldn't be sobbing over his lover half the time.

It'd be interesting to see how writers would pull off Bucky as Cap to the public or if he'd keep his secret if like in the comic until he got exposed.
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Just came out of the cinema. Ummm... I don't really know how I feel about this movie. Visuals are Stunning especially the last act/battle. But it didn't really "wow" me and I hate the ending for some reason.
REVIEW: Doctor Strange Fails To Live Up To MCU Standards


The story itself makes sense only in broad strokes. Try to pick out the particulars of Kaecilius’s plan, and you’ll be left with far more questions than answers. Though Mads is riveting in his creepy make-up and confident glowers, his villain goes the way of too many MCU baddies by being too vaguely realized in his emotions and backstory to have a powerful emotional impact. However, Mikkelsen’s wry humor honed over seasons of “Hannibal” comes in handy to deliver one of the film’s funniest moments, involving a nonchalant exchange that has a confused Kaecilius calling the titular hero “Mister Doctor.”

Unfortunately, this is one of the few jokes that work. Under the direction of Scott Derrickson (“Sinister”), “Doctor Strange” rejects the broader comedic moments of quips and pratfalls that the MCU has made part of its signature in favor of a dryer wit. Which would have been great, if it worked. As it was, joke after joke from Strange — including a run about people with solo names like Adele, Aristotle and Eminem — fell flat, leaving a cavernous silence in a theater where laughter was meant to be. This speaks to the central problem of “Doctor Strange”: Benedict Cumberbatch has been wildly, woefully miscast.
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Reviewer from a Forbes said Doctor Strange will remind you of Green Lantern :lol:
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The guy went on to say he didn't hate Green Lantern like most, but it definitely had its flaws...which is pretty much how I feel about GL.
I plan to watch this ridiculously baked, so ima need my second viewing will be the real review for me :lol:
Captain Bucky :smokin

An actual war hero we could stand behind!

Indeed, a man who won't act like the 1940s were perfect just because he was alive during that time period.

And Peter Parker was spot-on, that metal arm is cool as hell.
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I sense a ton of spoilers coming the next 6 days. Time to fade out.
But then again not sure i care about this movie enough
I was surprised by that. As far as I know he's always been fair when it comes to Marvel.

So that makes it unfair?

On the contrary. Mendelsohn's reviews hold weight with me. I enjoy his box office analysis articles and he always seemed to be a pro Marvel guy. It's likely I will disagree with his review but I won't bash him.
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I plan to watch this ridiculously baked, so ima need my second viewing will be the real review for me :lol:
Based on the footage I saw I don't recommend this at all, please bring a friend to calm you down.

:pimp: just purchased my tix for IMAX 3D in dublin(one of the few true IMAX screens in the U.S.) november 5th 1pm showing
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